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Wyrdvane Psykers Modeling Options

Librarian Kex

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Hello All,


I hope this isn't a redundant topic that I just missed the thread for, but I'm wanting to field a Psykana Division, however I'm put off by the price per model, and current sculpt of the Wyrdvane Psykers. I was wondering any of you had any ideas for alternative modelling options, and it'd be even better if they could easily be made heretical models (I'm working on a traitor guard army and it'd be nice to have them fit the theme).


Right now my only idea is to use cultists and simply call them Wyrdvane Psykers, but I think there has to be a better model/idea out there.


Sorry if this should have been posted in the Lost and the Damned, but since it was an Astra Militarum formation I figured this was the more appropriate thread.


Thanks for taking the time to read and/or respond!



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It has been discussed before, but the short answer is "whatever you want" :P As long as they look more like psykers rather than troopers that's all you need and you have plenty of ways to do that. Wearing robes, holding staves etc. As a traitor force you have even more chance to go with the weird and wonderful (ok, probably mostly weird?) :)

Whatever you decide to use, please ensure that they are firmly attached to a stake in the ground and that there is a sufficient amount of wood nearby to complete the task.


There's nothing more annoying than partially burned witches.

Ahh, black templars. Making the best murder punchlines since the second founding.

Bonus points for burning witches since they can't deploy them.

GW AdMech Electro priests smile.png

Thanks for this suggestion. I saw it was also mentioned in the other forum and I think it has the best potential for chaotic psychic batteries. Probably what I'm going to end up using.

Meanwhile I think the other suggestions will work wonderfully if my wife decides to deploy some batteries of her own alongside her slaaneshi daemons.

Thanks a lot, guys. Great ideas.

I was planning on 40k'ing up some of the Empire Flagellants from WHFB before they disappear from the stores and online. Ive seen a few people use them, and they are pretty cool models. Given their stats, the need to model a force weapon isn't exactly the primary goal. Add some holster las pistols and you're on your way.

Go with the plastic Empire Flagellants as mentioned by SlowClinic. A few arm swaps or weapon cuts, and you are set for guys that look wild and unkempt from days in a cell.


I've had the same idea, I just haven't gotten started with them yet.


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