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2500 Death Guard - The Reaping


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My latest attempt at a Death Guard list. Let me know what you think


2500 Points - The Reaping


Praetor - Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Rad Grenades

Centurion - Siege Breaker, Cataphractii, Power Axe


4 Deathstroud - Phobos

2 Rapiers Quad Heavy Bolters - Shatter, Phosphex

Contemptor Dreadnought - Chainfist, Kheres, Extra Armor


10 Tacticals - Vexilla, Artificer, Power Scythe, Meltabombs, Rhino, Heavy Flamer

10 Tacticals - Vexilla, Artificer, Power Scythe, Meltabombs, Rhino, Heavy Flamer

6 Heavy Support - Missile Launchers, Augury Scanner


5 Grave Warden - Power Scythe, 2 Chainfists, Proteus

Sicaran Venator

Deredeo - Aiolos

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My only suggestion would be to switch the heavy flamers on the rhinos for multi meltas, I know that's what everyone does and the chem flamers are fluffier, I just can't see how often you'll get to use the heavy flamers. The multimelta's can at least whip some shots into some vehicles and you might get lucky and blow something up.


I like the list, it feels thematic and very death guard. Good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another idea. If I drop the Praetor, a Deathstroud and the Contemptor I could get Mortarion. Thoughts?


It could work but Primarchs at 2500 points are always going to compromise your list. Do you feel 3 Deathshroud will fulfill their role in your list? It's only a single model removed but the unit was already small and it's now dropped 25% of it's strength. I'm not sure about the points but could you drop the 3 Deathshroud and keep the Contemptor?

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