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Rite of War Undecided 3000 VIth Legion

Lord Blackwood

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So  I was pondering my options , and  I noticed that neither space wolves rite of war restricts my favorite type of allies , as such I started looking at what I might be able to do  with a more grounded approach.  

Im not quite sure if it would be better to run Bloodied Claws or Pale Hunters here , assuming you go with the reading that Non Terminator Characters can still grant the Terminators Hit and run  it might be more useful than furious charge on the Grey Slayers 
+++ RoW  Undecided  (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v60) (3000pts) +++
++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v231) (2145pts) ++
+ HQ (367pts) +
Legion Praetor (150pts) [Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade]
The Wolfkin of Russ (100pts) 
Priest of Fenris (117pts) [speaker of the Dead]
Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Bolter]
+ Troops (863pts) +

Grey Slayer Pack (230pts) [9x Grey Slayers]
Additional Wargear [5x Bolter, 2x Power Fist]
Huscarl [Artificer Armour, Great Frost Blade]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [MultiMelta]
Grey Slayer Pack (230pts) [9x Grey Slayers]
Additional Wargear [5x Bolter, 2x Power Fist]
Huscarl [Artificer Armour, Great Frost Blade]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [MultiMelta]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (193pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad (670pts) [4x Varagyr Terminator]
Additional Wargear [5x Frost Claw, 5x Power Fist]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Quad Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter]
+ Legion +
Legiones Astartes [   VI: Space Wolves, Loyalist]
+ Lords of War (455pts) +
Leman Russ (455pts)
++ Allied Detachment (Questoris Knight Crusade Army v30) (855pts) ++

+ HQ (485pts) +
Seneschal (485pts)
Cerastus Knight-Atrapos [Lascutter, Singularity Cannon]

+ Troops (370pts) +
Scion Martial (370pts) [Questoris Knight Errant]

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I would make your Praetor a Centurion. It will give you some more points for upgrades, like dozer blades on the Tactical's Rhinos and a multi-melta on the Veteran's Rhino. Also, he can take a great frost blade, so he'll still be pretty good in combat!


Not convinced by the Terminator H&R shenanigans. If they worded it better, I'm sure it would have been for units entirely composed of non-Terminators models. But that's just my opinion. :)


There's also a bit of a debate re. Wolf-Kin and Command Squads counting as HQ choices for Space Wolves. Given the mess that is Inferno rules-writing (like the above), I don't think it's an issue. The game will not be broken by that sort of thing!


Otherwise, either Rite of War will work, as you have no Heavy Support or Drop Pods. :)

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