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Fallen Angels

Fallen Avenger

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Anyone else noticed that GW has a section on their store site saying Fallen Angels?




does that mean they will made as a playable army/chapter?


No, looks like they're basically just a formation. Its a veteran box and the DA's pictured look to be kitbashed from BaC. Likely they'll try to push that and BoP. But they're effectively DA veterans with Cypher. Rumor is that they battlebrother with imperial forces and can never join chaos or DA. I suppose it makes sense, given that they are travelling with the second great crusade now.


But the question is whether this will evolve if Jonson ever makes a comeback. Will there be a book dedicated to the DA in the next set? If so, all signs point towards a fracturing of the legion (Dark Angels and Fallen Angels) instead of any kind of reunion.

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Is there a new heresy afoot? If the Lion awakes and wants to hunt the fallen, but Guilliman is protecting them, are the Fallen going to be at the center of a divided Imperium?


Would RG risk another civil war? Keep in mind, it wasn't the heresy until after people began worshiping the emperor. As far as the old imperium is concerned, it was just a civil war. Heresy wasn't a thing.

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I'm trying to decide if its even worth buying that box set as I have no use for Girlyman and this Gray Knight, I would just want the fallen guys haha. Their basically just painted kits that are already out there, a veterans squad and a squad of heresy armor with a upgrade sprue to have DA stuff. 

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It's the DA vet kit and the mk4 squad. Says so right there.


I'm more happy they gave rules. Then I can go do some converting. If all they do is give them an alternate chaptertactics and ally table and say use the DA codex for everything else,minus special characters, add alternate relics and warlord traits and their own gladius with sub formations... that would be pretty cool... and realy not that hard on GW.


We shall see... might not happen until the hunt campaign.

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I'm trying to decide if its even worth buying that box set as I have no use for Girlyman and this Gray Knight, I would just want the fallen guys haha. Their basically just painted kits that are already out there, a veterans squad and a squad of heresy armor with a upgrade sprue to have DA stuff. 


Sell what you don't want on ebay or find a friend to split the cost with you.

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I'm trying to decide if its even worth buying that box set as I have no use for Girlyman and this Gray Knight, I would just want the fallen guys haha. Their basically just painted kits that are already out there, a veterans squad and a squad of heresy armor with a upgrade sprue to have DA stuff. 


Sell what you don't want on ebay or find a friend to split the cost with you.



Sadly I live in this land where I have no one to play with I just collect books and DA minis haha

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The latest Forge the narrative pod cast is discussing the new rules with book in hand.


Fallen sound to be chaos chosen.


The formation seems to be the same as the one in the Cypher data slate just change chaos chosen to fallen.

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As far as I can gather, the Fallen "formation" is a copy paste of the old Cypher dataslate - except that the Chaos Space Marine Chosen have been swapped out by Dark Angel Veterans. That is it. Cypher is the exact same at the Dataslate, so if you have that, there is NO need to buy Gathering Storm III, as you will already have the rules. Just swap the Chosen out with the Veterans.


Further, The Fallen are Best Buddies with Armies of the Imperium (except Dark Angels) and Chaos Space Marines (but not Chaos Daemons).


That was what I gathered from the article on BoLS where there were pictures of the book...



Master Ciaphsa

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It sounded to me like the fallen are copy paste chaos chosen. Can take 4 special weapons but not grav.


As far as I can tell from listening to others discuss it it is a straight copy paste from the cypher data slate just change the name chosen to fallen.

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Except that they are now a faction in they're own right. I almost picture Black Legion rules, i.e. Chosen as troops, but with no actual 'chaos' stuff. After all, I doubt the Grey Knights would fight alongside any blokes with mutations and chaos goodies.
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You are right in the data slate Cypher could only join armies of the imperium alone but now he can bring his buddies with him. As well as this chosen would have been battle bros with daemons but now they are come the apocalypse.
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I just can't wait to actually see their full rules. Some people are saying that the Fallen are just DA Company vets, others are saying that are renamed Chosen. I need to know which.
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I just can't wait to actually see their full rules. Some people are saying that the Fallen are just DA Company vets, others are saying that are renamed Chosen. I need to know which.

I haven't seen it myself but in the pod cast they describe the fallen as being able to take 4 special weapons (but not grav) in a squad .DA vets can not do this but chosen can. The bonus rules for the formation described are the exact same ones from the Cypher data slate ATSKNF within 12 inches of Cypher etc. As such I am very confident it is a copy paste of the Chyper data slate.



I sort of hope I am wrong and the fallen are something new and fresh but that's not how it's looking.


By all means listen to the forge the narrative pod cast and compare it to the Cypher data slate yourself I think you will draw the same conclusion.

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I suspect it probably is a cut and paste, but it would be a shame if they did that. They could have done so much more, actually making them into a proper 'Mercinary' Force, basically a Deathwatch Killteam that can be allied with either Imperial or Chaos forces.
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