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2000 Pts Thousand Sons Orbital Assault


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After much fiddling about and cursing, i finally have my initial list worked out for my 30k Thousand Sons.
My local meta's fairly casuaI so I wanted to avoid the accusations of shenanigans that are being thrown at XVth Legion players atm, but at the same time, I want to make a force which can win games.

This is what I have for my first 2000 points:


Lv2, Raptora, Paragon Blade, Iron Halo, Arcane Litanies, Orbital Assault
Command Squad

5x men, Banner, Combat Shields, Combi-Meltas
Drop Pod
Osiron Contemptor

Pyrea, Kheres Assault Cannon, Graviton Gun

(there's some argument on whether he can upgrade the gun on his force blade, but my local players have agreed that I can)
Dreadnought Drop Pod
5X Cataphractii, Power Fists, Raptora
5X Cataphractii, Power Fists, Raptora
Tactical Squad
10 men, Raptora, vox, Seargent with Power Fist and Artificer,
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad 
10 men, Raptora, vox, Seargent with Power Fist and Artificer,
Drop Pod
Land Speeder
Multi-Melta, Graviton Gun
Land Speeder
Multi-Melta, Graviton Gun

2x Javelins with Cyclones and Multi-Meltas
What do you think? The aim was to make it fairly tough with the Raptora trait, but hard hitting. There's a fair amount of Warp Charges in there too (I count 7). The general aim is to get up in the opponents face and unleash hell, to help mitigate the very low number of bodies on the field.
The Osiron has Pyrae so he can fire Flame Breath, followed by his Kheres and Graviton on the turn he lands, which make for a rather nasty zone of death around him.
The Command Squad is there to snipe vehicles, as well as provide a 6 inch fearless bubble to help mitigate the effects of Signs & Portents.
Land Speeders and Javelins are obviously for mobile anti-tank, as well as giving me more units on the board turn 1 to avoid being tabled before my reserves arrive.
In an ideal world, I know that having an odd number of pods is generally better, but I didn't have the points. I'll fix that when I expand to 2500 :)
When the list expands, I'll also be replacing the Tacticals with Breachers, so I can get the rather tasty 5++/4++ invun. save. I'm toying with getting a Kharibdyss pod too, with a load of breachers inside.


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Ah, that's annoying, misread the Combi-Bolter line as Combi-Weapons. I'll probably just run Volkites on them for now.

As for the Breachers, Hadn't realised they didn't get Rhinos.The fluff for my company is that they specialise in assaulting orbital installations, so I'll try and find some way to get them in. That's for later though. Focussing on getting my inital 2000 points down first.

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