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2500 Armored SA List


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So, having jumped into 30k with a legion army, I am now tempted to slip back to my first and greatest love. Now the SA and Militia lists are a different beast to my Imperial Guard armored company; and those differences are enough to tempt me into building something new. I'm thinking a 2500 point core list that can be expanded on easily - I have the book at home and am largely working this out from memory from last night, so if I'm missing or forgetting something please let me know.



Warlord is a bare bones Lord Marshal - I like the idea of being able to pick WL traits to suit whatever the situation is


Auxillia Command section - largely to buff BS x2 Grenade Launchers


Auxillia Tank Commander -



2 Tercios - 2 each barebones Velataris with their volkites, 2 each Demolisher Dracosans with Armored Ceramite, Flare Shields and


Enginseer w/ 8 automata x8 Grenade Launchers

Enginseer w/ 8 automata x4 servo arms and x4 Grenade Launchers


Stormlord - SH Command Tank, 1 set of sponsons, armored ceramite, Targeters



So unless I am missing something, this lets me put the Tank Commander in the Stormlord, and with the targeters have a Mega Bolter with BS 5 and a choice of either preferred enemy (infantry), or tank hunters depending on what I'm facing. The other rules could be useful on a situational basis. Since it's a super heavy, both enginseer units, my Lord Marshall and Command Section will be going inside. That will allow for repairs, keep the LM safe, and allow the Command Section to buff the BS of the automata or a nearby dracosan/ velataris. So on top of a buffed Mega Bolter I will be looking at 14 mixed BS 3/4 Grenade Launchers, which should be able to kill any vehicles that are dumb enough to get close / don't know about Tempest grenades.


I plan to expand this list with at least 3 Malcadors - probably one with chem to make Terminators even sadder than the four demolishers, and a squad of 2 - 3 vanquishers to reach out and caress Spartans - at that point I might jump the Tank Commander into one of them, depending on what I'm facing. A couple units of Hyperios tarantulas will round things out nicely. That basically leaves me with a couple of Elite and a bunch of Troops slots open if I want to go super crazy with it - and possibly allying in some Militia or more SA to get another Malcador/ Tank Commander.  

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Yeah I read that wrong, I was thinking you took 2 velataris not 4. 4 makes sense. One thing to consider though is do all 4 squads need dracosans? You could drop 2 dracosans, have two vetalaris squads ride in the stormlord and use the extra pts on Leman russes of any variety. Might have to drop a couple servitors to make room but that's alright.
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I definitely want some Russes in there - I intend this list to be around 3k, with some options.


My thought process on the four Dracs versus some other loadout is as follows -

Presented with multiple different AVs and or/threats, enemies are more effectively able to prioritize what weapons go where and in what order they take stuff out. I presume any really good anti-vehicle fire - krakens or other superheavies and whatnot - will be going toward the stormlord, leaving lascannons and such for the Dracs to worry about. An army with decent anti-vehicle faced with one superheavy and two Dracs will probably not have much trouble focusing down the Dracs - they are my mobile troops and the only forces I have to take objectives. If they kill one then half of that capability disappears. Russes are good, but a couple are probably not going to put out enough hurt to table an army, and most people will know that and kill my transports, leaving me to try and footslog to objectives. The same army facing four dracs instead knows that if they spend the first two turns focusing my Dracs down one by one, I am still going to have two up and running and by that point dropping S10 pieplates on their guys - and that sort of thing makes people take chances and split their fire. And frankly I love that my transports get demolisher cannons.


As for my eventual plans, I will probably have at least 3-6 russes in the list (most likely the Fast Attack slot ones) since I have plenty sitting around.

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I made a Mobile SA army consisting of the following. maybe it will help inspire you


Command Squad (2x Grenade) in a Dracosan (flare/AC/Demo)

2x Tank Commanders

3x Veletaris Storms in Dracosans (flare/AC/Demo)

2 FA Russ squadrons each w/ (Vanquisher Tank Commander Las/Dozer/AC)(Annihilator with Las/AC)

2 Heavy Russ squadrons each w/ 2x Executioners

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