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Forge World Knight Faction Question


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This situation came up in a game recently, so I was wondering what your take on this was.



What faction do the Forgeworld Knights (Acheron, Lancer, etc) have when they are taken as part of a detachment belong to one of the other Armies of the Imperium factions (as allowed by its rule sheet)?



For example, if you were to take one in an Astra Militarum CAD, does it become faction AM, or remain faction Imperial Knights?



This obviously makes a difference when it comes to rules that allow a model to do something to a specific faction, for example the Tech-Priest Enginseer could use Awaken the Machine on the knight if it becomes faction AM, but not if it remains faction IK.


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Pretty sure the FW Knight takes on the faction it has joined as a LoW, as has been discussed numerous times when they first came out. Detachment rules state that all units in a detachment are of the same faction, and the permission for Titans (including FW Knight Titans) to be taken as LoW in any Imperial army does not override the BRB assigning the army's faction to the Titan.



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I don't see anywhere in the BRB that assigns faction to a unit?


The restrictions for a CAD/Allied Detachment state that "All units chosen must have the same Faction (or have no Faction).", but that doesn't assign a faction to those units that are selected.



Under the Factions section of the BRB:


All units belong to one of the many Factions that are fighting in the 41st Millennium. This will often be represented on the unit’s Army List Entry with a symbol, the key for which can be found to the right. A unit’s Faction applies regardless of how you choose your army, but is especially relevant to Detachments because many state that you can only include units of a particular Faction. Factions are also used when including Allies, and some special rules will apply only to specific Factions. Note that Fortifications are an exception in that, unless otherwise stated on their datasheet, they do not have a Faction.


In the case of older publications, the Faction of all the units described in a codex is the same as the codex’s title. In the case of codex supplements, the Faction of all the units described in that publication is the same as the codex it is a supplement of.


Emphasis is not mine, but I think answers my own question as to which faction they are.


It says they are Imperial Knights on their data sheet, so that applies regardless of how they are selected, but are also granted an exception to the CAD restrictions through their datasheet.

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