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Fallen Angels

Fallen Avenger

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As a long term DA player I just want them to give me a way of playing with Cypher and those DAs that were loyal this whole time! Im not bothered about this current formation as it's pretty much just our vets unit. it's sad that even in these changing times GW have pretty much done nothing interesting with this units


From the books we know that everyone that was not with the main crusade force at the time of Luthers betrayal was classified as traitor even though there would have been many who had reasons why they never turned.  In fact there would have been fighing all across Caliban and throughout the scattered units of DA holding positions across the Caliban system, many could have survived.  There may have even been others scattered across other systems on diplomatic missions, holding important objectives etc that again seem to have just been labelled as traitors.


After 10k years of fighitng for justice I want these guys to be something special and I'm hoping that when the lion returns theres a way we can make use of these increadibly special (and as far as i can see) most stubborn, battle scarred and tactical of DA. 


what would you guys like to see from DA usable fallen? Something along the lines of the imperial marine: individual that can be added to a squad?  or a small elite unit that has some fluff based rules (boosting the squads skill with plasma or representing their long stubborn fight for justice)?

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As a long term DA player I just want them to give me a way of playing with Cypher and those DAs that were loyal this whole time!

You can play them, assuming Cypher is actually loyal. Just not alongside the Dark Angels, which is as it should be, always.


After 10k years of fighitng for justice I want these guys to be something special and I'm hoping that when the lion returns theres a way we can make use of these increadibly special (and as far as i can see) most stubborn, battle scarred and tactical of DA.

Where does it say that any of the Fallen have been fighting for justice? Fighting to survive, maybe, fighting to get away, sure, but justice? We don't have a story for that. At best they may have been fighting a one to three man Great Crusade, avoiding any contact with the Unforgiven or their network of informants (unlikely), until they were captured. Even the nature of their crusade is likely dubious when examined.


what would you guys like to see from DA usable fallen? Something along the lines of the imperial marine: individual that can be added to a squad?  or a small elite unit that has some fluff based rules (boosting the squads skill with plasma or representing their long stubborn fight for justice)?

Absolutely nothing. As a long term DA player, no. That neuters the mythos of the Dark Angels. The Dark Angels (that know) do not believe that Cypher or the Fallen contain anyone that was loyal. Period. They will not listen to "reason" about this, "reason" is another word for traitorous lies from the mouth of a Fallen. Dark Angels should NEVER be able to take any unit of Fallen.


Obviously, there are also some Dark Angels at the very tip top of the organization that know other information, at least about Cypher. They may even suspect something is off about the pursuit of the Fallen and the nature of the Fallen, but none of even those Unforgiven have seen fit to try and call off the Hunt. It is part of who they are.


If GW goes so far as to have the Lion pardon the Fallen, I sincerely hope that it is merely a ruse to lure them all out into the open where they can be executed, because the Lion needs the Dark Angels to move on to "real things and stop messing around." The Lion is not an understanding guy. Azrael is more level headed than the Lion has been shown to be, and his level-headedness has allowed him to make the brilliant decision that if the Hunt comes to light, he'll simply let the Unforgiven be destroyed if that's what it comes to. Good to see the "absolute emotional control decision making" gene doesn't fall far from the tree there (that's sarcasm, BTW, obviously the Lion has a problem with his emotions and it interferes with reasonable decision making sometimes - which is the same as Azrael, who apparently has let his melancholy over Cypher, the Hunt and the Fallen control his decision making as well). Additionally, simply executing the Fallen wastes no time. You don't have to sort truth from lies, etc. It's pragmatic. The Lion is a pretty pragmatic fellow.

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I just wish there was a better representation of the fallen on the table than GW has rendered...


Honestly, a "successor" style variation of DA, similar to how there is flesh tearers for BA would have been better...


Why? Because I'm sure there were fallen who had jump packs, bikes, terminator armour... held the rank of captain, chapter master, chaplain, librarian... a 2k army isn't nearly enough men to be impossible even of there is no certainty it ever happened in the fluff..


Perhaps only the variety of gear should have existed and the fallen still only been playable in the small formations we have available now... but still. Bikes terminators, officers etc... maybe something more like the DW kill teams should exist... a dozen fallen sticking together for survival, but amongst them one was once a legion centurion, another a terminator sgt etc...


Or maybe the fallen should have been a legion tactic like any other CSM legion, even if limited to a single allied detatchment sized force at best...

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I just wish there was a better representation of the fallen on the table than GW has rendered...


Honestly, a "successor" style variation of DA, similar to how there is flesh tearers for BA would have been better...


Why? Because I'm sure there were fallen who had jump packs, bikes, terminator armour... held the rank of captain, chapter master, chaplain, librarian... a 2k army isn't nearly enough men to be impossible even of there is no certainty it ever happened in the fluff..


Perhaps only the variety of gear should have existed and the fallen still only been playable in the small formations we have available now... but still. Bikes terminators, officers etc... maybe something more like the DW kill teams should exist... a dozen fallen sticking together for survival, but amongst them one was once a legion centurion, another a terminator sgt etc...


Or maybe the fallen should have been a legion tactic like any other CSM legion, even if limited to a single allied detatchment sized force at best...


The problem is that the Fallen were scattered over time and space, pretty much all of them found themselves on worlds thousands of light years from where they were, sometimes they were the only intelligent or advanced life form on the planet. Whenever they found themselves amounts humans they had to hide what they were. No imagine 10k years have passed where this Fallen had no one available to maintain his kit, things like terminator armour and jump packs needs constant maintenance.

Cypher (is this the same person as 'The Voice' from EoT campaign?) has gathered a small band of Fallen together, these are the ones who haven't tried to lead they're own armies in backward worlds (Astellan) or have all our Fallen to chaos (The Dreadnought from the Deathwing collection, I think) these Fallen are the moderate ones, I'm guessing. But then that all depends on what Cypher is up to and who he actually is.

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Why? Because I'm sure there were fallen who had jump packs, bikes, terminator armour... held the rank of captain, chapter master, chaplain, librarian... a 2k army isn't nearly enough men to be impossible even of there is no certainty it ever happened in the fluff..




A 2K DA army of DA is a full 100 men company with support vehicles. How can Fallen, scattered through time and space gather 100 of them and support vehicles? Even putting the notion that it's hard to amass on those numbers aside, it never happened in the fluff because it would be almost impossible. If those Fallen were all like-minded, that would be a planet conquering force.

So sooner or later They would have to face 7000 or more Astartes from the Unforgiven, because that big of an army leaves a much bigger trail.

So Fallen operate in bands at most, with very limited resources. I recon not enough resources to keep terminator armor functional 10K years.  As for bikes, I don't think they would be scattered through time and space with them, same as armor, but even if they did, bikes also fall into disrepair if they are decades without the parts for maintenance.

So no, a Fallen army per se, shouldn't be possible to be fielded and the current incarnation of Cypher + Veterans is the best way to go about it if fluff has to be respected.

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"This Fallen Angel is known only as the Scouring Light, and never speaks"

"Some whisper that nothing living remains within Brother Zhorn's armour"
"This nameless Fallen Angel seeks mighty imperial champions to slay"

Who wrote this? It's like introduction to a cheesy dating show from the 90's.

Still excited about this release.

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Man I gotta stop pre-ordering stuff before knowing exactly what it is. Got too excited. Sounds like I might be trading in the MKIV armor guys cause I haven't really cracked into my Betrayal at Calth box yet. This also makes me want Burning of Prospero now. 

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Anyone else find it humorous that the fallen are listed under DA in the web store? A unit that is unusable by DA and represented by a bad photoshop image of DA vets is listed in the DA section.


Though I guess cypher is too. Nobody told the devs to make them fallen exclusive.

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Man I gotta stop pre-ordering stuff before knowing exactly what it is. Got too excited. Sounds like I might be trading in the MKIV armor guys cause I haven't really cracked into my Betrayal at Calth box yet. This also makes me want Burning of Prospero now. 


I've fallen in that trap many times too. Luckily you shouldn't bother with pre-orders for GW. The prices rarely change after release. Pre-order really has no benefits



Anyone else find it humorous that the fallen are listed under DA in the web store? A unit that is unusable by DA and represented by a bad photoshop image of DA vets is listed in the DA section.


Though I guess cypher is too. Nobody told the devs to make them fallen exclusive.


They did the same with the Cypher supplement & models. Well, technically they are DA-related. It would be weird to have an unknown model in every category (SM, UM, SW, BA, CSM,...) just because they are allowed to take it. But placing it in the only faction that can't take it is a dirty trick, since only the supplement states that DA can't take it.


- New DA-player browses through GW-site.

- See badass model with DA-icons in store

- Buy model (the expensive trio) with book for rules

- Reads this in the formation: "That awesome model with the DA-icons? EVERYONE can take it. Oh sorry, did I say everyone? 'Everyone' doesn't include you."

- Start new crusade.


GW works in mysterious ways.


Although I must confess, I'm not impressed by the pictures I've seen of the codex. Most Fallen wouldn't look out of place in an asylum.

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