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Death Guard, Pride of the Legion 2500 points


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 2500 points, Pride of the Legion



chaplain, tartaros armour, chainfist



Quad mortar, shatter shells

Quad mortar, shatter shells

Quad mortar, shatter shells



5 deathshroud

7 marksmen vets, 5 combi flamer, flamer, power scythe, rhino, multimelta

7 machine killer vets, 5 combi melta, melta gun, power scythe, rhino, multimelta


Heavy Support

Spartan, flare shield, armoured ceramite

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, power scythe

2 vindicators





Mortarion, deathshroud and chaplain ride in the spartan. Mortarion jumps out and goes off to solo kill some unlucky chaps. Chem flamers on marksmen vets to burn the heathens. Grave wardens marching forwards with support from vindicators and machine killers. Quad mortars for anti tank and anti air (at a push!)


Lots of multiples of 7 because it's Mortarions favourite number.


I have 112 points left, I thought about adding a master of signals, but I'm not sure, I want to add something that gives legion flavour, any suggestions?


Thanks for reading!


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Solid list. Maybe add Machine Spirit to the Vindicators? And I would swap the Chaplain for a Forge Lord - he's tougher thanks to a Cyber-familiar, makes Deathshroud more offensive thanks to rad grenades, and he has an extra power fist attack.


Another option is to drop a Deathshroud and take both Consuls! :)

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Thanks Caillum, I went for the chaplain because he gives the unit reliable anti tank (4 chainfist attacks on the charge with rerolls) plus the rerolls to hit will make a big difference, 20 AP2 attacks (assuming they all get reaping blow bonus attack)  at I3 with rerolls will be brutal!


Plus he's not a chaplain, he's a lodgemaster!


Machine spirit is a good idea, I've been playing around and I can't find else anything that will fit in the 112 points. I wanted to take a tactical support squad of flamers, but I haven't got the points for a rhino for them.

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Fair enough. Fluff should always win out!


Yeah, I have that problem sometimes - too many points for upgrades, but not enough for a solid unit. A Javelin would be worth it, but it's not very thematic for Death Guard. Maybe a 4th Quad Launcher for the 4th Elites slot?

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I switched a few things around a bit, to try and recycle some models I'm not using and reduce costs!



chaplain, tartaros armour, chainfist (joins deathshroud)



Quad mortar, shatter shells

Quad mortar, shatter shells

Quad mortar, shatter shells



4 deathshroud, land raider phobos, armoured ceramite

7 marksmen vets, 5 combi flamer, flamer, power scythe, rhino, multimelta

7 machine killer vets, 5 combi melta, melta gun, power scythe


Heavy Support

Land raider proteus, hull mounted lascannon, explorator augury web, armoured ceramite (machine killers go in here)

5 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, power scythe

2 vindicators, machine spirit





2453 points


The only difference here is that Mortarion doesn't have a unit or transport, I'm thinking I can move him 6", shadow the reaper 10" and charge turn 1 if I'm lucky? Not sure about this though.

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