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2000 points Night Lords Pride of the Legion


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Hi folks, I am looking to get into 30k very soon in order to build for a 2000 points (no primarchs) tournament in the summer. I'm quite interested in running sevatar and pride of the legion seems fairly decent with him. I've built a list here but what units have I missed that are really important? Or what units have I brought that aren't any good and I should drop?


Sevatar (Pride of the Legion)


5x Command Squad w/ 2 Power Weapons, 3 Power Fists = 170 (Sevatar here)

 - Land Riader Phobos w/ Extra Armour, Armoured Ceramite = 255


5 Legion Terminators (Cataphractii Axes) w/ Deep Strike, 5 Combi-Plasma, Power Fist = 230


5 Legion Terminators (Cataphractii Axes) w/ Deep Strike, 5 Combi-Plasma, Power Fist = 230


10 Veterans (Marksman) w/ Heavy flamer, 6x combi-flamer = 235

 - Rhino w/ Multi-Melta = 55


10 Veterans (Marksman) w/ Heavy flamer, 6x combi-flamer = 235

 - Rhino w/ Multi-Melta = 55


Whirlwind Scorpius


Legion Vindicator w/ Dozer Blade = 125


Legion Vindicator w/ Dozer Blade = 125


Army total  = 2000


Any comments appreciated.



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