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New to 30k looking SW list c&c

Rune Priest  Jbickb

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Good afternoon. I'm new to 30k but not to space wolves. I have just under 15k points of 40k wolves, but I was thinking with our entry into 30k I might participate in the history of my chapter a bit.


What i'm looking for is a list of about 4000 points, reasonably balanced and as take all comers as is possible, the list below was my first stab at it, but now I come to those of you who have fought on the battlefieldsame of the 31st millennium for advice.


I've always been a big drop pod fanot and I love the 30k pods. However the only things I want to stay in the list are Russ with pups and the Siege Dreadnaught, the rest are completely guesses on my part so feel free to offer any suggestions you see fit. Nothing is bought yet except the Siege Dreadnaught so tear me up.




Russ 455



Wolf kin 100


Praeter CTDA GFB digital lasers 160


Caster of Runes ML2 Aether-rune 155


Speaker of the dead Aether-rune 135



20 grey slayers huscarl 2x lightning claw AA 4 power fist 5 power axe 5 power sword 5 base 340


10 Grey slayers huscarl frost axe AA 2 power fist 2 power swords 2 power axe 190


10 Grey slayers huscarl power fist AA 2 power fist 2 power axe rhino 200



9 death sworn great frost blades 285


7 Varagyr PF claw 389

Spartan ceramite and aux drive 335




Fast attack

Dread claw drop pod 115

Dread claw drop pod 115


Heavy support

Kharybdis 235


Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught claw and grav, phophex and ceramite, pod 425


Whirlwind scorpius 115


I think I'm about 250 short so any help with where to use that would be welcome.

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I might come off a bit harsh but I guess these are just my general thoughts. I think you have something nice thematically but performance wise it's going to struggle.


Deathsworn aren't super great but if you want to take them rad grenades are a must.


Drop the Caster and make him a Speaker put 1 with each Varagyr and Deathsworn give them both great frost blades. Give the deathsworn one a melta bomb.


Praeter drop the great froster blade take a paragon blade it's infinitely better than the frost blade.


Spartan needs flare shields and dozer blade is probably more useful than Auxillary drive but take both if you want.


You are taking 4 pods odd numbers are generally better as you get more in.


I assume wolves russ praetor and a priest go with the varagyr. Cool I guess dunno if the wolves do much there I guess they fill an HQ slot for you though.


At 4k points the scoprius is kind of lackluster though it really dominates at low points it's just not slot effecient and you'll need heavy support to take more anti tank.


The biggest issue at 4k you have 2 Rhino hauls 1 Sparano and 2 drop pods as the only things on the table it just might not last very long.


Also anti tank you didn't actually bring any?

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Not harsh, this is the kind of info I am looking for. :)


That was my thought for the deathstar. Seems like a lot of points, but it also seems like the best way to bring Russ.


What are the recommended antitank units in 30k? I was thinking the large amount of power fists would hold me over, plus a couple scattered melta bombs, but I suspect that may not be the case. Also how do rhinos do in 30k? I figured them and Dread Claws are the only way to cart around 10 man squads, but perhaps I am missing something. As for odd pods, how does one get pods in 30k besides dreads and other slots?

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Not harsh, this is the kind of info I am looking for. :)


That was my thought for the deathstar. Seems like a lot of points, but it also seems like the best way to bring Russ.


What are the recommended antitank units in 30k? I was thinking the large amount of power fists would hold me over, plus a couple scattered melta bombs, but I suspect that may not be the case. Also how do rhinos do in 30k? I figured them and Dread Claws are the only way to cart around 10 man squads, but perhaps I am missing something. As for odd pods, how does one get pods in 30k besides dreads and other slots?

The orbital assault right of War is the only way to acquire more pods.


Rhinos are good I like them they die easily but they provide cover and force the opponent to waste heavy weapons so they can fire their small arms at something. Also if you have high enough target saturation they might actually get where they need to go.


In terms of anti tank the best units generally are ranged things such as vindicators laser destroyers, kraken penetrators lighting system, Sicaran, Javelins. But close combat can get it done as well with chain fists abundant and dreads. The only issue with combat is you need to get there before you get killed.

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Hmmmmm ok back to the drawing board for a bit it's think. Is there a good rule of thumb for how much anti tank I need on the ranged end? Looking around at other lists, especially mechanicum ones, I see the need for some ranged terror.


How about this, comes out to 3 points shy of 4k


LOWs 455

Russ 455


HQs 535

Wolf kin 100


Praeter CTDA GFB digital lasers 160


Speaker of the dead Aether-rune GFB 145


Speaker of the dead AA GFB Melta bomb 130


Troops 775

20 grey slayers huscarl 2x lightning claw AA 4 power fist 5 power axe 5 power sword 5 base 340


10 Grey slayers huscarl frost axe AA 2 power fist 2 power swords, power axe rhino 220


10 Grey slayers huscarl power fist AA 2 power fist 2 power swords, power axe rhino 215


Elites 1012

9 Death sworn great frost blade 285


6 Varagyr PF claw 342

Spartan flare shields, dozer blade, ceramite and aux drive 385


Fast attack 340

Dread claw drop pod 115


3 javelin land speeders with lascannon and multimelta 225



Heavy support 890

Kharybdis 235


Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught claw and grav, phophex and ceramite, pod 425


Sicaran battle tank lascannon sponsons, dozer blade, ceramite 230

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Thanks for that link. If I interpreted the data correctly it looks like that should be reasonable between the Sicaran and javelin speeders.I see that the Lightning is the gold standard for anti tank, but to get that load out costs about the same as the Sicaran and I just couldn't find the points for both, plus I don't want to rely on reserves for antitank if I can avoid it. Do you agree this works with your data, or did I misunderstand something?
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  • 2 weeks later...

So here is the final list I came around to after some research and getting a better feel for jakaira's data analysis, it think it covers enough bases and should be quite fun to build plus it is reasonably fluffy (read not overly spamming lol).


LOWs 455

Russ 455


HQs 535

Wolf kin 100


Praeter CTDA GFB digital lasers 160


Speaker of the dead Aether-rune GFB 145


Speaker of the dead AA GFB Melta bomb 130


Troops 785

20 grey slayers huscarl 2x lightning claw AA 4 power fist 5 power axe 5 power sword 5 base 340


10 Grey slayers huscarl frost axe AA 2 power fist 2 power swords, power axe rhino dozer blade 225


10 Grey slayers huscarl power fist AA 2 power fist 2 power axe, power sword rhino dozer blade 220


Elites 997

8 Death sworn great frost blade rad grenades 280


6 Varagyr PF claw 342

Spartan flare shields, dozer blade, ceramite 375


Fast attack 310

Dread claw drop pod 115


3 legion land speeders with grav gun and multimelta 195



Heavy support 915

Kharybdis 235


Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught claw and grav, phophex and ceramite, pod 425


Sicaran venator lascannon sponsons, dozer blade, ceramite 255


It occurs to me I have an issue however, this list seems to struggle to fit into a RoW. Does anyone have any advice for an RoW I fit in, or will I have to majorly change my list?

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Its not possible with the Age of Darkness Detachment. 

Yes it is. It's called a WarMachine Detachment. Let's you take 1-2 identical LoW choices with 8 or less hullpoints as a single LoW choice. They must deploy within 6" of each other but other wise are separate units.


If you want multiple fellblades, you'll have to ditch a RoW and take the Onslaught alternate FoC.

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OK I have changed my tactics and I think this looks good, but feel free to tear it apart because I likely missed something and there may be something I need to know about 30k where I have gone astray.


Anyway here's my latest creation


RoW- primarchs chosen



Lehman Russ 455


Hvarl red blade 210

Terminator command squad, land raider phobos DB AC, 4 t-terminator, heavy flamer, 3 volkite charger, 2 axe 2 sword 386


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead Artificer armor great frost blade melta bomb 130


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead, C-terminator great frost blade 125



Varagyr 5x PF claw, 2 frost blade frost axe, 2 chain fist combi melta, 1 Thunder hammer frost blade 545

Spartan, flare shields DB, AC 375


20 grey slayers, huscarl PF combat shield AA, 4 power fist, 4 power sword, 4 power axe 7 combat shields


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


10 legion veterans marksmen, sergeant AA, power axe, rhino DB 220


Fast attack

Lightning, 2 kraken, battle servitors, ground tracking, 230


Heavy support

Whirlwind scorpius 115


Sicaran venator lascannon sponsons AC DB


Spartan flare shields DB, AC 375


the 20 man grey slayers go with the AA Speaker in the second Spartan.


I feel like the board presence at the start is quite aggressive with a fair amount of durable armor on the table to start. The ability to scout the Spartans and land Raiders, or perhaps a rhino allows for some flexibility and extra maneuverability that may help get into combat sooner as well. Between the large quantities of lascannon and the Lightning and venator armor shouldn't be a large issue either.


All of this is of course speculation so if any of you more experienced lads want to tear up my logic, feel free.

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OK I have changed my tactics and I think this looks good, but feel free to tear it apart because I likely missed something and there may be something I need to know about 30k where I have gone astray.


Anyway here's my latest creation


RoW- primarchs chosen



Lehman Russ 455


Hvarl red blade 210

Terminator command squad, land raider phobos DB AC, 4 t-terminator, heavy flamer, 3 volkite charger, 2 axe 2 sword 386


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead Artificer armor great frost blade melta bomb 130


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead, C-terminator great frost blade 125



Varagyr 5x PF claw, 2 frost blade frost axe, 2 chain fist combi melta, 1 Thunder hammer frost blade 545

Spartan, flare shields DB, AC 375


20 grey slayers, huscarl PF combat shield AA, 4 power fist, 4 power sword, 4 power axe 7 combat shields


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


10 legion veterans marksmen, sergeant AA, power axe, rhino DB 220


Fast attack

Lightning, 2 kraken, battle servitors, ground tracking, 230


Heavy support

Whirlwind scorpius 115


Sicaran venator lascannon sponsons AC DB


Spartan flare shields DB, AC 375


the 20 man grey slayers go with the AA Speaker in the second Spartan.


I feel like the board presence at the start is quite aggressive with a fair amount of durable armor on the table to start. The ability to scout the Spartans and land Raiders, or perhaps a rhino allows for some flexibility and extra maneuverability that may help get into combat sooner as well. Between the large quantities of lascannon and the Lightning and venator armor shouldn't be a large issue either.


All of this is of course speculation so if any of you more experienced lads want to tear up my logic, feel free.

Primarchs Chosen isn't a row we can take due to the compulsory HQ having to be a Centurion or Praetor which conflicts with the Row saying a primarch must be.


Also you need more LA then vehicles in primarchs chosen which by my count you don't seem to have.

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Well that sucks, I thought the right of ear would override the required HQs like it over rides required troop choices but for some reason this is not the case?


As for the legions a started thing the only vehicles I have without legion a starts are the land raider and rhinos,so 3. This is according to battlescribe however as I am at work away from my book, so the Spartan, Sicaran, Scorpius, and lighting may not actually have LA but on battlescribe they do.

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Well that sucks, I thought the right of ear would override the required HQs like it over rides required troop choices but for some reason this is not the case?


As for the legions a started thing the only vehicles I have without legion a starts are the land raider and rhinos,so 3. This is according to battlescribe however as I am at work away from my book, so the Spartan, Sicaran, Scorpius, and lighting may not actually have LA but on battlescribe they do.

The battlescribe LA box isn't actually an option seems to be a bug they implemented or may it allows you to take Legion specific vehicle options.


The only units with LA are your actual marines.


And unfortunately it does not as while it makes vets compulsory that's more general than our specific rule that says only Grey Slayers. Russ on the other hand would bypass this as Russ is more specific then our legion rules. Which is the same reason we can't take Russ as a compulsory HQ as the legion rules are more specific than the right.

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Alright I think I finally worked out a list that fits a RoW, has anti vehicle, and breaks no other rules


4000 pts


RoW- pale hunters



Lehman Russ 455




Hvarl red blade 210

Terminator command squad, land raider phobos DB AC, 4 t-terminator, heavy flamer, 3 volkite charger, 2 axe 2 sword 386


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead Artificer armor great frost blade melta bomb 130


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead, C-terminator great frost blade 125


Centurion vigilator, power axe, combat shield, AA 115



Varagyr 5x PF claw, 2 frost blade frost axe, 2 chain fist combi melta, 1 Thunder hammer frost blade 545

Spartan, flare shields DB, AC 375



20 grey slayers, huscarl PF combat shield AA, 4 power fist, 4 power sword, 4 power axe 7 combat shields


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


Fast attack

Lightning, 2 kraken, battle servitors, ground tracking, 230


3 land speeders grav multimelta 195


Heavy support

Spartan flare shields DB, AC 375


the 20 man grey slayers go with the AA Speaker and the vigilator in the HS Spartan.


Russ and the terminator Speaker in with the varagyr in their Spartan


This gives me 4 transports scouting 12 inches right into the face of the enemy. Sadly the reserves bonus only helps the Lightning, but it is important to get that in turn 2 to help clear up issues.


How does this look brethren of the past? Have I finally made a reasonably competitive but still fun list?

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Alright I think I finally worked out a list that fits a RoW, has anti vehicle, and breaks no other rules


4000 pts


RoW- pale hunters



Lehman Russ 455




Hvarl red blade 210

Terminator command squad, land raider phobos DB AC, 4 t-terminator, heavy flamer, 3 volkite charger, 2 axe 2 sword 386


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead Artificer armor great frost blade melta bomb 130


Priest of Fenris, speaker of the dead, C-terminator great frost blade 125


Centurion vigilator, power axe, combat shield, AA 115



Varagyr 5x PF claw, 2 frost blade frost axe, 2 chain fist combi melta, 1 Thunder hammer frost blade 545

Spartan, flare shields DB, AC 375



20 grey slayers, huscarl PF combat shield AA, 4 power fist, 4 power sword, 4 power axe 7 combat shields


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


10 Grey slayers huscarl PF combat shield AA, 3 power axe, 2 power fist, 5 combat shield, rhino DB 235


Fast attack

Lightning, 2 kraken, battle servitors, ground tracking, 230


3 land speeders grav multimelta 195


Heavy support

Spartan flare shields DB, AC 375


the 20 man grey slayers go with the AA Speaker and the vigilator in the HS Spartan.


Russ and the terminator Speaker in with the varagyr in their Spartan


This gives me 4 transports scouting 12 inches right into the face of the enemy. Sadly the reserves bonus only helps the Lightning, but it is important to get that in turn 2 to help clear up issues.


How does this look brethren of the past? Have I finally made a reasonably competitive but still fun list?

Really the biggest issue I see is you've got next to no anti tank the speeders die quick though they can do damage and the Lightning kills one thing and then is a single lascannon.


Your ranged anti tank is litterally 5 lascannons at 4k points. Tbh pale Hunters scases really badly I'd probbably drop it so you can actually take something to harm vehicles.

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So the impression I'm getting is that RoW are not a necessary thing to be successful, in fact they seem to over restrict for the benefits gained. Is this a common feeling?

It honestly depends on the Row. Some are almost free of restrictions the SW just aren't like that.


Though Bloodied Claw has far less restrictions than pale Hunters.

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