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Imperial knight army


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Hello everyone. I am trying to put together a army for an upcoming apoc battle that me and my friend play for the end of the edition, even if rumors are false will be good reason to finally build. Anyway I have 6 unbuilt knights, and the obsidian knight built. I also just bought a castigator and atrapos. Now I'm asking for advise on what to build with those 6 knights my initial reaction is to build one of each knight and then a paladin or warden for the 6th. What do you guys recommend?
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Well the only reason I'd ever build a Gallant is to run the Tripartite Lance, otherwise sacrificing a potent gun for a single extra close combat attack is just not worth it IMO. Also I'm a huge fan of the Avenger Gatling Cannon as there are few threats it can't deal with. Rending lets it punch through 2+ armor and take out Land Raiders, it shreds power armor and light vehicles with ease and with 12 shots can even decently engage flyers. The Crusader packing a second gun plus carapace makes for a seriously heavy hitter while the Warden is good for advancing on targets.

Now part of it comes down to what parts you have, are all of them the upgraded Warden/Crusader kit with the carapace weapons, gatling cannon and thunderstrike gauntlet or do you have a mix of those and the original Paladin/Errant box?

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Using a couple of small magnets and some green stuff (and some ingenuity) you can even magnetise the front of the missile launcher so you can swap between both.


I would magnetise the weapons if you can. I used 8x4mm at the point where it rotates.


If you use a 10x2mm or 8x2mm on the inside of the shield you can also mag it so you can swap between the battle canon and the melta canon.

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Using a couple of small magnets and some green stuff (and some ingenuity) you can even magnetise the front of the missile launcher so you can swap between both.


I would magnetise the weapons if you can. I used 8x4mm at the point where it rotates.


If you use a 10x2mm or 8x2mm on the inside of the shield you can also mag it so you can swap between the battle canon and the melta canon.

I haven't built my warden/crusader sprue's parts yet, but a piece of sprue held in place with plastic glue is often a great seat for a magnet, the onager magnetising pics in this post http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/293094-knights-of-house-cydonia-taghmata-omnissiah-and-skitarii/page-16?do=findComment&comment=4588508 in my signature thread shows the idea.

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I'm currently using two Crusaders one with battle cannon and one with Thermal cannon.


I originally ran them with two battle canons for 4 x 5" S8 AP3 however they struggled against forces with 2+ save so I sacrificed number of 5" templates for something that can kill 2+ troops.


My force will eventually be:

Fire support unit of 3 x Crusaders in a Baronial Court 2 x battle cannons, 1 x thermal cannon. Carapace weapons determined by opponent.


Attack force of two Atrapos and 3 Errants in an Exulted court.

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