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Terran Mechanicum


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So in Master of Mankind I swear there is a load of stuff about Terran aligned mechanicum that are in the Emperor's service, so wear a lot of gold along with their Martian red...


Do we have many examples of this?


Any other fluff supporting it?


Keen to theme my Ad Mech/ Mechanicum stuff around this :)

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It certainly makes sense.  A lot of people seem to forget that the Adeptus Mechanicus is a massive sprawling organization and there are tons of sub-factions and unique alliances within it.  Aside from the schism between the Dark Mechanicus and the loyalists, there are plenty of examples of this in the background, with a good example being the Moirae Schism which lead to a civil war and a uniquely founded Space Marine chapter (I'll let you guess which one that was) :D


In either case, it wouldn't surprise me at all to find a faction of AdMech that are loyal to the Emperor alone, probably venerating him as the living form of the Omnissiah.  While they would still maintain the holy Martian red in their livery, they would wear significantly larger amounts of gold and probably also bear eagles or Imperial symbols on their armour to bear respect to their patron.

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Pretty sure that's the only place the Unifiers have shown up. In a sense their ranks don't just include the Martian priesthood but also the Emperor's own scientists and apprentices. That means Terrans - heirs to stuff like the Terrawatt clan and the other Terran tech-savants - and probably elements descended from the non-mechanicum scientists of Luna, Saturn and other parts of the nascent imperium.


Regardless of their ideology, they definitely had the usual random assortment of Mechanicum flotsam and jetsam. I'm thinking here of where the Fabricator General say he'll have to put out a new call for Myrmidon war-cults to come lend their aid. That says that not every mechanicum warrior fighting in the webway particularly cared about the Emperor's 'Great Work'. That gives you room to have distinct parts of your force with less gold, I suppose.


I doubt the Unifiers as a significant body lasted past 30k though. After the heresy the Mechanicum did integrate more into the imperium as the AdMech but it also tightened the grip of Mars over all the disparate subfactions. Vel'Cona's idea is a good one but I'd be wary of drawing a too broad a direct line between the (fairly secret) 30k Unifiers and any layer body. Maybe some later techpriest rediscovered their writings and started afresh?

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Well it would be stuff to supplement my 30k Custodes/ Sisters really - so an army set in 30k, I'm manly hoping most if not all of the plastic kits just sort of get ported over when they do the martian civil war (book 10 at this rate aha)

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Well after the heresy we know what they look like...
Concept Artist Wil Rees who gave 40k a lot of it's initial look gave us images of the Techpriests who work on the Golden Throne



I'm planning to make a conversion of the chainsaw face guy, hopefully by getting the body and arms from a corpse cart driver and someones spare Draykavac head. I recently found an Interview with Wil Rees where he mentions the chainsaw face guy!


Even the chainsaws mounted to the Adeptus’ faceplates had a purpose. I always imagined them working in and around the emperor’s life support system. Every time one of his bio veins would rupture their order would be sent in to cut it away and replace it with a freshly engineered one. If you look in the background of the illustration I did of them, you can see a huge Adeptus with hydraulic arms lifting up the emperor’s bloated tech.  At the time I really wanted to return to the Adeptus to explore them in more detail.

So this is what the Terran Mechanicus who work on the Golden Throne are meant to look like! If you go with this then you'll want to consider Archmagos Draykavac or kitbashing the Magos Dominus with Spacewolf wolfskulls with bionics bits or following my plan. (if you find a source for the bits let me know!). I also recommend a Green Stuff tentacle-maker for all the ribbed cables you might need.

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I viewed them more as the remains of both the Emperor's scientific lords and the techno-barbarian clans like the Terrawatts and gene-forgers of Luna. So not actual Mechanicum in the main, but various groups that were gathered together by the Unification Wars.
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