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Open ended points value Vlka Fenryka

Karack Blackstone

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Hello, unless there is a hard cap on Command squads, the VIth Legion should be able to go safely above the currently though of HQ limit cap of three HQ units.


Here's what I would build, some of it I have:




Aether rune armor

(Other options to taste)


Priest of Fenris: Speaker of the dead

( or, if able, start the HQ shenanigans with Command squads, 1 per further 1,000 points)


Command squad, take as many as needed, per possible option to just add more as the points go up



Tartaros TDA, up to 15, I may either use Cataphractii to up this;

2 Spartans available to me right now

I think I have about three to five contemptors



Here's my current points sink,

Grey slayers x 10, each with BG, BP, ccw and unbuilt WGPL (what is the 30k name?)


X 6 (60 grey slayers)


Fast Attack

Assault squads to taste (I will make my own packs of Mk. III with Mk. VII jump packs if I need to)


Heavy Support

Long Fangs x 3 packs, unsure of weapons and full pack load outs right now


Lord of War

Fell blade in production


A points total of all this, even a range, would help; also as hoped, one HQCommand squad per every 1,000 after say 2 or 3,000.


Thoughts, points total, and feedback please?


And Thanks, if anyone can help answer this question.


Edit: cap of points should be 8,000 seeing as three master of the legion HQ choices allow three Command squads, plus Russ, plus Wolfkin.

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