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2500 pt 1K Sons The Guard of the Crimson King


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Hey folks, hoping I can get some feedback. I am not trying to create the ultimate win button here, in fact if what I like model wise is too good, Ill scale back. This just represents what I was planning before inferno came out combined with some of the new models I would like to paint so here goes (the points are going to be off, I will have to whittle with your help).




5 Sekhmet Cataphractii Terminators, chainfist, 3xcombimelta- telekinesis

5 Sekhmet Cataphractii Terminators, chainfist, 3xcombimelta- telekinesis

9 Tartaros Terminators, 2x chainfist, 4xcombiplasma- pyromancy


2x5 Intercession Cabal w/nuncio vox

2x Castellax-Achea Battle Automata

10 Legion Support squad with rotor cannons (I can make this squad smaller)

1x10 Vets in rhino's with meltas (nuncio vox) Outflanking

2x2 Quad Launchers with Shatter Shell


I think this above is 2415, of course I would want a second HQ to go with it.


I am thinking I also need another support character, most likely to go with the Battle Automata to buff them somehow.


So divination is where I am focusing on. Shatter shells with misfortune can take out the toughest of vehicles, they would also be responsible for flyer support (I would need to count on divination for rerolls to hit).


The terminators drop down being helped out by nuncio voxes and scriers gaze. Overall the list has what 10 dice (nothing on the vets or support) plus d6 rerolled, so I should comfortably be able to get off 3 powers a turn.


Now again, this is probably over 2500, I just need to figure out where to make cuts and streamline.

Oh in most games I would outflank the Battle Automata, deep strike the terminators, the vets also come on from outflank.

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One good secondary HQ to support the automata would be a Praevian with 2 Darkfire Castellax, would have to drop a 5-man Sekhmet squad. Maybe take one unit of 3 mortars for friendliness sake and use saves points to bump up numbers in other 5-man Sekhmet.
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Withershadow, I was thinking last night of just changing the 2x2 units of mortars to 1x3 and putting Amon in there. Essentially the mortars have a big role- anti heavy tank (with misfortune, anti air etc so if they get taken out early, I am kind of in trouble).


If I drop the one mortar I am at around 2350, how much does the Praevian with 2 Darkfire Castellax cost?


The other model I like which I could squeeze in is perhaps a Xiphon, I could then drop 2 of the mortars and just go 2 mortars total, of course I would have to drop other stuff as well.


What about the vets? Do you like them here, the fact that they can outflank helps especially with the terminators deep striking. Maybe equip them with dual plasmaguns? How should I equip them? Meltas? I mean I think with the rotor cannons and the termies I have alot of anti infantry covered, I am more vulnerable to armor and fliers.

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I don't think you can take Amon to lead this as Amon is not listed as a Praetor 


 Detachments using this Rite of War must choose as their Warlord either Magnus the Red, Ahzek Ahriman: or a Thousand Sons Praetor with a psychic Mastery Level of 3


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Ubertek, good catch, I saw Magnus, Ahriman and then just assumed Amon was there too. Easy enough I could just swap a Praetor or Ahriman (either way allot another 50 pts or so for either one). I dont think I need a beatstick as much as access to all the divination powers, so Ahriman would most likely be a good choice. I could then still outflank the Castellax by giving them scout from Ahriman. Scout is also nice for repositioning rapiers. I could then take machine killers with the vets and still give them outflank.


Any ideas on how to equip the vets? I was thinking perhaps 2 meltas or maybe just some combis as generally once they are out of their box they dont tend to last long anyways.

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Ahriman will work well if you are after div and need to cast o a 3+,  but I don't think you can put scout on the castellax.


Warlord: Pattern of Fates If Ahriman is your army's Warlord then he always uses this unique Warlord Trait. Pick up to three Troops units in your army with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule before your army is deployed, These units gain the Scout special rule.



I would be tempted to go with a raptor praetor but just take divination as his powers. you lose the casting bonus, but get +1 inv save on your IC and the Sekhmet.


For the Vets I'd go with a few combi meltas, couple of power weapons and Fist/Thunder Hammer on the sarge maybe, or just go Power weapon ad upgrade to force. Make them Pavoni, upgrade to psychic brotherhood take biomancy and let them rock... try for Iron Arm/warpspeed 

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