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2500 Death Guard LOYALIST tournament list


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Always been a fan even converted my model to have the Death Guard shoulder pad on it from when he was part of his legion so thought hey I have a tournament coming up what can I do to make a list with him to include so here I have one please any feedback would be appreciated.



Horus Heresy Death Guard (Loyalists) 2500


RITE OF WAR - The Reaping List



HQ: Legion Praetor - 185

  • Artificer Armour, Iron Halo & Rad Grenades.
  • Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer & Volkite Charger.


HQ: Nathaniel Garro - 175



ELITES: 3 Legion Rapier Weapons Battery - 210

  • 3 Quad Launcher Support Battery.
  • Frag Shells & Shatter Shells.


ELITES: 2 Apothecarion Detachment - 110

  • Narthecium, Chainsword, 2 with Artificer Armour, 1 with power armour & Bolt Pistol.



TROOPS: 10 Legion Tactical Squad - 205

  • Sergeant has Power Fist & Artificer Armour.
  • Dedicated Transport - Rhino with Dozer Blade & Multi-melta.


TROOPS: 8 Legion Veteren Tactical Squad - 231

  • Vet Sergeant has CCW, Bolt Pistol & Artificer Armour.
  • 2 Powerfists, Legion Vexilla.
  • Dedicated Transport - Rhino with Dozer Blade & Multi-melta.

(Garro & Apothecary goes here)


TROOPS: 18 Legion Tactical Squad - 240

  • Vet Sergeant has CCW, Bolt Pistol & Artificer Armour.
  • Legion Vexilla.

(Legion Praetor & Apothecary goes here)




FAST ATTACK: 3 Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - 225

  • 3 Javelin Attack Speeders, Outflank.
  • 3 Multi-Melta, 3 Twin-Linked Lascannons.




HEAVY SUPPORT: Spartan Assault Tank. - 375

  • 2 Sponson Quad Lascannons, TL Heavy Bolter
  • Dozer Blade, Armoured Ceramite & Flare Shield.


HEAVY SUPPORT: Deredeo Pattern Dreadnaught. - 240

  • One Twin-Linked Anvilus Pattern Autocannon Battery.
  • Ails Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite.


HEAVY SUPPORT: 2 Legion Vindicator Siege Tank - 270

  • 2 Laser Destroyer Array, Dozer Blade.
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I would split the 3 quad launchers into 3 single units, it means they can't all be targetted at once by a single unit.


I would also recommend taking extra CCW on the large tactical squad that the praetor is joining. You have spent a lot of points on the praetor so you want him to be in assault, best to gear his squad towards it.


I'd try and fit some power scythes in on your sergeants, they're really great and very fluffy.


what tactics are your veterans using? weapon masters? I'd try and take a few more power weapons in the unit as they'll be trying to get into assault


I would recommend standard vindicators over laser destroyers, it feels more fluffy and the S10 AP2 large blast is great for infantry and vehicle hunting.


The javelins don't feel like they fit in the list very well, I'd personally consider taking them out and trying to find a better transport for your veterans/garro. Alternatively you could take 4 deathshroud in a phobos and join garro and a primus medicae to them!

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Can't split the quad launchers into three units as there is also the apothecary detachment. I could take one and two and the apothecaries is well. I personally like the javelins and think they benefit your list by giving you some much-needed Antitank
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