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2.5K Emperor's "fabulous" Children


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Hey guys,

First time making a list of non-Sisters imperium models

First time making a 30k army


So my goal with this list is to create a fun, fluffy yet strong enough to play in more competitive games list, using my two favourite units, Phoenix Terminators and Kakophoni.



Legion Centurion

-Master of Signals



Phoenix Terminator Squad (10)

-Phoenix Champion

-Phoenix Terminators x9

-Sonic Shriekers

-Spartan Assault Tank

  -Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

  -Armoured Ceramite

  -Flare Shield

  -Frag Assault Launchers

  -Quad Lascannon



Kakophoni (10)


-Chora x9



Kakophoni (10)


-Chora x9



Kakophoni (10)


-Chora x9



Fast Attack:



Heavy Support:

Whirlwind Scorpius

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

-Armoured Ceramite


Lord of war:

Fulgrim the Illuminator


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Unfortunately the Master of Signals is a support officer, so cannot be your compulsory HQ choice. I'd recommend replacing him with a chaplain in tartaros terminator armor who can accompany the phoenix terminators. Considering their damage output really dampens out after charging, phoenix terminators really benefit from a chaplain to boost their first turn damage output. I know a lot of people are not fans of big phoenix terminator units, especially considering they need to charge in order to stand a chance against other terminators, but I'd encourage keeping them, especially since they make a great fluffy escort for Fulgrim. 


As for the rest of the list, I know you're utilizing your two favorite units but honestly the list seems a bit bland with only two support vehicles for your two unit types. Not that it's an issue I guess, but just my opinion. You definetly could use more anti tank though, right now all you have is the venator. I'd recommend taking out the scorpius and replacing it with something better at anti tank, like laser destroyer vindicators or graviton rapier batteries. Lot of options for anti tank, just think you do need something to supplement the venator. 

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Unfortunately the Master of Signals is a support officer, so cannot be your compulsory HQ choice. I'd recommend replacing him with a chaplain in tartaros terminator armor who can accompany the phoenix terminators. Considering their damage output really dampens out after charging, phoenix terminators really benefit from a chaplain to boost their first turn damage output. I know a lot of people are not fans of big phoenix terminator units, especially considering they need to charge in order to stand a chance against other terminators, but I'd encourage keeping them, especially since they make a great fluffy escort for Fulgrim. 


As for the rest of the list, I know you're utilizing your two favorite units but honestly the list seems a bit bland with only two support vehicles for your two unit types. Not that it's an issue I guess, but just my opinion. You definetly could use more anti tank though, right now all you have is the venator. I'd recommend taking out the scorpius and replacing it with something better at anti tank, like laser destroyer vindicators or graviton rapier batteries. Lot of options for anti tank, just think you do need something to supplement the venator. 

Thanks, I have no idea what 30k lists are like and normally play against armies light on tanks. I'll re work the list :)

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Asvaldir makes a good point; you need some mroe anti-tank to balance out your list a bit. There are lots of choices, depending on how you want to theme your army, I'll give you a few suggestions:


- landspeeders with multimelt & grav; cheap and mobile

- primaris lightning fighter with kraken penetrator missiles - this is a popular choice, hard hitting

- mortis contemptor with TL lascannons - also doubles up as some anti-air

- deredeo dreadnought with autocannons, very efficient anti tank, 4 Twin linked BS5 S8 shots with sunder

- quad mortars with shatter shells


There are loads more anti tank options, but hopefully this will give you some ideas :)

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