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NL Caradara Armoured Claw: 2k+ Armoured breakthrough


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I got my hands on a copy of massacre and this piece of fluff sang to my Tank Loving heart! I've made a roughish list to start so have a gander and C+C please :)


List 1:


+++ Armoured (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v49) (1968pts) +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v210) ++


+ HQ +


········Master of Armour

············Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Accelerator Autocannon, Armoured Ceramite, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon Sponsons, MultiMelta, Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter]


+ Elites +


········Legion Terminator Squad [3x Combi-Weapon, Land Raider Phobos, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

············Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon]


+ Troops +


········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]

············Legion Predator Tank [lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]


········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [Lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]

············Legion Predator Tank [Lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]


+ Fast Attack +


········Legion Land Speeder Squadron

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]


+ Heavy Support +


········Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Armoured Ceramite]

············Four wing-mounted: [Tempest Rockets]

············Two Turrent-mounted: [Reaper Autocannon Battery]


········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons]

············Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons]


········Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

············Legion Vindicator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Combi-Bolter, Laser Destroyer Array]


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ VIII: Night Lords, Traitor]


········Rite of War [Armoured Breakthrough]


+ Force Organization +


········Force Organization

············Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]



EDIT: made list more legal


Edit II: 2.5K Extra added fun




········Master of Armour

············Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Accelerator Autocannon, Armoured Ceramite, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannon Sponsons, MultiMelta, Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter]


+ Elites +


········Apothecarion Detachment

············Legion Apothecary

················Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade, Volkite Charger]

············Legion Apothecary

················Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade]


········Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Resolve]

············Additional Wargear [Legion Vexilla, Plasma gun]

················Power Weapon [Power Axe]

················Power Weapon [Power Axe]

················Power Weapon [Power Axe]

············Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter]

················Power Weapon [Power Sword]


········Terror Squad [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, 8x Executioner, 9x Volkite Charger]

············Headsman [Artificer Armour]


+ Troops +


········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [Lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]

············Legion Predator Tank [lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]



········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [Lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]

············Legion Predator Tank [Lascannon Sponsons, Predator Cannon]


+ Fast Attack +


········Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


········Legion Land Speeder Squadron

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]


+ Heavy Support +


········Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Armoured Ceramite]

············Four wing-mounted: [Tempest Rockets]

············Two Turrent-mounted: [Reaper Autocannon Battery]


········Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

············Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons]

············Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons]


········Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

············Legion Vindicator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Combi-Bolter, Laser Destroyer Array]

············Legion Vindicator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Combi-Bolter, Laser Destroyer Array]


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ VIII: Night Lords, Traitor]


········Rite of War [Armoured Breakthrough]


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I think the biggest bonus of "Armoured Breakthrough" is that you can make it work with (almost) any Legion. But this is also its biggest drawback - it can be very samey. Apart from the Terminators, the only benefit you'll get from Legiones Astartes: Night Lords is Night Vision.


Btw, only Predators with Predator cannons count as Troops. Those Flamestorm cannons make them Heavy Support.


Consider taking some Veterans, as they gain a bit out of the Night Lords rules and are Scoring.

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I dislike battlescribe sometimes! Allow me to adjust


EDIT: adjusted!


That is something I'd look to expand into, originally I had a terror squad in a dreadclaw that got deleted when I had a brain failure, I'd readd those and probably do the same in the way of a vet squad with axes

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