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Order of the Penitent Spirit (WIP)


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Gday brothers and sisters!  I'm Atrus; heard of the site but never really looked into it until now.  I've mostly just hung around dakkdakka but have gotten tired of the constant pessimism that seems to pervade the community- so after perusing this dedicated sisters board, I've come to the conclusion that you guys are pretty darn cool.


I've been playing 40k for a bit over 11 years now. I didn't step into this world easily though.  Oh no, I mocked my friends mercilessly for playing with their man-dolls.  Then Dawn of War came out and they got me hooked on that- oh so this is a game of the thing you play?  Cool.  Still didn't get me in enough; then came Soulstorm with the Sisters and I instantly loved them.  Whats that guys?  These sisters have models I can play with you guys?  Where do I put my money?!


So 11 years ago, I dove into the universe of 40k with the sisters.  Has been a long journey, played a few different armies, sold them off, got others, sold them off; but always, always, hold onto my dear sisters.


So enough about me (yeah, this is my first post on Bolter- Hi!)  Let me introduce you to some of my Order of the Penitent Spirit.  The Order of the Penitent Spirit ("only the Penitent man may enter"- yes, lets get that one out the way shall we, haha, very funny) are an Order that are mostly tasked to guarding and defending holy sites and shrines.  When they're not doing this, they're usually being called in to help eradicate rebelling Astartes chapters- of which there seems to be a lot of in this Sub Sector (there are so many marine players around my parts, its not funny.)  As such they have a bit of a jaded view of the Astartes, seeing them as equally corruptable as any base human; they believe this to be due to the lack of purity of faith on the Astartes part.  They get along famously with the Black Templars however.  I do have more in depth fluff but I don't wanna do a hash job of it and would rather write it up in a document over time before putting it up here.


I'm only going to put up pictures of models I've painted- I need to paint these girls; yesssssss after 11 years, this is all I've painted >.< I am ashamed.  I'm hoping posting here will give me the encouragement I need to get out my paints and get stuff done!




Here we have a couple of sisters in power armour with meltagun and heavy flamer.  Paint scheme for my girls is a dark purple I've made with the old Liche Purple colour and Chaos black; cloaks/robes are a darker custom purple with lighter highlights (get the impression I like purple?); the inside of the robe Scab red.  Burnished Gold was the old gold I used to use with a Ogryn flesh wash- however I just got some Retributor Gold the other day and it looks exactly like the end result of that, so I've got a step I don't have to do now :)  I like to throw a coat of Ard Stuff over the armour to give it a little extra life.


Hospitaller Florence (Nightingale) follows the colours of the Order....just because.


(Saint) Niklos the Priest.


Celestine.  White armour cuz white's sexy looking.  Got that gold happening.  The little scribbles on the armour are from a ridiculously fine tipped pen a graphic designer friend of mine had- these scribbles are intended to be scripture inscribed into her armour.  Obligatory wings because wings are awesome.

I have a couple of Seraphim Superior that I'm going to do up in similar colours and fielding them as the new rules.  Dont' have the expendable cash at the moment to purchase that pant-droppingly amazing new Celestine model.






One of the 2 Penitent Engines I have.  Excuse the big blob of steel shaving reinforced epoxy putty on the side...I kinda lost my patience putting this baby together.



That's all I've painted D:  Will be doing more and updating as go.


What I do have is some 50 something sisters (canonesses, hospitaller, simulcrumspecial and heavy mixed in there but not many), full repentia squad, few inquisitors (including Corteaz and KARAMAZOV...(sorry, I yelled; I really like that model), 12 arco-flagellants, 2 Immolators (and an additional conversion kit in need of a rhino), 2 EXORCISTS...(sorry excited again), the Dark Angels flyer with the monastery looking bit on top (proxy avenger strike fighter), Imperial (sororitas) Knight Artoria (Errant variant), a semi-scratch built Repressor and 2 Chimeras (which I'm looking to trade for a couple Rhinos to make the other immolator and another Repressor.


Pics of these will come as I paint them...time permitting...maybe some fluff too if I ever fire my headcanon at Word.



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Welcome to the Sisters' forum. It's a great place for painting inspiration. Purple can be a fun color to paint, I'm hoping to do my whole Celestine squad in purple amour. I look forward to seeing more of your army painted up.

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Welcome to the B&C! I see you already have a flamer :D


I should really get more painting done too . . .


I really like your priest. Very cool. Since I'm not much of a painter, I'll ask something different: do you have any fluff written up for your order? I just (finally) finished redoing mine a couple weeks ago.


I'm also a fan of the Organ Exorcist. It's about half the reason I'm here playing Sisters and not still over on Baal slowly falling to the Red Thirst (truly the Emperor can heal any ailment). I played Soulstorm once (actually that's the only time I've played DoW period). The priest's line is pretty funny :P


Anyway, welcome again. Ave Imperator!

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Hey, cheers for the welcome :)


@WarriorFish: Yes I have looked into both of those models. Veridyans rules didn't particularly impress me but she is such an iconic piece of sisters art; it's great to see her all modeled up.

Celestine's new rules are fantastic and the model....ohhhh that model is amaaaazing. If I had the disposable cash, I'd grab her in a heartbeat if I could find someone to share in the other models in the box. Alas, living in Australia, I don't feel like selling off my first born to be able to afford her.


Thanks Dante, I like the priest model too ;) no, I don't have any fluff physically written down yet, what I have is still in my head. I don't have too much really- it's mostly just about the background of one of the founders of the Order. The Order itself isn't solely formed from a single major order, but from two (Argent Shroud and Bloody Rose- for reasons gone into in my head).

I have a long bus trip this weekend so I might get to writing this part out at least.


I'd like to see your newly refurbished fluff :)

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My order was creaeted from the Order of Our Martyred Lady and the Order of the Valorous Heart (it was originally just OML, but I realized I'm a huuuuuge Saint Lucia fan). Here's the fluff. Please feel free to ask any questions (in that thread). I don't get to talk about them much :D

The Order of the Glorious Reprisal

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One wee thing you might not have considered re: Bloody Rose and Argent Shroud combining - both Orders are from different Convents. There are two Convents that you probably know of:




It would make forming a joint lesser Order complicated, as recruits actually come from the Convents directly. They're assigned to Orders (and presumably the Major Orders then assign them on to their own Lesser Orders) based on tradition/personality/aptitude.


They keep the Convents separate for a reason, so I doubt they'd do joint projects because it would kind of contradict the point in the separation. It's hardly impossible, but it would definitely be extra special.


If you already know all of that, I don't mean to offend. It just my own interpretation of the lore anyway.

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Thanks for that, Shifty; I didn't actually know that, so tis handy to have that in hand. I've always held that sisters are assigned directly to Minor Orders as Dante mentioned, but with the order reflecting the many of the combative and non-combative virtues of their parent order(s).


Thanks for that. I knew a merging of those two orders was going to be dicey, but now I see that it's going to be dicy on multiple levels (as opposed to just a: these girls are cranky and these girls are cooler...save that kinda weak writing for Ward) which I think is going to be good if I can manage to pull it off (might take a dozen drafts).

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One way of being able to have Sisters from two different Orders would be to have them as survivors of a conflict that left them stranded on a planet for a time and left them to have to put aside their differences. By the time they were picked up, they had effectively become a new Order with beliefs and traditions merged from their original Orders.
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My order's founding is a bit more convoluted, but basically the OVH and the OML were conducting a joint mission (they needed that many Sisters) and a group of them ended up breaking off to head for a different objective. They ended up staying where they went. Eventually a new order was founded since it was cumbersome to have a mix of 2 orders in a permenant minor Convent.
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In my own interpretation (which as Dante said, is headcanon, as we just don't know) I think the Lesser Orders that are formed via Major Orders would be sent recruits via the Major Order. At the very least, from their allocation of recruits.


The reason I believe this is because imo there has to be a limit on how many Lesser Orders a Major Order can set up. There are only so many Battle Sister recruits every year, so an Order setting up a Lesser Order is a big deal and takes away a slice of the new recruits. So f.ex., if OML created six new Lesser Orders then it might piss off the other Major Orders in their Convent if that meant that their own recruitment was considerably reduced.


Moreover, we definitely know from what limited lore we have that Canoness of Lesser Orders are nominally lower in rank than Canoness of the Major Order that spawned them so there is still some link. That's just an explanation for my interpretation/headcanon. The other kind of Lesser Order is made by 'Eccliesiarchal Writ' and their commanders are higher ranking than those of Lesser Orders tied to/created by a Major Order. I suspect that these get recruits directly from the Convent and are rarer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been getting my paint on recently which is hard to do when you work 7 days a week.  Progress is slow but it is progress still.


Saint Celestine and her Geminae...the budget version, lol.  Old Saint model- and a couple of Seraphim Superior's I didn't know I had.





This one isn't painted yet but I'm just really excited about it :smile.:  Sister Knight Artoria!  Well, the beginnings of it at least.




The shoulderpad colour there is actually Naggaroth Night, a shade of purple which I'm not 100% fond of due to it having more blue in its mixture than I'd like.  It's an okay purple, but just not purple enough for me.  Without the old Liche Purple colour, I can't make any new batches of my old custom purple colour.  So, I'm going to stick with this purple for ease and sanity.

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Without the old Liche Purple colour, I can't make any new batches of my old custom purple colour. So, I'm going to stick with this purple for ease and sanity.

Have you tried coat d'arms poison purple? IIRC coat d'arms were the makers of the old GW paint according to one of the fan based new players guide i had when I started. Another options might be vallejos hexed lichen. Gimme a moment and when its not 0430 I can link a site that shows a aprox alternative colors from different companies.


Found the page: https://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Paint_Range_Compatibility_Chart


Ensure to look at the notes when... noted(?).

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Thanks guys, and thank-you Caldersson for that link, that's freaking amazing; will definitely have to look into that.


The fluer di lis are from the Immolator kit; there were a couple of spare side doors that had the fluer on them, so a bit of patience and careful trimming, I was able to cut off the door sections and just have the fluer as pictured.


The knight is coming along now and is looking pretty freaking sexy- so much so that my wife who isnt into this nerdy stuff is drooling over the model. Haven't had this much enjoyment painting a model for a long time- and I hate painting vehicles.

Still a long way to go. Clocked close to about 6 hours on it so far and probable have that and half again to go.

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Thanks guys, and thank-you Caldersson for that link, that's freaking amazing; will definitely have to look into that.


The fluer di lis are from the Immolator kit; there were a couple of spare side doors that had the fluer on them, so a bit of patience and careful trimming, I was able to cut off the door sections and just have the fluer as pictured.


The knight is coming along now and is looking pretty freaking sexy- so much so that my wife who isnt into this nerdy stuff is drooling over the model. Haven't had this much enjoyment painting a model for a long time- and I hate painting vehicles.

Still a long way to go. Clocked close to about 6 hours on it so far and probable have that and half again to go.


No worries glad I could help. Maybe when GW decides to grace us with plastic Sisters, and i finish my SW, I will do a Black Templar/Sisters formation. Something about the zeal of the two can get you carried away. So many armies so many options so little time... I will definitely do a preferred/iconic job like I plan on doing with the other major chapters and first founding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it has taken me a long time and a lot of effort.  A lot of patience expired and a lot of breaks.  Finally, I give you:  Honorary Sororitas Knight Artoria of House Pendragon, Vassal Lord of Praxedes III....names and titles still a work in progress.




Apologies for the poor image quality in this one, my phone just wouldn't focus where I wanted it to.














All in all, she was enjoyable to paint.  I just wish I were more artistically gifted so I could do gorgeous things with those banners *sigh*

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I think so too, quite pleased with it. Although now I can't decide what to paint next. On my painting desk right now is a couple of exorcists, Karamazov and my avenger strike fighter/dark angels nephilim...they're all great looking center pieces but I don't know which to do next- I like them all! Or I could paint up a repentia squad I'm looking at using for a Heralds of Ruin killteam...
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Found and reassembled my first Cannoness; she was already painted from a competition 10 years ago, some gluing has put her back in command.  Accompanying her is her finished command squad- why no heavy weapons?  Because they're not painted yet...




I tried my hand at the GW glowing Celestine eyes thing.  I started on the right and worked my way left- I think the far most left is my best one as I got a bit more of a feel for it.  Why the glowing eyes?  Because I love how they look, and I can fluff it in as a manifestation of their faith.  I'm still working on Order fluff, will hopefully have it up within the next few weeks here; so the eyes will hopefully make sense then.




Back in the days when she could be equipped with Litany of faith, Book of St Lucius, Blessed Weapon and Jump Pack...and Bionics- how great were bionics!?




So Ive decided I'm going to attack my Repentia squad next.  Had a Heralds of Ruin killteam game with them last night and they performed...outrageously awesome.  They have more than earned their place in my painting que.

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