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Skitarii test color scheme

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I recently picked up the Start Collecting Skitarii box and painted up a few the other night to test a color scheme.  My idea for them is that they serve a Magos Biologis and so made green a prominent color while still retaining some red for the machine-god inside the cloaks.  One question I have is what to do with the weapons.  They seem rather bland but I wasn't sure what colors to go with for energy coils on the radium carbines.  I was thinking a glowing blue like on plasma weapons or maybe just a dash of Nihilakh Oxide in the recesses.  Thoughts?  Any comments or criticism would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Skitarii Test


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I recently picked up the Start Collecting Skitarii box and painted up a few the other night to test a color scheme.  My idea for them is that they serve a Magos Biologis and so made green a prominent color while still retaining some red for the machine-god inside the cloaks.  One question I have is what to do with the weapons.  They seem rather bland but I wasn't sure what colors to go with for energy coils on the radium carbines.  I was thinking a glowing blue like on plasma weapons or maybe just a dash of Nihilakh Oxide in the recesses.  Thoughts?  Any comments or criticism would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Very nice. I like the red cloak lining on these guys. Could you try the Nihilakh Oxide to see if it works? It would certainly be a lot quicker if it works. Perhaps put down a mid blue and then run the Oxide wash into the deepest recesses of the power coils? I personally use several layers of blue but I'm not sure if it's worth the extra time.


Other than that, there's some nice neat highlighting on the green. Looking good so far.

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It's a nice green, looks good :) Thanks to the heavy metallics on most AdMech I think there's a lot of scope for colours, as they are almost secondary in nature so most colours should work nicely. As Flame Boy says the red lining helps make them a bit different too, plus a little extra colour would help.

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Great work!  I like the subtle dark green and the fact that you've managed to keep the sacred red of Mars in there.  I definitely feel like a "glow" effect of some kind is in order to make the firearms pop more, though with your paint scheme green would definitely "blend in" too much.  Either an icy blue or perhaps a radical dull orange/red could give you the effect you want.  In either case, look forward to seeing more!  :)

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I recently picked up the Start Collecting Skitarii box and painted up a few the other night to test a color scheme.  My idea for them is that they serve a Magos Biologis and so made green a prominent color while still retaining some red for the machine-god inside the cloaks.  One question I have is what to do with the weapons.  They seem rather bland but I wasn't sure what colors to go with for energy coils on the radium carbines.  I was thinking a glowing blue like on plasma weapons or maybe just a dash of Nihilakh Oxide in the recesses.  Thoughts?  Any comments or criticism would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


I really like the green scheme, it's not a color usually seen on Skitarii so helps your army stand out from the pack and matched with the black, silver and red of the rest of the models I think it works as a cohesive and balanced scheme. My only suggestion to help the weapons stand out and provide more contrast would be to use a darker gold/bronze on parts of the weapon and maybe scattered around the models on a few other details. Oxide in the recesses of those gold areas could be interesting visually or you could simply pick out the power coils on the radium weapons in a nice contrasting color, a blue, teal, yellow or orange perhaps.

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Thanks for all the input! The weapons are definitely lacking that 'pop' and all of the color suggestions make a lot of sense for fixing that. I also certainly can pick out a few more details without really taking too much longer on each model. I'm in the process of moving, but once I get settled back in I will give all those suggestions a try and provide an update. smile.png

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From the pics i see i reckon a good contrast power coils colour would be orange with white added at extreme edges...

for some reason the blue doesn't sit well with me near the Dark green and flash of undersuit red wacko.png ...

great work though, look fwds to seeing this happen wub.gif


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