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Iron Hands 2500pts with some test games


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Got two games under my belt with this list which I am still painting though:


Praevian: artificer armour; combi-weapon (flamer)

• 2 Castellax Class Battle-automata: 2× Darkfire cannon; 4× flamer; enhanced targeting array


Siege Breaker: artificer armour; refractor field


9 Tactical Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist)

• Rhino: dozer blade; pintle-mounted multi-melta


9 Tactical Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist)

• Rhino: dozer blade; pintle-mounted multi-melta


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary


1 Quad Launcher Rapier Carrier: quad launcher (shatter shells; phosphex canister shot)


1 Quad Launcher Rapier Carrier: quad launcher (shatter shells; phosphex canister shot)


1 Quad Launcher Rapier Carrier: quad launcher (shatter shells; phosphex canister shot)


Land Speeder Squadron

• Land Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; hull-mounted graviton gun


4 Heavy Support Marines: volkite culverins; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour)


Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

• Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought: grav-flux bombard; 2× torso-mounted twin-linked volkite caliver; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger

• Dreadnought Drop Pod


War Machine Detachment

• Typhon Heavy Siege Tank: 2 sponson-mounted lascannon; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker: Ammo Store


First one was against Raven Guard and I managed to do really well in beer one as I was able to do nice amount of damage against four infantry units and some land speeders. On beer two things evened out a bit as her flyers arrived from reserves and killed single castellax and immobilized leviathan. Bunker got a hit and caused the guys inside some losses. On beer three my tacticals arrived and started racing to objectives. During beer four my second castellax died as well as one of those rapiers and on beer five there was just some Mor Deythans left as well as land speeders on her army. Typhon rolled over her warlord too. Beer six came and couldn't table her but won by objectives and got slay the warlord.


Against daemons I struggled as there was just too much stuff being summoned to the table and had only Typhon left in the end of beer four of that game and decided to concede.


Next one is against Iron Warriors during next week.


What I did like with this list was the fact that everything is bolter proof before the rhinos or bunker blow up. The Leviathan provides in-your-face aspect for the list while everything else just mops up other stuff from my own deployment zone.


What I don't like is the fact that it includes cheesy options such as phosphex rapers, leviathan in a pod and typhon which does make some less competitive lists unable to counter them all but in a right company it works fine.


This will struggle against armies that can close the distance and get into combat fast such as the daemon list I faced as well as some BA and WE builds but I'll gladly accept the challenge those lists would provide.


Next I am about to up the point size by adding melee beatstick praetor and termies or gorgons as well as looking a way to fit Lightning into the list to get some cc properties and such. After that I am looking into lazer vindicators.

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