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Mcrat's Blood Angels - just starting out


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Hi all. Long-time lurker here deciding to get into the hobby. I dipped my toe in back in 2008/09 and purchased AoBR and Space Hulk, but after only painting 10 models my attention shifted to other things.


But I've felt the urge to give 40k another shot, and with all the rumours of 8th ed swirling around, seems like I might have picked a fun time to do so.


I've always wanted to paint up my Space Hulk figures but have been too scared to do so in case I stuffed them up. They look so good and deserve a good paint job. So to help me practice my Blood Angels painting I decided to pick up a Start Collecting box and use them as my practice guys.


I also thought it would be fun to magnetise my tac squad in the event that I actually play some games with them. That way I have all options available to me and don't have to be concerned about gluing down a non-ideal weapon.


I searched around for tutorials on painting BA and found this one which I liked the most - www.youtube.com/watch?v=y20fbSweLpk 


Below is my first/test model. I posed him in a way to have his whole body open, so I wouldn't have to worry about hard to reach places for my first model. I also based him prior to painting for convenience, but for future guys I will be doing the bases separate and attaching them at the end.




More images in spoiler









Overall I really like how he turned out, but I know it can be better so any C&C appreciated.


Things I think I need to improve:

  • Get a smoother consistency with paint (thin it more?)
  • Steady hand to help pick out detail/hightlights better (practice practice)

I'm also after the BA transfer sheet for squad/company markings, but it's sold out online and my local GW store doesn't have it in stock either so will just have to wait until it's available again.


If you're interested here are my unpainted magnetised guys (heavy, special, sergeant) using 1mm x 2mm magnets:









And how I'm looking at doing my bases:








That's it for now, but I'll continue sharing updates as I complete more guys (slowly but surely).

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Your painting skill is great! I really like the look you gave that tactical marine. 10/10.


I'm not sure if the BA decal sheet will be in print again? I know if you log on to the British GW site they still have it for sale. I'm from the states and its been sold out and no longer available for a long time now :( .


Magnetizing is great for tactical squads. I run several setups across my 6 squads. The first is what I call the classic Blood Angel Tactical squad loadout; heavy flamer, ,melta-gun, and a combi-melta on the sergeant. The second type I run is full on flamer; heavy flamer, flamer, combi-flamer on the sergeant. The third one I run, and I only have one tactical squad setuo like this is my anti-armor tactical squad; multi-melta, melta gun, and combi-melta on the sergeant. The last type I run, and I only run one is what I call my shooter tactical squad; heavy bolter, plasma gun, and combi-plasma on the sergeant. 


That Space Hulk Terminator squad is so nice! And since we got the Orbital Intervention Force (OIF) formation, it makes our terminators pretty good. Previously people always leaned hard on the assault terminator squad because of the ability to take a 3+ invuln storm shield, but with the OIF rules traditional terminator squads equipped with the heavy flamer, assault cannon, or missile rack can do some serious damage upon deep striking. That double shooting phase and ability to split fire with each volley is nice!


Good luck and from your example you're off to a great start!! Welcome back to Baal brother!

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You are off to a great start, very much looking forward to seeing more!


It looks like the model would benefit from thinner coats on the red, but it's a minor issue really - it looks good. A red primer might help, if you haven't used one already?

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Thanks for the encouragement all.


Shame to hear about the transfer sheet, but oh well. I'll just leave space for them in the event they do a reprint one day.


And yes the models are being primed with Army Painter Pure Red. I just need to take more care with the red when touching them up after a couple of washes.


I actually primed the first guy a bit too thick but was able to paint the detail back ok. The next 5 I batch primed had to be stripped as it came out wayyyy too thick completely obscuring details on the face and shoulders. So they've had a Dettol soak and are ready to go again.


Learnt my lesson and now just priming one at a time (rather than grouped up) and watched some videos to see how it should be applied. It's coming out much better now.

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Yes, I dint use army painter sprays on infantry for that reason. Seems fine in tanks, but it can really clog in recesses.


Also, army painter do pot paint that exactly matches their spray ( or so they say) which you can use to get the same finish for touch ups.

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I might have to give army painter another go. Ages ago I bought a can and used it on tanks, Marines, everything. It was great.


So I bought three more.


Applied the same way, went on REALLY thick. I might have been unlucky, or maybe the cans are a bit variable.

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You are off to a great start, very much looking forward to seeing more!


It looks like the model would benefit from thinner coats on the red, but it's a minor issue really - it looks good. A red primer might help, if you haven't used one already?


Luthermax, what do you use to prime your Blood Angels? I either use spray on Meph Red or brush on Meph Red? I'm thinking I can get a better result if I try something else?

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You are off to a great start, very much looking forward to seeing more!

It looks like the model would benefit from thinner coats on the red, but it's a minor issue really - it looks good. A red primer might help, if you haven't used one already?



Luthermax, what do you use to prime your Blood Angels? I either use spray on Meph Red or brush on Meph Red? I'm thinking I can get a better result if I try something else?

I use Vallejo German Red Brown through my airbrush. It's a dark 'burgundy colour' - similar colour to Meph Red from the pictures I've seen. It gives really good coverage and doesn't obscure any detail, although you have much more control with an airbrush than with a spray can.


Vallejo released a pure red primer more recently which I'm yet to try out.

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You are off to a great start, very much looking forward to seeing more!

It looks like the model would benefit from thinner coats on the red, but it's a minor issue really - it looks good. A red primer might help, if you haven't used one already?


Luthermax, what do you use to prime your Blood Angels? I either use spray on Meph Red or brush on Meph Red? I'm thinking I can get a better result if I try something else?

I use Vallejo German Red Brown through my airbrush. It's a dark 'burgundy colour' - similar colour to Meph Red from the pictures I've seen. It gives really good coverage and doesn't obscure any detail, although you have much more control with an airbrush than with a spray can.


Vallejo released a pure red primer more recently which I'm yet to try out.



Thank you. I may have to try that pure red primer. Mephiston Red is a base, which they say works fine for priming .... but I always find that it requires a lot to prime?

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For the transfer sheet problem, there is a post (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/143757-ye-olde-decal-project/ ) with custom made transfer sheet you can download and print off that you can use or if we are allowed to, someone with a full sheet could scan it and upload it on the list stated before so you would get the transfers just have to cut them yourself. 

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For the transfer sheet problem, there is a post (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/143757-ye-olde-decal-project/ ) with custom made transfer sheet you can download and print off that you can use or if we are allowed to, someone with a full sheet could scan it and upload it on the list stated before so you would get the transfers just have to cut them yourself.

Ooo thanks for that link. I might try printing one of those off and seeing how it looks.

I've also just finished my second marine - slow and steady wins the race I guess. But I'm happy with how this guy has turned out as well, and have already made some improvements over the first paint job. Worked out how to thin the red nicely, plus was more careful with the washes to only go in the crevices, rather than take the lazy way out and wash the whole model.

This way the shoulder and large flat panels on the legs only had to be lightly gone over with the red to help bring out the colour in the primer, and the results are much smoother than the first.



Now onto the third guy smile.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

Minor update - 5 marines now painted. Looking forward to getting the next 2 marines done so I can focus on the special/heavy/captain + all their weapon options I've magnetised.



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  • 1 month later...

I ended up getting distracted by the whole Shadow War Armageddon thing so magnetised and painted up a team. Now to try and find some time to play a game or two with them...




Couple more photos








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