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2500 Thousand Sons, No LoW


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After a test game i think i have finally settled on a list


I wanted something a bit fluffy, not completely overpowered but also competitive to be used in both 30k and 40k.



 - Pride of the Legion

Command Squad (5 Marines)

 - ML2, Volkite Chargers, Combat Shields

Contemptor Dread

 - ML1, Plasma Cannon, Aether-fire


2 Cortus Dreads

 - Twin Volkite Chargers

10 Scarab Terminators

 - Raptora Cult


2 Veteran Squads (10 Marines)

 - Corvide Cult & Marksmen

 - ML1, Asphyx Shells, Rhino


2 Sicaran Battle Tanks

 - Sponson Heavy Bolters, Pintle Heavy Bolter


2 Vindicators

 - Laser destroyers



At 1st I was a bit concerned with the lack of AA, but with the amount of twin-linked shots, i should be able to get a few hits on any fliers.


I dont really know what to do with the command squad. I really like the idea of having them escort Arhiman, but they are very expensive points wise and i dont think they really add much. If i was going to drop any unit it would be these guys, but i really want to use them.


I dont have any experience with the vindicators, so not sure how good they are, 6 TL S9 Ordinance shots seems good though.


I will also probably drop the Osirion Upgrade on the dreadnought to save 50pts and then give the Terminators combi-meltas to again help with anti-tanks, as i think I have enough anti-infantry in the list

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What power does the command squad have?

I really like the idea of 4++ combat shield equipped command squads!


Vindicator laser destroyers are a very good AT choice, though you'll need to get them into fls k positions to maximise their effect, especially against flare shields!

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