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3k WE list


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Hey everyone I am looking for some feedback on my 3k WE list.


Both from a fluffy and competitive standpoint would be very much appreciated.


Thanks again!





Crimson Path ROW



Khârn (Legacy of blood) 190 pts

(with a tac squad, apoth, in a Spartan)


Legion Chaplain 130 pts (With assault squad)

(Crozius Arcanum, Artificer armor, refractor field, jump pack, melta bombs, fear, zealot)



Apothecary x 3 (2 w/ artificer, 1 w/ jump pack) 170 pts


contempt mortis (2 x kheres assault cannon) 180 pts




Assault squad 15 x marines 1 x sgt 308 pts

(3 x power weapons, sgt w/ melta bombs, power weapon, artificer armor)


tactical squad 19 x marines 1 x sgt 305 pts

(chain axes, bolt pistols, sgt w/ powerfist, melta bombs, artificer armor)


tactical squad 19 x marines 1 x sgt 305 pts

(chain axes, bolt pistols, sgt w/ powerfist, melta bombs, artificer armor)


heavy support:


legion Spartan (armored ceramite, dozer blade, flare shield,  heavy bolter) 375 pts

legion Spartan (armored ceramite, dozer blade, flare shield,  heavy bolter) 375 pts

legion sicaran venator (armored ceramite, pintle twin linked bolter)



Typhon (armored ceramite, lascannon sponsons) 455 pts


3008 pts total





Have both Spartans loaded with a tact squad and a apothecary (one w/ Khârn) shoot up the board toward nasty units. Dred hunt with the 2 x kheres. Assault squad with chaplain maneuver on the outward edge hunting for back field heavy weapons teams, blob squads, infiltrators, support guys etc, Have the venator tie up a super heavy or destroy a medium vehicle.


typhon move up 6 next to the Spartans an hunt.


Assault when able.

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Here are a few suggestions:


- drop the heavy flamers on the spartans, you won't be able to fire them most of the time as you'll be moving (and you'll want to shoot one of lascannon sponsons) and the limited range of template weapons on tanks makes them a bit poor.

- Then you should be able to upgrade the cortus to a mortis contemptor, which will give you some anti air and better ranged support


Where are you planning to put the forge lord? I can't quite see how he fits in the list from a practical and fluff perspective. I'd go with the WE apothecary character (sarlac?) and drop one of the regular apothecaries. 


Good luck!

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Thanks a lot for the help. I just got a bunch of new models (red butchers) So I changed it again. But probably wouldnt be to fun for anyone playing me. Like showing up to a crab boil without shell crackers...


Here is the updated list. Less troops. But still would be fun.



3001 pt WE list

ROW Crimson Path




Khârn (legacy of blood) 190 pts





Apothecary detatchment 110 pts

2 x apothecaries

2 x artificer armor



Red Butchers 715 pts

5 x butchers 1 x devoured

5 x dual power axes

devoured w/ 2 x chain fists

transport - legion Spartan transport (armored ceramite, dozer blade, flare shield, lascannons, hull heavy bolter)




legion tactical squad 293 pts

18 x marines 1 x sgt

chainaxes/bolt pistols

additional ccw's

legion vexilla

sergeant w/ artificer, melta, powerfist


legion tactical squad 293 pts

18 x marines 1 x sgt

chain axes, bolt pistols

additional ccw's

legion vexilla

sergeant w/ artificer, melta b, power fist


Heavy support:


Legion Spartan 375 pts

armored ceramite, doxer blade, flare shield, lascannons, heavy bolter


legion Spartan 375 pts

armored ceramite, dozer blade, flare shield, lascannons, heavy bolter


sicaran venator 215 pts

armored ceramite, pintle twin linked bolter, pintle heavy bolter




Legion typhon siege tank 435 pts

armored ceramite, heavy bolter sponsons





Have three Spartans rush forward, Butchers in the middle one, Khârn in one with apothecary and tacticals, apothecary and tacticals in other one. Typhon and venator go hunting large targets. Assault when able.

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