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2500 Iron warriors


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Hey Everyone,


I am playing a friendly game of 2.5k points vs salamanders. Not hyper competitive but he will bring vulkan.


Let me know what you think of the list?


I am not taking a ROW. I want to save points and not take a preator. Especially because it is more of a gun line list.





siege breaker 115 pts (with support squad)

artificer armor, meltabombs, powerfist (lots of dreds)




Quad mortars x 2 160 pts (I took both shells because I want flexibility for shooting at both troops and transports or dreds)

phosphex shells

shatter shells




Tactical squad 210 pts

9 x marines 1 x sgt

sergeant w/ artificer armor, melta bombs, pfist

rhino w/ dozer blade, multimelta


tactical squad 210 pts

9 x marines 1 x sgt

sgt w/ artificer armor, melta bombs, pfist

rhino w/ dozer blade, multimelta


legion support squad 245 pts

4 x marines 1 x sgt

plasma guns

sgt w/ artificer armor and melta bombs

rhino w/ dozer blade and multi melta


fast attack:


Lightning strike fighter 230 pts (hunt tanks/deep targets)

battle servitor control

ground tracking auguries

2 x kraken missiles


heavy support:


sicaran battle tank 205 pts

lascannon sponsons


legion vindicator squadron 300 pts (remain stationary and get 3 x str 9 ap 2 shots per tank on transports/armor/vulkan...)

2 x laser vindicators

2 x armored ceramite


sicaran venator 215 pts

armored ceramite

pintle heavy bolter

twin linked bolter




Legion Storm blade 595 pts

armored ceramite

legion crew

2 x lascannon w/ inbuilt heavy bolter sponsons



Tactics: Fairly simple. Remain back and engage with mortars and tanks. Target priority will be transports/dreds/infantry. Use my mobility to stay away from vulkan and or sieze objectives. Have the laser vindicators focus on vulkan. The stormblade to drop massive amounts of plasma on anything and everything.




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The list looks pretty good :)


I'd drop ceramite on the vindicators and venator, if your opponent gets melta shots on those tanks they'll likely be close enough to hit side/rear armour and it won't make a difference if you have armoured ceramite or not. You can use the points saved for more plasma support marines.


I would also split the mortars into 2 units, so they can target different units and can't be taken out simultaneously.

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Thanks for the support. The game went well today. The venator was the mvp. Killed a vehicle each turn. Think 3 rhinos, 2 dreds if im not mistaken. Then allowed the storm blade to wreck the marines they came out. Yeah the mortars did good until a damn ignore dangerous terrain dred slaughtere um hahaha next time ill seperate them... i took the ceramite because he I knw he would probably have a lot melta. But wasnt a factor. Most people assume you uave it and play as if you do even when you dont... sicaran battle tank was good all game.


Also fast vehicles rock... esp for shatter strike...

We still tied 10 to 10... damn vulkan.

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Yeah I took 2 x phosphex and a storm blade(which doesn't hurt vulkan much anyway, resist to plasma, melta, etc)because he took vulkan, a special char dred, 2 medusas, 3 other contemptors, a leviathan, and vets...


So it was a friendly game because the guy was a great dude and very enjoyable to play, but not an easy fight. It was also my first time against salamanders. I didn't want to come out empty handed. But yes he took a primarch and I took a centurion and no ROW.

Also yes phosphex has a bad rap. And is looked at as cheazy and :cuss. But its Iron warriors... They are supposed to be all into artillery.


I get if like World eaters take 2 x units of phosphex... like dude that's allowed, but doesn't fit into your army story line. But IW it does.

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