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Mephiston: Blood of Sanguinius

Rafen IX

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It's probably like Ahriman teleporting the Ynnari triumvirate into the warp and back effordlessly in GS2 but his rules while showing him being strong don't even come close to that powerlevel. So I doubt Mephiston will get any huge buff even if he'd get new rules/model. ^^

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Thanks for the descriptions, Rafen! 


My reaction to some of the spoiler parts, so don't read my reply if you haven't read Rafen IX's spoiler'd parts




The Diurnal Vaults or whatever sounds pretty cool. Anyone ever read Hyperion by Dan Simmons (non-40k book)? It makes me think of the poet from that novel, who's "house" is really a collection of portals that connect to different planets around the galaxy. I.e. the "bathroom" is a floating barge on an ocean somewhere; the "study" is an observatory attached to Endor-like trees on some forest planet, the "lounge" is a portal that connects to a seedy part of your red-light planet, etc... I don't remember the specifics, but that's the idea, and one I thought ought to show up in other fiction as well. 





Ok, so I'm sold on getting this book. It gives me such hope to think that A) someone at GW has some actual inspiration for the BA B ) does this mean we're gonna get the attention we deserve post - Gathering Storm?

I've read Hyperion - and I loved that idea of the house with rooms on different planets - absolutely brilliant!

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It's probably like Ahriman teleporting the Ynnari triumvirate into the warp and back effordlessly in GS2 but his rules while showing him being strong don't even come close to that powerlevel. So I doubt Mephiston will get any huge buff even if he'd get new rules/model. ^^

One of my biggest gripes with 40k in general:


"And he wields the sword, forged by the Emperor himself, forged by the heat of the center of the galaxy itself, which was used to kill 4x bloodthirsters in a single blow and singlehandedly reduced the Eldar pantheon to 2."


"S(User) AP3 Melee, Master-Crafted"


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But I mean, let's be fair: the game would be unplayable if the A level Psykers had rules to reflect it :p

They can stop offensives by themselves. I mean whenever they lose it isn't because they were beat, it's because everyone else around them got beat and they had to retreat.


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But I mean, let's be fair: the game would be unplayable if the A level Psykers had rules to reflect it tongue.png

They can stop offensives by themselves. I mean whenever they lose it isn't because they were beat, it's because everyone else around them got beat and they had to retreat.


Well yea, there's the whole [bad attempt at] game balance thing. I mean, if crunch followed fluff exactly than a 3000pt game would feature a single space marine on each side.

But I mean comparatively speaking the crunch is frequently way off. "THe super special blood-of-snowflakes sword of Faction X" is S User AP3 while the standard issue one of random dudes made by one of their sons in shop class over there is S+2 AP2. Wait, what? It's that discrepancy that kills me.

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It's about 320-330 pages of story, at least on the reader I use, rest is an extract for Azeral.


Get the bleach references, appropriate to say the least with some of Mephiston's abilities on display in this novel. Post in the Black Library section has a comment re some may argue Mary Sue-ish but for me, and personal nostalgic bias puts additional blood red glasses on my view, was ok with 99% of what the Lord of Death was able to do, the other 1% was a case of "really? Thought it was only traitors who were the ones who do that..."



Rafen, took the same as you did from the passage re crushed star and who was responsible for it, hopefully we'll find out more in Sanguinius's Primarch or maybe when FW cover us in the HH series.


One thing that has came to mind that I was surprised by the outcome or lack there of in one particular scene,


And unfortunately cause on my phone and got to this much text, don't want to risk losing it going back for instruction on spoiler so look away now or scroll past the following. Will try to keep it as confusing but to anyone who's read the book, hopefully you'll pick up what I'm getting at:


The scene where Confessor Zin describes how the "trees" were created by the Emperor in the days of the Great Crusade, going to the heart of the earth for days while an agent of his, distracted the population until the Emp unleashed. Now this agent was referred to by his Primarch 2nd name, to which the lack of reaction by Antros, can't remember if Rhealus(sp) and Mephiston's were present at the time, if they were, then even more surprised.


I mean I know that this is 40 not 30K, things are lost to time etc but due to the history/legacy of our chapter plus the fact we have a company who live out the final moment of the Angel, this was why I was surprised, especially that name, thought it would have set alarm bells ringing?

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especially that name, thought it would have set alarm bells ringing?



Horus was still loyal at that point. They were talking about supposed deeds during the creation of the planet, Horus' name coming up is probably not cause for concern.


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True, there was a pre fall history as well, I guess I jumped to that conclusion without taking it into account though, giving further context, think it was more a reaction to the line at the time I was reading IT.


In regards to what we see as the reader in previous chapters/other details about the planet's origins, and the old "miracles of the God-Emperor" are actually Chaos trickery that led me there plus some later points in the novel, made me wonder about it a little more, surprised by the idea that the Blade was left there from the time of the Crusade, if I got that right about the nature of the Vow...yet to read it again....or from some of scenes at the amphitheater references to its history but would say it is a possible, albeit, unlikely connection to the actual story, maybe something that kinda drew me in a bit more I suppose?


-side note still not used to Marines in general referring to God-Emperor but that's a separate matter all together-

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It's the first limited edition book I've bought. I wanted to buy the Ragnar one but my credit union requires me to call in whenever making a purchase from Britain (I guess you all have a bunch of fraud :p ). By the time I got permission it was out. But not now.


Too bad I'm generally frugal and spending more than five dollars makes me feel terrible, guilty, and sad. Lol

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Limited Edition book on Dante is probably the one LE I would ever get, ever(besides maybe Big S).


But I can't shell out $65.00 for it. I can't even justify paying $27.00 for the regular edition hardcover.


I usually get all of my Black Library novels, novellas, short stories, etc on iBooks these days. $15.99 for Dante. Same for the Mephiston one. 

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I really liked that book, although TO BE CONTINUED ending was kind of meh (but yes, waiting for continuation).


I just pray Mephiston's affliction doesn't turn out later to be Chaotic in nature.
Also can someone explain to me that comunicating with former (dead) chief librarians? I asume Mephiston is sane but this looked really weird.



Also this book proves again why Ecclesiarchy worlds are waste of space.

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I'm only about a quarter of the way through it, but is there a reason given later about why Vatrenus is Captain of 4th? Shouldn't that be Castigon? Also, I'm kind of struggling with the descriptions. Then individual pieces make sense, but I have a hard time putting the whole setting together. The first fight scene I had to read several times before just giving up on trying to put together a mental map of the surroundings. I imagine the Diurnal Vault as that tent in Harry Potter, where from the outside it's just a tent, but the inside is this huge palatial area. Maybe a little pocket in the Warp or something

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Semi off topic, but is mephiston: lord of death a good book? Was thinking of getting it eince it's only $8


Also, I've read Dante, fear to tread, and the blood angels omnibus. Are there any other blood angels or flesh tearers books worth getting?

Flesh tearer is up there with one of my favorite 40k books. You will start a small FT force afterwards
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Semi off topic, but is mephiston: lord of death a good book? Was thinking of getting it eince it's only $8


Also, I've read Dante, fear to tread, and the blood angels omnibus. Are there any other blood angels or flesh tearers books worth getting?

Try to get "Trial by Blood". It's comiltions of (almost) all Flesh Tearers short stories. Worth it.

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