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Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius

Rafen IX

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Hot damn!

The power this guy throws around it was almost like an episode of Bleach at the end.

Loved some of the description of Baal's fortress monastery.

Also a possible idea for a new unit Mephistons Quorum Empyrric, essentially our librarius conclave.

I can't go into it because of spoilers, but it really sheds some interesting light on Mephiston's story and the direction is path is taking.

Would love to hear some other people's opinions.


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Hot damn!

The power this guy throws around it was almost like an episode of Bleach at the end.

Loved some of the description of Baal's fortress monastery.

Also a possible idea for a new unit Mephistons Quorum Empyrric, essentially our librarius conclave.

I can't go into it because of spoilers, but it really sheds some interesting light on Mephiston's story and the direction is path is taking.

Would love to hear some other people's opinions.



So is it worth buying? I'm most likely getting the eBook on iBooks, my preferred reading medium these days :)

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Hot damn!

The power this guy throws around it was almost like an episode of Bleach at the end.

Loved some of the description of Baal's fortress monastery.

Also a possible idea for a new unit Mephistons Quorum Empyrric, essentially our librarius conclave.

I can't go into it because of spoilers, but it really sheds some interesting light on Mephiston's story and the direction is path is taking.

Would love to hear some other people's opinions.




So is it worth buying? I'm most likely getting the eBook on iBooks, my preferred reading medium these days :)

It's good, told mainly from the perspective of a fellow junior librarian Antros as he finds his oath linked with Mephiston's. It tells the tale of Mephiston trying to understand his blessing/curse and kicking ass along the way. Mephiston's character is very cold and hard to read which is fitting. I enjoyed it and like I said, learning more about the lore of Mephiston was in itself fantastic for me.
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ok so we have a few different places of interest some way more than others. I'll be giving a general description so no copyright, but I'll try to include detail. The first is the name for the librarius sector of the fortress monastery the Arx Angelicum. Each librarian and it should be mentioned we appear to have an extremely large number, has his own tower/chamber within the Orbicular Tower. This tower contains many libraries, scriptorium, calefactories. And each chamber a librarian inhabits is passed onto him from a previous librarian as they progress up the ranks. Between the Orbicular Tower and the Ostensorio is a soaring bridge called the Spear of Sanguinius.


Next we have the Ostensorio. A huge circular chamber with massive doors carved from Crimson slabs of Baalite Rock, hundreds of feet tall, covered in blood drop stones from the Cruor Mountains. Carved with scenes from Sanguinius' early life. Inside the chamber centres on a huge circular Dias, which supports a massive golden monstrance (a tall metal stand). In the shape of a golden chalice. It's where the highest ranked librarians perform their rites and meet.


After that a small mention of a place called the Sacellum of Lineaments, a maze of galleries with the busts of every xenos race the chapter has defeated in battle.


Next is my favourite and something quite special, the Diurnal Vault, this place exists beyond the laws of physics inside the Arx Angelicum. It is a chamber that is impossibly large, so large constellations are to be seen in the heavens. In the centre of this chamber is the guardian of the chamber is Idalia, a caged star. Forty feet across, crushed some say by the power of the Emperor. She powers the chamber and is the glowing red heart of an immense statue of Sanguinius, one hand holding a sword point down in the ground (the size of a cathedral this sword), the other uplifted. In his uplifted hand hovers three enormous red gemstones the towering slabs of rock appear to be merely beautiful but with training the eye can pierce them and see the millions of sacred texts held inside them. The statue holds many rooms inside of it.


Next is something very mysterious, the Chemic Spheres. Deep beneath Idalia are dark passages so old that the only recognisable symbol is the 'IX' guarded by black robed figures wearing deep hoods and underneath them golden masks, they are likely Astartes, possibly Sanguinary Guard, even Antros wasn't sure. The chamber within is holds a dome of pure Ivory, it draws upon almost all of the fiery stars energy to contain the chapters most deadly weapon. You'll have to read it to find out more of that ;)


Lastly is Mephistons personal chamber, the Sepulcrum Maleficus. Hidden in the recesses of one of Idalia's wings, only the chief librarian is granted entry. The room itself is in what appears to be a hollow tower with no discernible bottom or ceiling, inside are sarcophagi of the previous chief librarians, Mephiston appears to be able to converse with them. The room is suspended in the middle of this tower.


Hope that fired some imaginations, I really enjoyed exploring more of Baal and this is only the section given over to the Librarius!



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Thanks for the descriptions, Rafen! 


My reaction to some of the spoiler parts, so don't read my reply if you haven't read Rafen IX's spoiler'd parts




The Diurnal Vaults or whatever sounds pretty cool. Anyone ever read Hyperion by Dan Simmons (non-40k book)? It makes me think of the poet from that novel, who's "house" is really a collection of portals that connect to different planets around the galaxy. I.e. the "bathroom" is a floating barge on an ocean somewhere; the "study" is an observatory attached to Endor-like trees on some forest planet, the "lounge" is a portal that connects to a seedy part of your red-light planet, etc... I don't remember the specifics, but that's the idea, and one I thought ought to show up in other fiction as well. 





Ok, so I'm sold on getting this book. It gives me such hope to think that A) someone at GW has some actual inspiration for the BA B ) does this mean we're gonna get the attention we deserve post - Gathering Storm? 

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I don't know what this "Bleach" is that you keep referencing, but based on the fact that bleach is a chemical used in the real world to sterilize and kill every bacteria known to man, it sounds appropriate. 



On a different note, it could be appropriate to re-hash this old fun topic:



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I don't know what this "Bleach" is that you keep referencing, but based on the fact that bleach is a chemical used in the real world to sterilize and kill every bacteria known to man, it sounds appropriate.


Apologies, it's an anime. Essentially picture a guy who hits so hard the rock around him is contorted out of shape by the power of his strike. You get the idea.
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