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2.5k Imperial Fists Round Two. With new discoveries.


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Hey everyone so I'm back for round two and I have a little information to share about a few discoveries I made with my previous list after I played a handful of games. So discovery number one, Storm shield terminators really don't like squad minimums. There are just too many things out there with AP2 and all it takes is one or two failed invuln saves and they loose their impact, then your squad can easily get tied up. Discovery #2, don't bring just one deathclaw drop pod. They are too much of an attention getter (especially if they have Templars) and if you have just one it will easily get popped and the unit inside will get merc'ed. Discovery #3, Imperial bunker's just aren't enough to protect a squad for more than one round, two at most. At 2500 points there are just too-many things that deal with av 14. At a lower point game I can really see a bunker being a good choice.


So with these things in mind I've made a new list, I haven't had a chance to test it out yet.



HQ 230pts



Row: Pride of the Legion



Elites 275pts


Apothecarion Detachment 65pts

Artificer Armor and Power Sword


Legion Quad Launcher 140pts

2x, with SS


Legion Quad Launcher 70pts

with SS



Troops 1110pts


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA.

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Templar Brethren 380pts

Sgt. CS and Solarite Power Guantlet

9x Templars w/ CS



Heavy Support 785pts


Legion Heavy Support Squad 290pts

Sgt. AA, Augury Scanner

5x Marines

Trade out HB for LC's


Spartan Assault Tank 380pts

CA, FS, Dozer, Combi Melta


Whirlwind Scorpius 115pts



Fortification 100pts


Imperial void shield 100pts

upgraded to 3 void shields


My only concern is the point sink i've done in the spartan and Templar brethren squad. As I have seen multiple times 6 Templar's are more than enough to deal with even 20man tac squads even after loosing one or two they can usually work their way though what with ws5 and 3 attacks after charge. Meanwhile adding siggy with them will be more than enough to cut though anything short of a primarch. Still you can take siggy and friends and have them march up a flank.

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I'd try to squeeze in another character to add some more AP2 to the Templar squad.


A Primus Medicae with solar Gauntlet could be an option.


Drop the apothercary, a Templar or 2 and all the combi meltas on your vehicles to pay for it.


That way you have a squad that can take on any infantry (MEQ or TEQ) and monstrous creature units.


Still a big points sink but you could at least fight your way clear of large terminator squads.

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Yea, I always remember the AP 1 but it took a lil time to get use to the master crafted. What I'm looking forward to is seeing my brand new quad mortars in action. I've faced off against them a few times and they were nasty, usually a primary targets for a squad or two of vet marines.


I've also be thinking that I could shave some more points and take a bunker and the void shield generator.  The generator to protect the AV's and the bunker to keep the devastators alive.

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