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Mechanicus Arco-flagellants?

Magos Takatus

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Okay, so the background for Arco-Flagellants is that they are converted by the Adeptus Mechanicus from sinners selected by the Ecclesiarchy, who sometimes end up in the hands of Inquisitors. The question I'd like to explore is whether the Adeptus Mechanicus would create something similar themselves? Would they just be considered combat servitors? Is the Arco-Flagellent completely separate from "normal" servitors? How could you represent them in-game? It would be interesting to use the rules for an Eversor Assassin for a counts-as conversion, but would that be far too powerful according to the game rules?


Just curious to see what people think about the subject.

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Well in the Forge of Mars series a lone Arco flagellant keeps two Space Marines at bay and it seems like he might have won the fight had it not ended so an assassin might not be a bad choice.
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How could you represent them in-game?

If you wanted to recreate their old unit-mincing pre-5e rules use wulfen as an allied murderpack formation.


Fluff wise they are a bit short-lived and inaccurate by the standards of the mechanicum, flaggelants are not intended to survive long after activation and can do little prior to that point.

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In game use the Imperial agents rules with a Priest. Pretty sure there is a detachment for just that.


You can also put in Crusaders and Death cults as one big unit, using them as Shields and adding a bit more AP at high initiative to the force.


They lack a transport, but hey ho.

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Some nice ideas here. Perhaps it would be interesting to kitbash one. The idea of using Electro Priest rules sounds interesting since the iconic image for Arco-Flagellants is wielding electro-flails.

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Some nice ideas here. Perhaps it would be interesting to kitbash one. The idea of using Electro Priest rules sounds interesting since the iconic image for Arco-Flagellants is wielding electro-flails.


Is there a particular reason why you are avoiding the existing flagellant rules and models?

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Not really. I just remembered them from the old Inquisitor book and was interested in the background, since they were made by the Mechanicus for the Ecclesiarchy. There has been mention of assassins within the Mechanicus/Mechanicum that were separate from the temple assassins so I was just curious if the Cult Mechanicus would use the Arco-Flagellants and if they would be different from a typical combat servitor. I was more interested from a background/modelling point of view. I would like to do some kitbashing at some point but I'd need to find bits that look right.


That said, I'm not that keen on the Arco-Flagellant models but they are okay.

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Mech-assassins are more advanced specialist units, and using something like the eversor would probably be suitable for them.


Arcos are regular people who have been pumped full of lethal growth and combat drugs (in the sense that they will collapse dead soon after full activation) and been implanted with cybernetic weapon implants, artificial muscle, and other crude reinforcements like subdermal armour and injector rigs.

Unlike servitors they still have a certain sense of free will, they have just been heavily reconditioned, drugged, and sent into a berserk frenzy.


Combat servitors not far from being robots wearing people/clone bodies for skin, the organic components are a matter of tradition, principle, and fear of AI and artificial life.

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As I've said in other threads, my feeling is that the lines blur significantly between the different AdMech creations so much that you could reasonably make an argument for a mechanized/cybernetic version of nearly any Imperial unit and have it rationalized.  As long as you apply the proper amount of tubing/claw hands/tank tracks I can't see many problems with converting models to meet up to the idea you have for "your" forgeworld.  Oh, and get a cog on there somewhere, too!  :D

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