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Dealing with deepstriking wraithguard

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A new opponent of mine is using Ynnari and is using webway portals to deepstrike wraithguard behind my knights. How do I protect against this? I am not sure bubble wrap is sufficent for this one.


Before anyone calls cheese I told him to bring whatever, even if it is cheesy. I prefer to learn how to counter things rather than ban them!

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Any unit that can get you interceptor, or make it very hard for him to have a good place to deepstrike. Using terrain and other units spread strategically you can minimize the amount of your things they can hit. Against things that DS the best option you have is to deploy well.


DSing Wraithguard is cheesy indeed, but it's the world we're in, and honestly it's fluffy, so I have a hard time decrying it.

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space chaff units out at maximum unit coherency and without enough space for him to deepstrike in between units while requiring him to follow the rule that requires him to give your models their 1" required space between.  You'll be surprised at how much table space that is if you lay it out.  You can also deploy in a corner to cut down on the required chaff coverage.  

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Chaff and Desvalle's Holy Circle - the latter is a 12" bubble of automatic mishap but it's only available with Celestine or with a castellans formation (minimum investment four units of veterans/scions, a priest/inquisitor to bear the circle, and on more character)

 -note though that up to three knights can be taken as part of this and gain the Hatred special rule.

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A local Mechanicus player brings Inquisitor Lord Coteaz who comes with a better version of Interceptor, stick him in a unit of Vanguard/Rangers with 3 Plasma Calivers and those Deep Striking Wraithguard will vanish in moments.

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Protecting several knights is going to present a problem.


Coteaz and the Circle are 12" bubbles of anti-deep striking, but you're going to have a gap in your coverage based on the footprint of several knights.  I'm pretty sure the WWPs don't scatter, which if that's the case your opponent will simply measure out 12.01" inches and then drop where he can still hit you with the D-scythes.  The flamer template is, what, eight inches long?


If you're really serious about this, I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and invest in some chaff units for board coverage and deny him the ground to execute a drop. Guard would be cheapest and could also hold backfield objectives while your knights go smash face.  


I would proxy model out a deployment and see what works with the number of knights you plan on bringing.  If you are concerned with him nuking a Knight from range also (Wraithknight, huh?) you're going to have to spread out even more.  


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If you're really serious about this, I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and invest in some chaff units for board coverage and deny him the ground to execute a drop. Guard would be cheapest and could also hold backfield objectives while your knights go smash face.  



Oh that wont be an issue at all. IG was my first army, I have at least 200 flashlights.


the D weapons were 12inch range I thought? So as long as I can use a combo of the circle and the blob to keep him outside 12 I should be good.


Coteaz and Skittari are less of an option as I do not own either of those, but I have bucketloads of IG

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