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Kyr vhalen 3000 or list


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+++ Look at your house now back at me I have a fortress of iron (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v49) (3000pts) +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v210) ++


+ HQ +


········Kyr Vhalen [Cortex Controller, Master of the Legion, Servo-arm, Warsmith]


········Legion Centurion [ XIV: Death Guard, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]


················Primus Medicae [support Officer]


+ Elites +


········Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [ IV: Iron Warriors, 2x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]


········Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [ XIV: Death Guard]

············Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

············Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]


········Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [ XIV: Death Guard]

············Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]

············Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]


+ Troops +


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ XIV: Death Guard, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


+ Heavy Support +


········Grave Warden Terminator Squad [2x Chainfist, Chem-master, 9x Grave Warden Terminator]


········Iron Havoc Support Squad [9x Iron Havoc, 9x Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]

············Iron Havoc Sergeant [Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]


········Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad [Tyrant Siege Master, 4x Tyrant Terminator]


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ IV: Iron Warriors, XIV: Death Guard, Loyalist, Shattered Legions]


········Rite of War [The Reaping]


+ Force Organization +


········Force Organization [Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List]

············Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]


+ Fortification +


········Imperial Castelum Stronghold

············Tacticus Bunker [2x Battle Cannon Turret, Comms Relay, Hostile Signal Jammer]

············Three Bunker Annexes [3x Twin-linked Lascannon]


Siege tyrants iron havocs a tactical squad and the arty in and around the stronghold pouring fire into armour gig value targets. Either boosting the av of the strong hold or re rolling cover saves of 1. Does the barrier rule for the gates in the stronghold apply to barrage weapons firing out?

The 3 other tacticals advance with the grace wardens plus primus for support


Any ideas tips or trick?

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+++ Look at your house now back at me I have a fortress of iron (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v49) (2995pts) +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v210) ++


+ HQ +


········Kyr Vhalen [Cortex Controller, Master of the Legion, Servo-arm, Warsmith]


+ Elites +


········Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [ IV: Iron Warriors, 2x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]


········Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [ IV: Iron Warriors, 2x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]


+ Troops +


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad [ IV: Iron Warriors, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter, Melta Bombs]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


+ Heavy Support +


········Iron Havoc Support Squad [9x Iron Havoc, 9x Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]

············Iron Havoc Sergeant [Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]


········Iron Havoc Support Squad [9x Autocannon, 9x Iron Havoc]

············Iron Havoc Sergeant [Autocannon]


········Iron Havoc Support Squad [9x Iron Havoc, 9x Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]

············Iron Havoc Sergeant [Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, & Flakk missiles)]


········Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad [Tyrant Siege Master, 4x Tyrant Terminator]


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ IV: Iron Warriors, Loyalist]


········Rite of War [The Hammer of Olympia]


+ Force Organization +


········Force Organization [Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List]

············Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]


+ Fortification +


········Imperial Castelum Stronghold

············Tacticus Bunker [2x Battle Cannon Turret, Comms Relay, Hostile Signal Jammer]

············Three Bunker Annexes [3x Twin-linked lascannon]


Mono iron warrior list now tacticals move up to take objectives, and the stronghold spews out fire at priority targets, I haven't done the math hammer but on paper 20 tank hunting bs5 missiles (10 reroll due to kyr) should glance anything to death. Thoughts? To much cheese?

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