Arkangilos Posted March 8, 2017 Share Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) I'm starting this thread to consolidate and replace my various other ones throughout. It will have my fluff and actual models, as well as my story. This first post will also be updated each time I make an update so it will continue to be consolidated. I'll make new posts in this thread with each specific update so people won't have to keep reading for updates if they do want to stay updated. Criticism and Advise is welcome. Sanguinary Crusaders Index Astartes Sanguinary Crusaders "We live in a hostile universe, brothers. If we show just one second of weakness, we will be defeated. If we show an ounce of remorse, we will be destroyed. Our foes are ever looking for ways to take advantage of us, and we must give them none. Yet, as proud sons of Sanguinius, we must not forget our nobility. It is our duty to make sure the Imperium survives the Horrors that had slain our Father. Remember this brothers, and we shall survive. Forget this, and we are no better than those who seek to destroy it." ~Arkangilos Founding: 2nd Primarch: Sanguinius Homeworld: Damoria IV Origins "We have been defeated, my brothers. Our Primarch is dead, our own chapter master unable to cope with our losses, and our glorious future fading away. Let us crusade then, my brothers, so that we may find the grail of existence." ~Arkangilos When the codex decreed that the legions would be split, the Blood Angels quickly stepped in line. One of the chapters created in this founding would become the Sanguinary Crusaders, under the command of Chapter Master Raphael, who was commander of the 143rd company, and master of the 15th Chapter during the latter days of the Great Crusader. Dealing with the Primarch's death was difficult for all son's of Sanguinius, and Raphael was no exception. Following the split, he immediately embarked on a crusade of redemption, vowing not to stop until every last traitor was completely destroyed. However the chapter command quickly saw that without a home world and a chance to consolidate, it would be destroyed. Reluctantly, Raphael agreed to cease the endless campaigns and instead search for a place to call home. Before long, they located a death world by the name of Taskus IV that was perfect for their needs, and began the process of building their monastery. Seeing an opportunity for attack, the forces of chaos under the command of Edlan the Soul Thief launched a full scale war against the weakened and vulnerable chapter. The chapter held, but it was a Pyrrhic victory. In the battle, the planet was laid waste to, and Raphael was knocked unconscious, the Sanguine Blade of Valor, gifted to Raphael by the Primarch himself during the Great Crusade, was stolen. This was too much for Raphael, who fell into a deep depression. With their leader having lost the will to fight, the chapter was unsure what to do. It was then that First Captain Arkangilos stepped forward and vowed that the Crusaders would find that holy relic and restore the dying chapter. Each of the surviving squads set out on a journey to find their lost sword. Years past, and Raphael sank deeper and deeper into his depression. What remained of the chapter command began losing faith in him, and with most of the chapter out searching, and many squads having gone silent, it seemed that the chapter would fade into memory. Finally, after ten years, Arkangilos returned. With him the knowledge of where to find their lost treasure. This finally stirred Raphael. The chapter council, was reluctant to return command to Raphael, who had been unwilling to do anything for the past decade. Had it not been for his past accomplishments, and the support of Arkangilos, they would have denied it all together. But they did not, and so Raphael sent out a message to all Sanguinary Crusaders to return to the ruined home world. Less than a third of the chapter was left, but Raphael knew it would be enough. Following the path of Arkangilos, Raphael led the chapter to the location of the blade and the one who had wronged their chapter. With deadly determination, the Sanguinary Crusaders struck a deathblow to Edlan's warband, and the blade was returned. Raphael knew that he had lost the right to lead the chapter, and that Arkangilos, the one that had salvaged what hope they had left, deserved the blade that he had rescued. With the blade, he transferred command of the chapter, and stepped down. Raphael's next actions are still practiced today. Having let down the chapter, he left the chapter, embarking on a personal crusade to remove the stain from his honor. Arkangilos decreed that once the chapter had rebuilt, it would once again embark on a crusade. He had said that only once they had stopped had they suffered the most. It was a sign from Sanguinius, and he vowed that until Sanguinius himself told them to settle on a homeworld, they would never stop moving. Homeworld "Upon this pedestal we shall build a new life" For the ten years from the disaster of Taskus IV to the return of Arkangilos and the embarkation of the crusade, the Sanguinary Crusaders maintained their holdings on Taskus. Their incomplete fortress monastery had began falling apart, a reflection of the will of Raphael. As the years passed, the planet's condition deteriorated, having been unattended to after the battle against the chaos fleet. Life on the planet withered, the buildings of what civilizations remained collapsed into ruin. After ten years, the chapter finally left, never to return to the dying world, a memory of shame to be added to their records. After that the Sanguinary Crusaders were a fleet based chapter until the 40th millennium, when it came across the world of Damoria IV. The world, a radioactive wasteland caused from a war centuries before their arrival, was almost a sick irony. Having aided the neighboring world of Damoria II in a fight against invading forces of chaos, the Sanguinary Crusaders landed on Damoria IV to insure it was free from chaos taint. In doing so, they uncovered a statue of Sanguinius, a statue with the inscription that changed their fate. Who the statue was actually referring to is unknown, but the Sanguinary Priests believe this to have been a prophetic vision from Sanguinius to the Sanguinary Crusaders. From this point forward, Damoria IV would be their home. Imaging Segmentum: Ultima Sector: Outskirts of the Draco Sector Type: Death World, post apocalyptic. Tithe Grade: None. Sanguinary Crusader Recruiting World and site of their Fortress Monastery. Geography Damoria IV was once a lush civilized world full of life, a multitude of climates, and almost no deserts. Several cities were spread throughout the continents, with The Eternal Hive as the capital. It has four major mountain ranges and a multitude of great lakes. However, several major disasters befell the world, and turned it into a radioactive wasteland. The once calm weather has become chaotic, with rad storms, acid rain/snow, and plagues running rampant. The clean water has been tainted, the wildlife mutated, and radioactive marshes and deserts have become the norm. The polar ice caps, having mostly melted shortly after the disaster, have started to freeze over again, the oceans slowly receding. But the radioactive tundras and snow still grips the northern and sourthern parts of the continents. A lone mountain, a major landmark, stands in the middle of a radioactive desert. The survivors have formed into several city states and kingdoms, each with varying customs and values. They will often fight each other for what resources remain. Alliances and empires form and shatter, rise and fall. Peoples In the aftermath of the cataclysm, two types of loyal civilizations appeared. Where the scarce, stable resources could be found in sufficient quantities, people began to conjugate. These people formed the City States and Principalities. These people jealously guarded their resources, and erected large walls around the centers, and had organized militias to patrol the outlying villages. Wars for resources are common, and to say they lived easy lives would be a lie, as their lives were still plagued with disease, radiation, droughts, and all manner of ill fortunes. Yet these people would be referred to as the "Fortunata." Between these cities, in the barren wastelands that covered most of the world, lived scavengers and nomadic people. They formed mobile tribes that would move from resource to resource. Many would try to become part of a city, or even try to conquer a city. Like the Fortunata, war, plague, radiation, and mutants were a constant threat. These people all have a unifying belief, however. They are unified in their beliefs to the Emperor, and his angel, the Savior. The Savior is what the locals call Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and their successors. The beliefs date back to the Great Crusade, when Sanguinius liberated the world the first time from a foul xenos race long forgotten. Through the millenia, he was regarded as their savior and hero. However, most of this was lost during the fall, the people thinking they were abandoned. This would all change once the Sanguinary Crusaders, the decendence of his line, would save them again. Part of the reinvigorated belief was the introduction of self sacrifice and quests. Heroes would lead quests to retrieve lost artifacts, bring peace, and defeat vile mutants and monsters. Not all that lived on the planet were loyal humans, however. Mutants, Feral Orks, and vile beasts created from the apocalypse roam the wastelands. Some form societies of their own, and large wars and crusades are fought against them. Recruitment "Yesterday you underwent the hardest trials of your life. Today you begin the hardest life of trials!" ~Scout Sergeant Antone The Sanguinary Crusaders, once every two years, assess the eligible recruits. Those who meet the qualifications are brought to the Fortress of Angels, where they begin their tests. The tests try their patience, cognitive skills, and ability to cope with stress. Those who continue to excel are then taken to various training camps, where they undergo physical trials. Once the trials are complete, the recruits are split into groups of twenty. Keeping with the traditions of the chapter, each group is given an objective for a crusade. They are given only the bare necessities to begin their crusade. They are also given a single map, with various regional warnings and routes. The only weapons provided are the short swords that the battle brothers will carry for the rest of their lives. The recruits are given no leadership or special officers. They must figure out how to work as a team or die, sometimes bringing the entire group to their deaths as well. Those recruits that take charge are noted for their leadership abilities, and those who show exceptional faith and watch over their brothers are also noted, and those recruits are destined to be either Chaplains are Sanguinary Priests, depending on how they display their faith and how later tests turn out. This initiation crusade is a perilous one, and though the groups set out with twenty, they usually complete their crusade with fewer than five. However, those that complete it are immediately inducted into the chapter and begin the implant and scout phase of their new lives. Usually, those who survived the crusade are kept with their groups as they join their scout squads. Those that survive, yet are unable to complete the crusade due to ill fate such as injuries, are given the great honor of joining the chapters serfs. This also gives them the hope that one day their descendants may yet join the ranks of the Sanguinary Crusaders Chapter. Doctrines "Honor the codex, believe in the tactics and the teachings, remain open minded, and we will prevail." ~ Captain Venitus The Sanguinary Crusaders follow the Codex almost to a letter, as much as their flaw allows. They are flexible in their approach, and uphold the spirit of Guilliman's teachings, as they believe Sanguinius would have wanted. They, like their progenitors, enjoy close combat, but place a high value on devastators, and see them with respect, as they must control their rage even more, so that the support lines will not falter. The favored weapon of the Sanguinary Crusaders is the flamer, and almost every squad will have one. They see it as a means to purge mass amounts of enemy in swaths of holy fire. Before a lengthy campaign is launched, the Sanguinary Crusaders send out an advance force consisting of a contingent of scouts and chapter serfs. While the scouts are conducting advanced recon and deploying beacons, the serfs are spreading prophecies of the "Divine Justice." Many are prosecuted and die at the hands of heretics, but still the seeds of righteousness are planted in those that would be on the fence. When the main invasion from the Sanguinary Crusaders comes, it comes following the steps of the prophecy. The "prophets" and those that follow them begin to chant and recant the prophecy as the trumpet blares over the communication systems, and vibrates through the air. Following the first trumpet blow, fire rains down from the heavens, burning away first layers of xenos filth or heretical corruption. Upon the second blow of the trumpet, the Crusaders of Sanguinius begin their decent. It is also at this time that all those loyal to the Imperium, or all of those swayed by the preaching of the "prophets" rise up to fight, creating a mass of fanatical redemption cults in an attempt to save their lives and souls from the Emperor's Wrath. When enemy is finally broken and victory is achieved, the third and final blow of the trumpet will be heard, and all of those who had joined the Redemption Cult are assembled to await judgement. The judgement is not as indepth as one passed by the Inquisition, and if the inquisition in present, the chapter will always defer to the Inquisition for judgement. At times they would execute a number of them, at other times the redemption cults would work out their own punishments as the "Prophets" return to the chapter and their chosen replacements from the local populations are given their instructions. Regardless, the world is usually left in a state of fanatical fervor towards Sanguinius, Dorn, and the Emperor, a fanatical fervor matching that of the Crusaders. Beliefs "That is an understandable question, neophyte. Why are we inflicted with the terrible curse of the Black Rage? Because of our Father's Sacrifice. He sacrificed himself so that humanity may endure, so that it could be saved. The Black Rage is a reminder of that sacrifice, a pure vision of that monumental decision. We too, must sacrifice ourselves in honor of him, despite how unworthy those mortals are of it. We must die so that they can live. However, when our appointed time to make that sacrifice comes we often miss it. It is when we miss it that the Black Rage takes hold. We failed to live up to His example, and so He reminds us, through the Black Rage. It is not a curse, but a blessing. It is a salvation for us, it is for us to atone for the Sin of Life. Remember that, and do not be afraid." Brother Chaplain Geraldi to Neophyte Corvo after a member of his squad fell to the Black Rage. Unlike the Blood Angels, the Sanguinary Crusaders often do not think of the Black Rage as a curse. Rather, many of them think of it as an atonement for living when their appointed time of sacrifice has come and passed. They believe that Sanguinius' sacrifice set a precedent for them to follow, and that each of them has an appointed hour in which they will make the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of the Imperium. It is widely held by the priesthood that living through that appointed hour means that they have selfishly denied the work of their father, and that to have survived it is a great sin. They therefore consider the Black Rage to be the spiritual reminder of their duties, and that it is the path to redemption. In this sense, those that fell to the Black Rage were already damned, and that the Black Rage is actually the only means of salvation. Like their parent chapter, the Sanguinary Crusaders suffer from the Red Thirst and Black Rage. It stains their noble and pure ways, but they have, through their crusades, found ways to better themselves. The Sanguinary Crusaders have found that an art can sometimes settle their thirst, as it requires a large amount of concentration. All free time is spent either perfecting arts of combat, the arts of tactics, or visual art. Their armor and weapons will often times be engraved with extravagant visuals, their armor engraved with prayers and litanies of concentration. However, they understand that the thirst cannot be overcome without a cure, and the Sanguinary Priests consulted with the Blood Drinkers and Blood Angels. The Sanguinary Priests, observing the measure of control the Blood Drinkers have obtained over their thirst have determined that they would try it in moderation. As a result, on the eve of every major campaign, and after the campaign, during the Great Feasts, instead of wine, purified blood is offered as a drink to those who manage to resist the thirst throughout the battles. In theory, it will reward those with self-control, and punish those who lack it. This system is closely monitored however, and should one still succumb during a time not deemed appropriate, or in front of others, he is severely punished. It is also kept secret from all but those who share their lineage. The Burden of Guilt The First Chapter Master Raphael's depression seemed to be an isolated event at first. Yet, as time and generations passed others began to suffer the same effects. As the marines gained more responsibilities of command, the toll of defeats seemed to weigh more heavily on their shoulders. Every loss of a battle brother, every lost battle, and every setback would see the motivation of the commanders edged away. Why this happens no one is sure, but the Sanguinary Priests of the chapter believe that their chapter has inherited the guilt of failure from Sanguinius. They have come to refer to this as The Guilt. This does not mean that the Sanguinary Crusaders are less fierce in battle than their cousins, as once the battle begins they unleash their rage and hatred. However, as campaigns weigh on the leader of the crusades will become more hesitant in their tactics, they will second guess their decisions, and begin to doubt their own worthiness. On the most extreme, the sergeant of a squad or the captain of the battle force will enter into an exile like Raphiel, or will shut out the world around them in their sorrow. Some have found ways of coping, such as self mutilation and flagellation, or an obsession of fine art that is never satisfactory. This has led many to believe that the chapter has become mentally unstable, and some that it is only a matter of time before it's destabilized emotions open the gateway for corruption. Therefore the Sanguinary Crusaders are doubly cursed, and must master the Thirst and the Guilt, as well as battle the Black Rage. Organization The Sanguinary Crusaders are broken up as the codex dictates, with the same variations as the Blood Angels. Among the differences are where seniority lies. The majority of the Company Captains do not hold the special titles that their cousins would. The Master of the Watch, Master of the Arsenal, Master of the Fleet, Lord Executioner, Master of the Marches, and Master of Rites are all given to captains whose only roles are to fulfill those positions. Usually they are captains who have served with distinction and are too injured to continue in a battlefield role. The Reserve Company Captains are the senior of the captains, though not by much, who have been taken off of the front lines in order to better train those in the reserve companies. The reserve company captains do hold the similar titles as their Blood Angel cousins, such as Master of Sieges, Lord of Skyfall, and Caller of Fire. The tenth company maintains the Master of Recruits. All of those with special titles, including the First Company Captain, are part of the Chapter Council. The only captains that are not part of the council are the Battle Companies, whose primary duty is to the crusades they are waging. That is not to say that they have no weight in the running of the chapter, as the chapter council has rarely turned down the advice from those who are on the front. The Priesthood Amongst the slight differences, even with others of the gene line, are the roles of the Sanguinary Priests and Chaplains. Unlike the Blood Angels, they are not separate organizations. Sanguinary Priesthood is a dual faced organization, with the Sanguinary Crusaders serving as the wardens of the living and righteous, and the chaplains serving as the wardens of the dead and the damned. This also means that Chaplains have a rudimentary knowledge of collecting geneseed and training as an apothecary. However, this is mostly utilized in collecting the geneseed of those in the Death Company. The Sanguinary High Priest is the highest ranking member of the priesthood, and stands as an equal to the Chapter Master. The Sanguinary High Priest is in charge of all matters involving the priesthood, and has the power to veto and override the Chapter Master at any time. All matters of faith, war, and promotion must first be submitted and reviewed by the priesthood. To be selected for the priesthood is a great honor, and every squad recognizes two members based on merit. One will be marked with a white cord, and one with a black cord. Each will receive additional training as potential additions to the priesthood. When a Sanguinary Priest or Chaplain dies, one of the brothers with the respective cord will be selected to be admitted into the Priesthood. The Angel of Remission The Sanguinary Crusaders also have a position known as the Angel of Remission. Rather than wait for Astorath to execute those who have fallen, they have dedicated a single, strong willed battle brother. His duty is simple, he executes those that cannot be saved in life. Because of the Burden of Guilt, this position is an extremely difficult one. In the past, the Angel of Remission would quickly lose his sanity, and so the chapter council got together and decided on a course of action. The Angel of Remission would have his memories wiped upon taking the mantle, and wiped again after each execution. However, this only delays the inevitable, as while the mind can be cleansed, the soul cannot. Once chosen, the identity of the brother is recorded onto the scroll of sacrifice, where all names of those who have made noble sacrifices to honor Sanguinius would go. His identity is destroyed, his memories erased, and his face permanently covered. The Angel of Remission is not any one man, it is an immortal that releases tortured souls, and sends them to the embrace of Sanguinius and the Emperor. Battle Cries "Victory through sacrifice!" Completed Models Second Company- First Squad. More shots from various angles. Requires Update The Angel of Wrath, once known as the Angel of Hope, is an ancient battle barge that was once part of the IX legions proud fleet. During the latter days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, it was under the command of Captain Raphael and the 143rd Company. After the death of Sanguinius and the founding of the Sanguinary Crusaders, it was rechristened. No longer would it be the Angel of Hope, but it would be the Angel of Wrath. Since those dark days it has served the Sanguinary Crusaders faithfully, acting as the Flagship of the chapter's Master of the Fleet. It is one of three active battle barges employed by the chapter. It has seen ten thousand years of war, brought victories and salvation to countless crusades and worlds, and has dealt the wrath of the angry children of the Angel. It serves as a beacon of pride, an unwavering devotion, and a promise that all who dare oppose the Imperium will feel it's wrath. Sides Requires update Back and Top Requires update Master of the FleetA time honored position dating back to the 143rd company's latter days in the Great Crusade, the Master of the Fleet can trace it's origins back to Centurion Loredan, one of the senior centurions of the 143rd company. An expert in void warfare, he served as a valued adviser to Raphael, and was ultimately given responsibility over the fleet. He officially became the first Master of the Fleet upon the founding of the Sanguinary Crusaders after the death of Sanguinius. As tradition dictates, upon taking the position of Master of the Fleet, the astartes dons the Armor of Loredan. Though the chapter has finally settled, the position remains as prestigious as when it was fleet based, serving as one of the top advisers for the chapter master. To be promoted to the position commands great respect, and great power. Under the Master of the Fleet falls the entire chapter's fleet, it's serfs, a handful of space marines, and personal command of the Angel of Wrath. (Note, I have not done the base for him yet. I still don't know if I want to do the regular base, or if I want to do a more ship based one with steps). Other Angles Requires update Death Company Chaplain Atrel, and chaplain of the Second Company Other Angles Requires update Sanguinary High Priest Bennidos II, Pater of the Cult Sanguine Requires update Story One (about Captain Corvo) I haven't thought up a title yet, but I am starting a story covering the captain of the Sanguinary Crusader's 2nd Company. Originally I was going to start before he became a scout, but decided to do when he was promoted from a Veteran Sergeant to a Captain. Eventually I might do stories that cover before he was inducted into the chapter (maybe flashbacks or something), and I might do stories for more of the second company and the attachments. Criticism welcome! Anyways, here is the first part I have: --------- Veteran Sergeant Corvo took in the glory of the Great Basilica of the fortress monastery of the Sanguinary Crusaders. Before him was the massive hall that led to the ornate throne of the chapter master. The throne was flanked by two smaller thrones, the one to the right reserved for, and occupied by, the Sanguinary High Priest, the opposite for the Chief Librarian. The long aisle that led to the thrones was a richly made red carpet, embroidered with gold and black. On both sides of the aisle stood the assembled might of the chapter, all adorned in their polished armor, extra care taken for the ceremony. What was more impressive, though, was beyond the throne and battle brothers. The walls were lined with intricate designs and marble statues of heroes of the chapter. The gilded pillars that supported the arched ceilings each told a story of their own. The ceiling was covered in paintings of glorious battles fought in the ancient days of the chapter. Between him and the thrones, there came a spot where the ceiling rose up into a dome. Rays of light, dubbed the Rays of Hope, shined down into the hall. High gothic words of hope, inspiration, and duty were engraved on a golden ring that was built into the connection of the dome to the rest of the Basilica. The lights were artificial, but designed to look as if it was the natural light of their world. Finally, behind the three thrones were the most impressive works. Against the wall, directly behind the Chapter Master, was a massive, fifty-foot statue of the Emperor, perfect in every way, sitting upon a throne and watching the congregation. To his right was Sanguinius, his left hand resting lightly on the Emperors right arm, his own right arm outstretched as if to show the Emperor the congregation. To the Emperors left was a statue of Rogal Dorn, the resolute Primarch watching the chapter, not showing a hint of emotion. Above the throne was another dome, though smaller than the first, depicting a more tragic, but no less glorious battle, the battle between Sanguinius and Horus. Veteran Sergeant Corvo was called forth. He took a deep breath and began walking down the aisle, taking it all in. The perfect discipline of the men to his left and right only adding to the moment. As he neared, one of the chapter serfs in attendance drew a scroll and began to read, Your Grace, presenting Lord Sergeant Destin Corvo, Master of the Third Companys most prestigious first squad, Savior of Galorn, Victor of Maltax, Slayer of Warboss Orltork, and Defeater of Arch Traitor Olbron. Corvo knelt and said, My Lords, I come as summoned so that you may pass your will. The Chief Librarian gazed at him with a discomforting stare, "He is pure, Lord Telanicus." Chapter Master Telanicus looked down at Corvo, then at the two men flanking him. With a nod from each, Telanicus stood. He approached Corvo and beckoned him to rise. You have done well for this chapter, Corvo. Following the death of Brother-Captain Farnese, the council deliberated who would take his place. We have come to the conclusion that you are a worthy successor, he motioned to the serf, who brought forth a golden circlet, in the middle was a perfect blood drop ruby. Corvo kneeled again as Telanicus lowered it onto his head. With this, we name you Captain of the Second Company and instill you with the full faith and authority that the title brings. Lead the company well, Brother-Captain Corvo. Now turn. Corvo did an about face, and as one the entirety of the assembled chapter saluted, their fists thumping against their chests. Saluting back, the Sanguinary High Priest approached with the Blood Grail, and poured into it a bloody liquid. "In this grail is the life blood of the late Brother-Captain Farnese, and in that blood flows the blood of his predecessor, and his, all the way back to the veins of Sanguinius himself. Drink now, and take the blood of the second company into your body!" Corvo took the grail and drank the vital content. It was not unusual, as it is tradition to drink from the hearts of the fallen, as a way to commemorate their loss. If the blood was fresh, some of their memories might even come back. "As is our custom, you have three days to inspect your company. After those three days, you will report to the council chamber, where we will discuss your first campaign," said Telanicus. "Brother-Captains, take command of your companies and return to your duties and drills. Brother Corvo, second company is yours." ++++++ The three days that followed for inspection were long and busy. In the usual format for inspections and training, each marine had his armor modified with pressure sensor plates and laser input ports. After this, Captain Corvo met with each of the sergeants to gauge their personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and characters. Many of them he knew well, having served with them on campaigns in the past, but some he did not. With them he laid out his plans. The next stage involved a two and a half Damorian day, each day being twenty-eight hours, field exercise that was broken into three stages: Drop and breach the fortification in the desert wastes that surrounded the mountain where the chapter resided, securing and consolidating within the compound, and holding the compound from a counter attack. The company would be timed and evaluated by Captain Corvo during each step. Defending the compound were battle servitors, scouts, and even a few space marines from the reserve companies. Both sides were equipped with less lethal rounds that trigger an electrical shock and system shutdown where the modified armor registered the hit. Corvo watched with pride as his company performed almost flawlessly. Almost. Each mistake, though minor, was noted, and each brother who had fallen or who had slipped up, either by missing a shot or letting the thirst take hold during the exercise would be punished accordingly. (Still adding more). Edited June 6, 2023 by Arkangilos Khulu, deathspectersgt7, Damon Nightman and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khulu Posted March 8, 2017 Share Posted March 8, 2017 That red is super vibrant - what do you use? Also that Master of the Fleet is an awesome model; is that a kit bash or a FW model? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted March 8, 2017 Author Share Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) I used Mephiston Red with Red Ink. The Master of the Fleet was the Limited FW new website model with the FW Blood Angel Upgrade Head I actually messed up when painting him. I wanted him to have a greasier and sweaty look, so I tried something and it only made the flesh not as good :( Edited March 8, 2017 by Arkangilos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted August 23, 2017 Author Share Posted August 23, 2017 (edited) With the updating of the 40k Timeline I figured I would update my timeline a bit, here is something I am considering. It is open to criticism! Revalations of the Prophecy of Trouble "I awoke and saw a vessel of old. Released from it's prison and bearing with it relics from an age forgotten. A gift from the Father, bearing with it many dangers, but hidden treasures that would be necessary to fight the storm. As it neared I felt pain. The Daamien Star had fallen to the Green, and the world trembled. Long forgotten enemies had been heard. I saw around me the signs of the Fly, the Scorpion, the Vulture, the Mocked Eagle, and the Book of Eight. I closed my eyes, and the sky faded. I heard a voice and opened them. A swarm, deadly and hungry, descended upon the body of the Great Angel. A plea, a rally call. The angels and their children were beckoned to return to the Holy Site. I watched as the Crusading Sons of Sanguinius left their home. I turned to the Golden Angel, and he said, 'Come and Behold' and held out his arm. I saw the people of their home crying out as the sky was torn in two. It was then that the Book of Eight came, and a great many fell. The nations of the world were split, and many heresies were taught. For an amount of time I cannot tell, the Beast of the Book of Eight swept through the corners of the World, and all but the Great Mountain had fallen. The Golden Angel said again, 'Look and behold, for on this day the beast shall be destroyed.' I saw fire rain down upon the earth, and the hosts of the crusading children of the Angel bring vengeance upon the wicked. I saw as the righteous rose up and threw off their chains, and the faithless punished. I saw as the Golden Angel led the hosts, and in his final hours liberate the meek." ~ Sanguinary High Priest Delian, Sanguinary Crusaders Chapter, M34 Towards the end of the Time of Ending, a Space Hulk was located within five light years of Damoria. Chapter Master Telanicus quickly dispatched Chief Librarian Laterus and the Chapter Fleet with assets from the first, seventh, and ninth companies to clear it. Upon purging it of mutants, it was discovered to have carried within it's bowels a vault of Great Crusade era arms and armor, with 68 percent of the cargo in perfect condition. While the Tech Priests marveled and rejoiced, Laterus felt a sense of dread and unease. Immediately returning to the home world, he began consulting with the Priesthood. Reports were reexamined, and the prophecy was reread. Upon deliberation, the priesthood had determined the time of ending was near. They called forth of prophets and mortal priest dedicated serfs and sent them out with the news, and instructions. The Tradition of the First Born would be hastened. Before, as dictated by law, each first born son would be dedicated to the chapter every tens years. This would be changed to include all first born. Cities and tribes that refused would be punished. Their fortress monastery on the Great Mountain was fortified, and it's army of serfs bolstered. The prophecy was given to the people and the promise made that while the angels were about to embark, those who remain faithful shall receive liberation. As the last of the chapter returned to the home world, all but the 8th Company and the army of Serfs departed for Baal. Those that remained in the Great Tower would continue to take the first born until the galaxy was ripped in two. At that moment they retreated into their mountain to await the onslaught, and watched from afar as the world was ruled by Tarvak Jal, Dark Apostle of the Host of Believers, and master of the Four Star Pact. ____ As an aside, I've been working on some of my Death Guard from the DI set that my girlfriend got me, but I'm so slow. I am thinking about putting them on hold so I can finish Telanicus and Captain Corvo (which were my guys from the GBBO). I'm also not going to lie, I mainly threw in the part about the Great Crusade relics because I have both HH box sets and so I have a lot of Mk III and IV guys :p Edited August 23, 2017 by Arkangilos Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted August 23, 2017 Share Posted August 23, 2017 Really like the fluff snippet! So your guys are finally defending Baal, eh? It's about time ;) Spagunk, Morticon and Arkangilos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted August 23, 2017 Share Posted August 23, 2017 Really like the fluff snippet! So your guys are finally defending Baal, eh? It's about time It a'ight. We can take any help we can get, even late help. :P Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted September 3, 2017 Author Share Posted September 3, 2017 (edited) Deleted. Broken links. Models will be redisplayed later. Edited June 6, 2023 by Arkangilos Damon Nightman, Jolemai, deathspectersgt7 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted September 3, 2017 Share Posted September 3, 2017 Very cool - great work on the skin :) Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted September 3, 2017 Share Posted September 3, 2017 That blue really stands out. Great contrast there. Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted September 4, 2017 Share Posted September 4, 2017 Very cool. I feel like he nides a Mutant/ Xeno/ Heretic on the base about to taste that sweet, sweet Angelus Steel. Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted July 11, 2018 Author Share Posted July 11, 2018 So for my Primaris addition, I've been using some of my spare time thinking about how they would fit into the chapter (without knowing how exactly they are made? Like, do they still serve as scouts? No idea.) With kill team, it made me want to use some Reivers. Let me know what you guys think? So here is the idea I have so far: With the coming of the Primaris, changes had to be made to the organization. However, rather than the integration seen in many other chapters, the Sanguinary Crusaders developed a new company specifically for the Primaris Marines, called "the Order of the Primaris Crusaders". The Order has it's own command structure, Sanguinary Priests, Chaplains, and Librarians. It's members are outside of the command structure, answering only to the chapter's supreme command. As such, a Captain from any other company cannot order Primaris Marines except when in overall command of the task force. Selection into the Order happens before the aspirants have undergone the implantation process. Typically it is only a small percentage of those who have been selected, as the Sanguinary Crusaders still maintains a majority of the old marines. After being selected and implanted with the geneseed, they are trained separately from the rest of the initiates. Their training, no less rigorous than the training of a normal scout, will end with an evaluation. Most will be inducted straight into an Intercessor Squad, where they will serve until there is a slot available in another "Chamber". However, some's evaluations will see them moved straight into an opening, skipping the Intercessor Squad altogether, although this means that the marine in question has less choice of advancement. The Order is split into various Chambers, named from the Chambers they have been assigned in the Fortress Monastery. Advancements into Chambers happens based on vacancies and evaluated skill sets. When a vacancy occurs, the brothers are given an opportunity to compete in various trials. When the Chamber leaders are satisfied with the results, the selection is made and the vacancy filled. Each chamber is led by a lieutenant, and has a Sanguinary Priest and Chaplain. They are as follows: The Chamber of the Angelic Crown- This chamber consists of the Order's leadership. The Chamber of Sacrifice- This chamber is made up of the Reiver Squads. The Chamber of Burning Hope- This chamber is made up of the Hell Blaster Squads. The Chamber of Integrity- This chamber is made up of the Intercessor Squads. The Chamber of Divine Wrath- This chamber is made up of the Aggressor Squads. The Chamber of Angelic Wings- This Chamber is made up of the Inceptor Squads. Marines are free to move between all Chambers provided they meet the qualifications and there is a vacancy. The popularity of the chambers changes as battles are won, renown is gained, and campaigns are declared. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted July 11, 2018 Author Share Posted July 11, 2018 (edited) Very cool. I feel like he nides a Mutant/ Xeno/ Heretic on the base about to taste that sweet, sweet Angelus Steel. I can't believe I didn't reply to this already. But yeah, he does! I actually originally had plans to put one there so it's like one of the paintings of the archangel Michael. When I get home in a couple months I plan on doing that. ___ Also, any ideas on how I should do my Reivers when I get a chance to work on them? Black with yellow helmets? Black with Black helmets? Red with Black Helmets? Any other suggestions? Edited July 11, 2018 by Arkangilos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted July 11, 2018 Share Posted July 11, 2018 Very cool. I feel like he nides a Mutant/ Xeno/ Heretic on the base about to taste that sweet, sweet Angelus Steel. I can't believe I didn't reply to this already. But yeah, he does! I actually originally had plans to put one there so it's like one of the paintings of the archangel Michael. When I get home in a couple months I plan on doing that. ___ Also, any ideas on how I should do my Reivers when I get a chance to work on them? Black with yellow helmets? Black with Black helmets? Red with Black Helmets? Any other suggestions? Well if you want to keep the Reiver close to how GW imagines them, then I'd go with black with yellow helmets (and black skull like the SW Reiver). Or you go with something completely different like I did. :D (old WIP pic I still got on my imgur) Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 11, 2018 Share Posted July 11, 2018 The Reiver in the Sanguinary Guard helmet looks great! Will you start a new topic in Homegrown Rules, detailing this unit's stats and special rules? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted July 11, 2018 Share Posted July 11, 2018 The Reiver in the Sanguinary Guard helmet looks great! Will you start a new topic in Homegrown Rules, detailing this unit's stats and special rules? lol no. I don't do homegrown rules. It's just a Reiver in my Knights of Baal army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted July 12, 2018 Author Share Posted July 12, 2018 (edited) That scheme of yours would probably work really well for the head of the Chamber of Sacrifice. Don't suppose any of you have feedback on the fluff? Edited July 12, 2018 by Arkangilos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted July 13, 2018 Author Share Posted July 13, 2018 New question: think it would be a problem if my chapter went over numbers with all the stuff going going? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 I personally don't think that would be too crazy at all. I think there is plenty of other stuff going on for people to not notice or even care too much really. I really like what you have come up with for the primaris! Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted July 18, 2018 Share Posted July 18, 2018 New question: think it would be a problem if my chapter went over numbers with all the stuff going going? In a fluff way? So there are a LOT of factors that make this really unlikely, the two that stick out most to me are: Does your chapter not fight?Marines are living weapons and treat themselves as just that. If sacrifice is necessary that is what they shall do, and we BA love a good sacrifice! Is your chapter truly fighting at it's hardest if it has loads of extra members? How is that justified? Do you have some secret to recruiting? Surely The Flaw would be enough to stem the numbers? Hubris of the Chapter MasterNow I've not yet finished Devastation of Baal (2/3) but there is a great line about the size of many chapters and how it reflects on marines in relation to there being a "legion-esque" sized gathering to stop the tyranids. Essentially it says only a handful of Chapter Masters would have the confidence in themselves to be able to defy the codex astartes and see themselves above it by having a larger than normal chapter. Just some fluffy food for thought! Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted July 18, 2018 Author Share Posted July 18, 2018 Thanks Lemartes, and true! Those are good points Charlo! Well I wasn't thinking going too far beyond. It's more just additional specific marines (like dedicated Fleet Asset marines controlled by the Master of the Fleet, so enough to provide for smaller boarding actions and small detachments if the company is fighting on a planet and they need another squad on say, a mission to a moon. Also a few Primaris for the Order that are controlled by their Master). Also, my chapter master has a little less power than the traditional one with the priesthood being required to "bless" actions. So I was thinking more like 1500 max (not operational, but as a cap), and the extras fall outside of the typical chain, with minimal control of the chapter master anyways. Does that sound plausible? And I'm not opposed to other chapters not necessarily liking it, and it's not done to spite the codex. I see them more like how a company should have 100, but in reality has less due to attrition. Basically just two extra companies of varying sizes. The idea is that the fleet assets isn't as flexible (they are my breachers, and so only have what breachers would have, and a handful of terminators, which are armed with cataphractii suits, not as suited for their typical tactics). Thoughts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted March 2, 2019 Author Share Posted March 2, 2019 (edited) New fluff! Alright, well because I’ve learned a lot more about various non-warhammer things I’ve decided to incorporate some of that into this, which will still play into the previously established stuff I have. I’ve been working on more Primaris which has brought this up. So the Order of Primaris Crusaders will now be the Rite of Primaris Crusaders. It is led by a Patriarch Captain. Under him are the captains that lead each of the chambers listed above (which will be expanded with the new modes). Basically the Primaris side will be its own chapter that answers to the chapter master of the Sanguinary Crusaders. Of course it won’t be as big. I’ll expand on it more later, just some initial thoughts. Also, while it will be slow I will eventually upload the guys I am working on. Edited March 2, 2019 by Arkangilos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 (edited) Patriarch Captain Vicello the Pious, Master of the Rite of Primaris Crusaders, founder of the Orders and Chamber of the Angelic Crown Deleted broken links. He will be back when I redo things. Edited June 6, 2023 by Arkangilos Damon Nightman and Majkhel 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 The purple and gold look GREAT on your lad there. Patrician is also a fantastic title Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 Excellent work on the Patriarch Captain. Arkangilos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted November 29, 2020 Author Share Posted November 29, 2020 (edited) What do you guys think about the idea of having a “rite of communion” based off of Malevolence where the BA’s first leader Ishadur was “immortal” because each successor would eat his flesh or whatever and gain his characteristics and take his name? Being a Catholic I enjoy taking the Catholic things and using them as themes, and I was thinking something like when the chapter master is selected he chooses the name of a former Chapter Master or hero (like popes have done), and they do what the original BA’s did (see the example I alluded to with the immortal). So for example, Captain Corvus ascends to Chapter Master, and desires to be a new “Arkangilos”, so he becomes Arkangilos VI, takes Arkangilos V’s memories and such, and then literally becomes the next Arkangilos? Also I’ve been working on some models so I might upload some of them soon. Edited January 18, 2022 by Arkangilos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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