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Painting Pink/purple

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Hello, I begin an Emperor Children force, and i was wondering how to paint them. I'm not a fan of the pale violet of FW third legion, nor the white-pink of their official 40K color. I want a more vibrant color.

Eg :

- https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/450571137690070107/ (first picture)

- http://orig05.deviantart.net/6556/f/2009/324/8/9/dr__emperor__s_children_by_koilungfish.jpg

- https://www.dakkadakka.com/core/gallery-viewimage.jsp?i=629165&m=2&w=800

- http://painted40k.blogspot.fr/2015/10/emperors-children-rhino-blissful-sorrow.html

- http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=9ztuPq%2fi&id=4406C8105544439FD5FD9D37A16D7628F2DABED5&q=emperor+children&simid=608027041033029418&selectedIndex=363 Right now i've got : GW Black and white primer, Xereus Purple, Naggaroth Night, Screamer pink, Emperor's Children, Pink Horror, Vallejo Warlord Purple, Shade : Druchii violet, Carromobur crimson. I have made some test : - Base of Xereus then 2 shade of Druchii : dark violet but kind not the vibrant color i would like - White primer, Crimson shade, Druchii shade then Vallejo Warlord : Color is great, but it looks like i really need a base color before Vallejo Warlord - White primer, Base of Screamer pink, shade Crimson, then vallejo warlord : Too red, looks like a blood angel (maybe with Druchi instead of Crimson ?) If someone has some experience with Vallejo Warlord Purple, or want to share some purple/pink recipe (with brush) i would be so happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've played around with purple recently for my Bloodbowl team , but to get paler,more pastel colours.

I want with chaos black primer , naggaroth night base, xereus purple, genestealer purple, then nuln oil recess shades, wash overall with thin druchii violet to blend, redo the xereus & the genestealer , and finish with a dechala lilac edge highlight . I'm no artist but for tabletop it's to my liking :)


Inquisitorial warning: Xenos material ahead - for colour scheme comparison only ! :)






I think you'll need something like a naggaroth night base and then go towards a screamer pink kind of tone.

Maybe mixes of carrabough crimson and druchii violet washes, and glazing this layer by layer from the pure purple to a more balanced mix can do the trick ? I'd start that wash glazing on a pale base such as celestra gray (less vibrant than on a white base, works wonders).

I'd try a few variants if I were you on test models, purples are tricky too :)


Edit: just got myself some Purple Tone ink from Army Painter, I'll give it a try this weekend see how it fits your plans

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Isolia. I tried some of your advice. 


Indeed, you really need some test with violet/purple. Great thing my local GW provided me with some test miniatures. 


I think you'll need something like a naggaroth night base and then go towards a screamer pink kind of tone.



That was helpfull. I go with Red primer, then a base of Emperor Children pink, after that a base of a mix Warlord Purple + Nagarroth Night (just a pinch of Nagarroth Night). 
After that a bending : Warlord Purple + Naggaroth Night until Pure Warlord Purple

Highlight with Warlord purple + Emperor Children

Wash of Druchii violet. 


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