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Bunker full of monkeys

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Had a game this past weekend where I used an Imperial Bunker for the first time in.....1.5years? Yea, it's been a while.


Long story short, I was actually impressed how it did. I parked a 3x lascannon HWS in it with an ammo store for re-roll's to 1's and an Autocannon HWS on/next to it (60mm bases barely fit on the thing) with an ammo dump to also give them re-roll's to 1's To Hit in shooting. 


Also: Tank Traps. I've often theorized about using that upgrade, but this weekend was the first time I actually used them and I have to say, they are quite useful if you are not going to be super mobile. Impassable Terrain to non-skimmer vehicles = FUNNEL ZONE. Dangerous Terrain to bikers = 2 Nob bikers killing themselves. Especially since they give 4+ cover to a unit behind them, you can potentially save on an Aegis with these things.


Anyways, the bunker gave me an idea to popped into my head for an Allied Detachment:



Inquisitorial Detachment


Inquisitor of any flavor (possibly an Ordo Xenos to give your blob Rad Grenades...)


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband

--Jokearo Weaponsmith x 5


Then with your main CAD or such, buy the following:


Imperial Bunker (AV14 4HP "transport")

--Ammo Store upgrade (re-roll 1's To Hit in Shooting to unit embarked)



So, for those unfamiliar, Jokaero (space monkeys of the Inquisition...you can't make this stuff up) are like mini-Obliterators in the sense that each shooting turn they can choose between shooting a lascannon, multi-melta, or heavy flamer. They also get a Special Rule that lets them roll on a table and apply bonus buffs to the unit. For each additional Jokaero after the first, you +1 to the D6 table, with a roll of 6 letting you choose 2 results. In this case, having 5x monkeys guarantees you get to choose your results. Which would be +12" to non-template shooting weapons and Rending to all shooting weapons. 


So you get 5x 60" lascannons, or 5x 36" multi-meltas that get Melta at 18", either re-rolling 1's To Hit, or 5x RENDING templates, all parked in an AV14 box. 


Cost is 175 for the monkeys and 75 for the bunker for 250 total. Compare that to 2x bare-bones lascannon HWS's that cost 210. 

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I thought you were talking about the barracks for a moment... :P Jokaero in number are quite good as you say and a bunker is a good way to mitigate their weaknesses. No real variety in the model if I remember right though?


I've never used the fortification stuff. Partly because I'm always drawn to painting units but also because it becomes an investment that must be "used". Something I should look into though especially as our codex continues to age. What sort of other tricks could we pull I wonder? I guess order tricks are out unless they have the command rule to allow this?

I thought you were talking about the barracks for a moment... :P Jokaero in number are quite good as you say and a bunker is a good way to mitigate their weaknesses. No real variety in the model if I remember right though?


I've never used the fortification stuff. Partly because I'm always drawn to painting units but also because it becomes an investment that must be "used". Something I should look into though especially as our codex continues to age. What sort of other tricks could we pull I wonder? I guess order tricks are out unless they have the command rule to allow this?

The GW branded bunker model is like $33 USD which is really not bad. But it's a bunker, so I am sure pretty much any appropriate model will work.


You'd think that Fortifications and guard would go hand-in-hand, but I find they actually handicap IG a bit. For one, they decrease Orders efficiency at times. You can't apply psychic buffs to embarked models either. Lastly, the kinds of IG units that are ideal (HWS) to park in there give you 3 models to put in, when they allow for 20 models to be embarked. You could put a combined squad in...but see the point about Orders above.


Enter Allies. The obvious one is SM Devastators, but for me, I try to keep SM and IG separate for flavor reasons. I will mix and match regular 'umies to no end, but I try to keep the Power Armor on its own. Jokaero offer just the right level of somewhat cost-efficient shenanigans. 4x SM Devs with lascannons are 150pts. For 25 more, you get a 5th shot and the extended range. With 60" threat range, you don't need to worry about mobility too much. And if the enemy hides hi Knight in that sliver of 12" outside their range...that's what the melta mech vets are for.

Tempestus Command (Codex MT) with 4x HSVG.. 16x S4 AP3 shots while protected inside the bunker with twin linked from their order they can issue themselves.

Since they are inside a building (counts as transport for all rules purposes) they can't receive orders, right?


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