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Alpha Legion 2500 Pts

major higgins

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I'm planning a completely new army, this is what I'm thinking about...




Sabotaur + Arteficer + Dagger + Combimelta 

Librarian + 2° Level + Arteficer + Refractor Field 



10 Lernaean Terminators + 2 Chainfist + 2 H Flamers 

1 Contemptor Cortus + Lascannon 

1 Contemptor Cortus + Lascannon 



10 Legionaries + Melta + P. Fist + P. Dagger + Vexilla 

Rhino + Dozer 


10 Legionaries + Melta + P. Fist + P. Dagger + Vexilla 

Rhino + Dozer 


10 Assault Legionaries + 2 Power Weapon + Power Fist + Melta B + Arteficer 



4 Outrider + Sgt + Power Maul + Melta B. + 2 Meltagun 



7 Iron Havocs + Missile L. + Augury Scanner   (Coils of the Hydra special)


Predator + H. Bolters + Machine Spirits + Hunter Killer 


Plan is simple: Move rhinos where I whish to put pressusre, or to diver attention, or to grab Objectives. If I was lucky enough to get Invisibility I will infiltrate the terminators and Dynat in the very centre, and assault marine will drop and put more pressure on enemy artillery/rapier ecc ecc. Predator/Contemptor and Iron Havocs for anti tank...


Suggestion or advise?

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Iron Havocs will count as an Elites choice in Coils, but first you need to drop one of the Consuls, as you aren't allowed more than 1 (except for Vigilators). You also cannot take individual meltaguns on the Outriders - it's the whole squad or none at all.


I'd use those points to make the Outrider a bigger squad. 9 of them, with 3 power axes, a power fist & dagger on the Sergeant, and an Apothecary. Add meltas bombs to them if your meta allows multi-bombing, otherwise don't bother.


The Cortus doesn't do well with ranged weapons. Better off giving them combat gear to match their special rules. A chainfist and 2 graviton guns is awesome value. Run them forward 1st Turn (with their overcharge) then get stuck in to their nastiest stuff 2nd Turn.


Rhinos work nicely with multi-meltas too.

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The predator doesn't seem to fit well with the rest of the list and it won't provide you with much anti tank. The cortus contemptors with a single TL lascannon isn't reliable anti tank either. 


I also don't think that the 10 assault marines will do much work for you, they can't charge on the turn they drop in and you have no other drop pods or deep striking units which means they will be isolated and most likely killed before they can assault anything.


My suggestions would be:


- swap the 10 assault marines for another tactical squad in a rhino

- drop the predator, drop 1 cortus dreadnought

- change the other cortus to chainfist/power fist, 2 grav guns, extra armour

- take a sicaran venator

- take a mortis dreadnought with 2x TL lascannons

- put multimeltas on your 3 rhinos


This will give you a bit of anti air and much more reliable anti tank, plus your rhino's have multimeltas. I think that the cortus is much better suited to an assault build, due to the benefits from the reactor and the fact that it has a lower BS. You can get it into assault on turn 1 if you're very lucky and the grav haywire means you can take hull points off big tanks before you charge them. I think it should leave you with about 30 points for a few other upgrades.


Those are just my suggestions to give your list a bit more bite, good luck :)

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