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Ultramarines 2500 - Infantry Heavy Primarch's Chosen


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Hey guys,


I scored 30x MkIII Tacticals from Prospero off of Ebay for cheap and was thinking of using them to do something different for my 30k Ultramarines. I also want to get the new RG model from Games Workshop when it comes out to make something like this:


Rite of War - Primarch's Chosen (2500)

HQ - Rowboat Girlyman (With his boys in the Fun Bus)


EL - Apothecary - Power Sword, Artificer Armour (Goes in the Fun Bus)

EL - Rapier x1 - Laser Destroyer Array

EL - Rapier x1 - Laser Destroyer Array

EL - Rapier x1 - Laser Destroyer Array


TR - Suzerains x5 - 1x Thunder Hammer

DT - Land Raider Phobos - Dozer Blade, Multi-melta (The Fun Bus)

TR - Veterans x10 - Vexilla, Sgt with AA & Power Fist, Rhino with Heavy Bolter and Dozer Blade, Marksmen

TR - Veterans x10 - Vexilla, Sgt with AA & Power Fist, Rhino with Heavy Bolter and Dozer Blade, Marksmen


HS - Heavy Support x10 - Volkite Culverins, Sgt with AA, Melta Bombs, Augury Scanner

HS - Heavy Support x10 - Autocannons, Sgt with AA, Melta Bombs, Augury Scanner

HS - Heavy Support x5 - Lascannons, Sgt with AA, Melta Bombs, Augury Scanner


RG gives the HSS' Tank Hunter. My only concern is that 5-man Lascannon squad. It's just asking to be vaped. One thought was to drop a LDA Rapier and the Apothecary for something to tank for them? Maybe a Forge Lord with a Conversion Beamer to add to the fun?


Thanks for looking.

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