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Glass Palette


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Has anybody used a glass palette for their painting before? Any thoughts compared to a typical plastic or wet palette?


From the few videos I've seen the paint sits well on it for mixing/blending and thinning. Plus it's super easy to clean with hot water and a blade if needed. Just seems like a very clean and efficient way of maintaining a painting station.

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It works fine, assuming it is smooth, glossy glass. Just covering my bases, because you might be trying to use frosted glass or something weird like that.


Any material like glass, ceramic, porcelain, etc that are hard, flat and smooth make fine palettes that are also easy to clean. You can use things like mirrors, dishes, etc. They're honestly more ideal palettes than regular plastic palettes sold at art stores, other than the fact that they don't have deep wells for you to mix or hold large quantities of paint in.

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