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2500 Legion Death Guard List


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Working on putting together a 2500 Death Guard Legion list, any opinions or suggestions would be appreciated.


Horus Heresy Death Guard 2500


RITE OF WAR - The Reaping List



HQ: Calas Typhon - 200 (WARLORD)

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour & Master-Crafted Power Scythe.
  • Hand Flamer with Chem-munitions, Nuncio-Vox, Rad Grenades.


HQ: Legion Centurion Primus Medicae - 130

  • Primus Medicae in Cataphractii Armour.
  • Narthecium & Needle Pistol.



ELITES: 3 Legion Rapier Weapons Battery - 210

  • 3 Quad Launcher Support Battery.
  • Frag Shells & Shatter Shells.


ELITES: 1 Apothecarion Detachment - 45

  • Narthecium, Chainsword, Power Armour & Bolt Pistol.



TROOPS: 10 Legion Tactical Squad - 205

  • Sergeant has Power Fist & Artificer Armour.
  • Dedicated Transport - Rhino with Dozer Blade & Multi-melta.


TROOPS: 10 Legion Tactical Squad - 205

  • Sergeant has Power Fist & Artificer Armour.
  • Dedicated Transport - Rhino with Dozer Blade & Multi-melta.


TROOPS: 14 Legion Veteren Tactical Squad - 288

  • Vet Sergeant has CCW, Bolt Pistol & Artificer Armour.
  • 2 Powerfists, 2 Heavy Bolters with Suspenser web.

(Apothecary goes here)


TROOPS: 5 Legion Veteren Tactical Squad - 160

  • Vet Sergeant has CCW & Bolt Pistol.
  • 4 Meltaguns, Always pick Marksmen (Outflank & Sniper).



HEAVY SUPPORT: 8 Grave Warden Terminators - 325

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour, 4 Chain Fists & Assault Grenade Launcher.
  • Death Cloud, Implacable Advance.

DEDICATED TRANSPORT: Spartan Assault Tank. - 375

  • 2 Sponson Quad Lascannons, TL Heavy Bolter
  • Dozer Blade, Armoured Ceramite & Flare Shield.


HEAVY SUPPORT: Deredeo Pattern Dreadnaught. - 220

  • One Twin-Linked Anvilus Pattern Autocannon Battery.
  • Ails Missile Launcher.


HEAVY SUPPORT: Legion Vindicator Siege Tank - 135

  • Laser Destroyer Array, Dozer Blade.
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  • Primus Medicae can't take melta bombs when in Terminator armour.
  • I'd really recommend taking a flare shield on the Spartan, even if you have to drop armoured ceramite.
  • Perhaps consider tooling the Veterans up slightly more. Are you giving them marksmen?
  • The 10 missile launcher squad may disappoint you. Very cool looking unit though.

Overall, the list is far from bad.You have lots of transports, a lot of scoring units and some reasonable anti-armour. Are you anticipating playing against Lords of War at all?

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  • Primus Medicae can't take melta bombs when in Terminator armour.
  • I'd really recommend taking a flare shield on the Spartan, even if you have to drop armoured ceramite.
  • Perhaps consider tooling the Veterans up slightly more. Are you giving them marksmen?
  • The 10 missile launcher squad may disappoint you. Very cool looking unit though.

Overall, the list is far from bad.You have lots of transports, a lot of scoring units and some reasonable anti-armour. Are you anticipating playing against Lords of War at all?


Lords of War are an option to be there, what would you suggest over the missile launcher Heavy support squad ? I usually pic Marksmen depending on who I am playing against. No problem I will drop the melta bombs I have actually updated my list currently so I will update in the beginning of this topic forum.

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