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Index Astartes: Sons of the Void

Jagus Kumkani

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WarCry: “Fear not death! To the Void we shall return!” or “Smile at the face of Death! In the void eternal!”

Founding: 23rd Founding (37th millennium “Sentinel” Founding)

Successors of: Salamanders (Suspected)

Successor Chapters: None

Number: Unknown (1000 Suspected)

Primarch: Vulkan (Suspected)

Chapter Master: Lozal Kadukris (Librarian)

Previous: Chapter Master Talis Melveb (KIA M38)

HomeWorld: Eternity Base (Destroyed), Currently Fleet Based

Allegiance: Imperium of Man

Colors: Black, Purple


Sons of the Void SM



Chapter History- The chapter is believed to be created during the 23rd founding, the latter part of the 37th millennium with the intent to repair the power and reach of the Adeptus Astartes that had suffered considerable losses in the preceding millennia. Several of the Space Marine Chapters founded at this time were conceived as Chapters that would pursue perpetual Crusades against the Emperor's foes. From what Imperial records indicate, the Chapter was placed in the Segmentum Pacificus in the Veiled Region where several dangerous Ork warbands, various xenos mercenaries and the dreaded Necrons also reside in this region.

Early in the Sons history, their Asteroid-Fortress (Eternity Base) was destroyed by a large Necron contingent. What transpired during the Eternity Base incident has fueled a bitter hatred for the Necron and heavy augmentation of the Chapters Space Marines. The only exception of this, is the Chapters Techmarines. The Chapter Council elected to remain fleet-based after the loss of their Asteroid-Fortress, their previous Chapter Master, half of the Chapters 1st Company and nearly 200 Void-Brothers. The Sons view this as their biggest failure and feel they must regain their sense of honor in the eyes if the Emperor. Since the Eternity Base Incident, the Chapter has slowly been rebuilding its strength over the last few centuries in order to fully commit its strength to the Imperium. Despite the heavy blow to the Chapter, the Sons of the Void have continued to lend their strength to the threats of the imperium wherever they see fit, and have largely remained in the Veiled Region vying to destroy their greatest enemies. Until recently (early M41) the Chapter has gone largely unnoticed. The Sons of the Void have participated in some of the most notable campaigns in recent history.

Notable Campaigns:

Sabbot Worlds Crusade: Operation NewFound (756-764.M41)

Ambold Eleven (756.M41)- Along with the Iron Snakes Space Marine Chapters, the Sons of the Void en route to Sverren, answered the frantic signals of Colonel Begulin of the Sarpoy Regiment , voluntarily diverted and made a drop-pod assault on the targeted cities to relieve the desperate and beleaguered Imperial Guard forces.

Operation Hell Storm (765.M41)- The Sons 2nd and 3rd Battle Companies supported the White Scars and Silver Guards advance on the Emancipatory, ultimately taking the Oligarchy Gate, losing 24 battle brothers in the process.

*note: There were 6 Astartes Chapters that supported the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, but the last remains unlisted in current Imperial records. The Sons of the Void were the unlisted Chapter that supported the Sabbot Worlds Crusade.



Chapter Recruitment- Since the Chapter is fleet based, it gets the majority of its initiates from the planets and systems they come across. The Chapter just like all Space Marine Chapters only select initiates that prove their mettle in the Chapter’s trials. It is said the Chapter test their initiates “in the abyss of the void” taking those initiates that are ready for battle, and including them on an Ork boarding action. Those that survive, and prove worthy to the Sons, are then inducted into the Chapters Scout Company, and eventually become “Void-Brothers”. Like most fleet based chapters the Sons put neophytes from the same planet/system into different squads and companies to break up any allegiances they previously had, having them build ties with the chapter rather than their home world.  The Sons also take special interest in those that possess the abilities of the psyker, no one knows for sure to what end the chapter goes with these neophytes. Imperial Scholars speculate the Chapter favors psychically gifted initiates for the purpose of enhanced Chapter coordination during ground and void battles.

Chapter Combat Doctrine- Drop Pod/Aerial Assault are the favored methods of the Sons, bringing death from the void is the way they wage the war on behalf of the Emperor of Mankind and his subjects. The Sons put special emphasis on the use of their air units in any of their engagements. Every Space Marine within the 7th company is a trained pilot, ready to assume the duty should a dedicated pilot be KIA. The Sons prefer lightning fast strikes to enemy lines where they then bring the brunt of their combat power to bear. It is when the Sons engage in ground combat their air units come in to surround the foe so there is no escape. This can encompass anything from aerial weapons support, strategic strike with Assault /Tactical squads, the Chapters Scout Company (Land Speeders, Bike Squads, etc.), Company Dreadnoughts, and Chapter Armor (Rhinos, Razorbacks, Predators, Vindicators, etc.).

Chapter Organization – The Sons basic company organization adheres with the directives of the Codex. The Sons maintain ten standard companies. Each of these companies maintains the status, combat specializations, and training protocols as dictated per the Codex. This is in spite of the fact that the Chapter is fleet-based, so companies may be forced to separate due to extended assignments aboard vessels directed to separate portions of the Imperium. The most sweeping change within the Sons company leadership is that all company commanders take a member of the Librarium on as a trusted advisor, who aids in preparation for all battles. In some instances, these Librarians even go on to assume the title of company commander in the event of battlefield losses. As of yet 2nd and 4th battle companies are led by a Codiciers from the librarium with another Codicier leading the Chapters 6th reserve company. The Chapter does not seem that they will replace these space marines any time soon.

Company command structure is as follows, Captain (Void Commander), Sergeant (Void Leader), Battle-Brother (Void Brother)

Chapter Beliefs- The Chapter puts special emphasis on self-reliance, loyalty and self-sacrifice. These values come from the Chapter being relatively alone in their endeavors, and the Chapters rites. When the Chapter is campaigning, it’s usually for long intervals, anywhere from 1-2 decades at a time without ever seeing or interacting with other Chapters. They are often met with suspension when they do come across other chapters. The Sons are as loyal as any chapter, they put their utmost trust and faith in the Emperor. It is believed by Chapters that have served alongside the Sons that they look forward to death. It would correlate with why the Chapter’s power armor is mostly black and why they seem so eager to engage in combat. It is said that the Space Marines of this Chapter are merely waiting until it is their time to “Be in the void alongside the Emperor.” Hence why they do not fear death, and if they are not refitting or training new recruits, they are campaigning the Emperors realm looking to bring death to his enemies The Chapter believes they are in eternal service to the Emperor, it being a great honor to die in his service for the gene-seed will be passed on to another battle brother to continue serving for as long as the Chapter exists. Therefore, the Chapter believe they are royal servants of the Emperor and will go to great lengths to please him. They also believe every man, woman and child has earned their place in the Emperors domain, they see that everyone must serve him in one way or another. Whether that be a miner on an imperial world churning out resources for the Imperium or serving a Space Marine Chapter as a serf. The Sons hold their support staff in high esteem, saying that without the support from their servants, the Chapter would not operate effectively. This outlook reinforces why scholars believe the Sons of the Void are descendants of the Salamanders Chapter.

*note: Imperial Scholars speculate the Chapter follow the Imperial Cult due to their Chapter beliefs. The Chapter has not confirmed nor denied this.

Chapter Fleet-  2 Battle Barges, 8 Strike Cruisers, 12 Escorts

Void Reaper (Battle Barge)

Eternal Vengeance (Battle Barge)

Chapter Appearance-

Physical Appearance: The Sons have long been suspected of being a Successor Chapter of the Salamanders due to their similar, larger-than-normal physiques and tendency to develop ebony skin due to a mutation in the DNA of the Chapter's Melanochrome gene-seed organ, a flaw that is only known to affect the gene-seed of the Salamanders. An additional factor of where the Chapter received their gene-seed is because the Chapter is constantly crusading and is regularly exposed to the void’s radiation (Warp Travel, Solar Nebula, etc.)

Chapter Colors- The Sons of the Void primarily wear black Power Armor. The inset of the right shoulder guard is black in color. The white colored squad specialty symbol on the right shoulder guard designate operational specialty -- Tactical, Devastator, Assault or Veteran. A white Roman numeral is stenciled on the right knee of the power armor denoting company marking. Interestingly, there are no squad markings.

Chapter Badge- The Sons of the Void’s Chapter badge is a white vertical hourglass enmeshed with a horizontal infinity symbol on a field of black.

Sons of the Void Chapter Symbol


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Welp, since no one has hoppe3d in here to discuss your chapter into further detail, I figured I'd jump on that train.

First and foremost your combat doctrine comes off a little obscure (To me) yet standard as codex adherent chapters are concerned. Lightning assault blitzkriegs are Space Marine norm. Drop Pods are manufactorums have become so ludicrously rich because of this. Shock and Awe are Space Marine trademarks, so to consider it a speciality is a wee strange. Now if they came in like frothing berserkers who abused chem injections, that might be another story. (Not food for thought just a silly idea)

I do like how your chapter embraces their Librarium instead of opting for pious frothing. It's an interesting aspect to allow your Librarium to engrain itself so deeply into the Chapter when they're normally a separate entity all together. (A separate entity in the chapter, not as a whole)
You could build a tad more on this and how it might affect relationships with other chapters. Maybe illustrate how the Black Templars fired their ships septic tanks at your Chapters fortress monetary. To this day, Serfs toil over the fecal stains smearing their beloved capital ship. Hehe

Scholarly speculation aside, they obviously believe the Emperor is a God, that goes without saying. What I read from their beliefs, they're the chosen warrior angels who dole out justice in his name while other pious servants refine the minerials to do so. That said, I must return to the Librarian bit. Other religious organizations prohibit, albeit condemn psykers while your chapter embraces them on another level entirely. Personally, that adds a good flare of pragmatism (Sanity) the Imperium sorely lacks. They utilize any and all resources that aid them in conquest among the stars.

Not sure where you might include or edit this (If you plan to) but figured I'd at least point it out.

Now with all that aside, I want to tip my hat to you on the recruitment structure. How f-ing savage is that, firing a couple dozen, if not hundreds of aspirants into an Ork cruiser. Whoever survives becomes an Astarte's, whoever dies is left to fester. My god, that's the kind of savagery too many homebrews are lacking. 40K is about brutal, straight up savage displays in a ongoing contest to one up another faction in sheer savagery... And good sir, you've topped all other homebrew recruitments I've read on this site and Dakka.

Hat's off to you and hope this blip reply gave you a few idea's or inspired you in one way or another.

First off, I appreciate you taking the time to read through my DIY Chapter and giving me some constructive criticism.


Honestly, at this point in my Chapter, I want to keep it simple as far as combat doctrine. Keep the Orbital/Air Assaults as the main means of fighting since the Chapter is fleet based. Possibly incorporate an affinity to Assault Squads but the Chapter having their Tactical Squads utilizing jump packs for rapid battlefield deployment?


As far as the Librarium being so ingrained in the Chapter, I wanted the Marines to utilize every weapon they have at their arsenal. Librarians are formidable warriors already, but with the power of the warp at their fingertips, they are a force to be reckoned with. I'll touch on how and why the previous Chapter Master (before his death) allowed the Chapter to form into what it is today. I'll also do some research and delve into relationships with other Chapters (like the Black Templars, Space Wolves.)


I think I should go ahead and outright say that the Chapter follows the Imperial Creed. My aim was that no one knew for sure what they believed, but I think as far as your interpretation, its safe to say they believe in the God-Emperor.


Lastly, thank you sir for the compliment. I had to come up with something that would make this Chapter stand out...something that would allow this Chapter to only have the best and the brightest.

The name caught my eye, so I thought I'd come and have a read happy.png

The chapter is believed to be created during the 23rd founding, the latter part of the 37th millennium with the intent to repair the power and reach of the Adeptus Astartes that had suffered considerable losses in the preceding millennia.

I get what you mean, and at this stage is a rather small point, but the words 'power' and 'reach' together like that have connotations of empire building - at least to my mind. I'd maybe have a look at rewording this bit.

Early in the Sons history, their Asteroid-Fortress (Eternity Base) was destroyed by a large Necron contingent. What transpired during the Eternity Base incident has fueled a bitter hatred for the Necron and heavy augmentation of the Chapters Space Marines. The Chapter Council elected to remain fleet-based after the loss of their Asteroid-Fortress, their previous Chapter Master, half of the Chapters 1st Company and nearly 200 Void-Brothers.

Two things: one, where did a new chapter get an Asteroid-Fortress from? Two, so they don't like heavy use of bionics? How do they feel about dreadnoughts then I wonder?

It is said the Chapter test their initiates “in the abyss of the void” taking those initiates that are ready for battle, and including them on an Ork boarding action. Those that survive, and prove worthy to the Sons, are then inducted into the Chapters Scout Company, and eventually become “Void-Brothers”.

Why specifically Orks? In the vastness of the galaxy, I'd imagine that - even for Astartes - coming across Ork ships isnt the most common occurence. But anyway, this seems a bit contrived. Surely chucking a load of untrain potential recruits alongside Marines during a boarding action would just mean they were getting in the way and slowing the Marines down? That said, I really like the idea of them being tested in space. Perhaps instead of the above the chapter forces them to fight each other in an artificial void arena or something?


There's some interesting ideas here, I think they just need expanding upon. happy.png

Anyway, that's my two cents..

  • 2 months later...



WarCry: (Leaders Intone): “Fear not death! (Void-Brothers Respond): To the Void we shall return!”

Founding: 23rd Founding (37th millennium “Sentinel” Founding)

Successors of: Salamanders (Suspected)

Successor Chapters: None

Number: Unknown (900 Suspected)

Primarch: Vulkan (Suspected)

Chapter Master: Lozal Kadukris (Chief Librarian)

Previous: Chapter Master Talis Melveb (KIA M38)

HomeWorld: Eternity Base (Destroyed), Currently Fleet Based

Allegiance: Imperium of Man

Colors: Black and Purple, Gold

Chapter History- The Chapter is believed to be created during the 23rd founding, the latter part of the 37th millennium with the intent to repair the power and reach of the Adeptus Astartes that had suffered considerable losses in the preceding millennia. According to the Requiem Malesent of Saint Kybra, no fewer than 57 Space Marine Chapters had been destroyed, turned Renegade or declared lost in the Warp during this troubled period. The era had been marked by such calamities as the Age of Apostasy, the disastrous 21st "Cursed" Founding, the attacks of the Forces of Chaos and a rampage of Orks almost unchecked along the Imperium of Man's frontiers. Several of the Space Marine Chapters Founded at this time were conceived as Chapters that would pursue perpetual Crusades against the Emperor's foes.  From what Imperial records indicate, the Chapter was placed in the Segmentum Pacificus in the Veiled Region where several dangerous Ork warbands, various xenos mercenaries and the dreaded Necrons reside.

The Sons History begins with the declaration of the Nova Crusade, where Talis Melveb swore his oath to the High Lords of Terra, that he would regain the control and power lost within the Segmentum Pacificus. For nearly a century, the Sons of the Void fought tooth and nail battling the Necrons of the Veiled Region, hefting a heavy toll upon the enemy. The Sons weren’t without their losses as well. Chapter Master Talis Melveb, believing the Necron threat eliminated, moved to the regions next threat, eliminating warbands and xenos that dared exist within the Emperors realm. Having fought on continuous crusades for nearly two centuries, the High Lords of Terra believed the Chapter had proven its worth for its crusades and sacrifice. In turn, the Chapter was awarded an Asteroid-Fortress from the Adeptus Mechanicus in order for the Chapter to not only establish a permanent base, but to continue its crusades.

Early in the 38th Millennium, Eternity Bases’ Long-Range Scanners picked up an enemy armada headed toward the fortress. While preparing to meet this treat, it was discovered that Necron Overlord Furahen had awoken and intended to avenge the destruction of his fellow Necron brethren destroyed during the Nova Crusade. Upon receiving the news, Chapter Master Melveb took this matter very seriously and made ready for the defense of Eternity Base. With most of Chapter away on crusade, it was up to the Sons 5th and 6th Reserve Companies and the Chapters roughly 40 remaining 1st Company Veterans to defend their fortress and ready themselves to be accepted into the welcoming embrace of the Emperor. The Chapter Master and his remaining forces were met by a Necron Fleet outnumbering them 5 to 1. The Sons fought valiantly, spewing hatred and bringing death to the Emperors enemies until the last man. Despite their best efforts, the Asteroid-Fortress (Eternity Base) was ultimately destroyed by the Necrons. The Space Marines returning from Crusades had no home to return to. Instead of seeking a planet as their next home, the Chapter Council elected to remain fleet-based after the loss of their Asteroid-Fortress, Chapter Master Malveb, half of the Chapters 1st Company and 200 Void-Brothers. The Sons view this as their biggest failure and feel they must regain their honor in the eyes if the Emperor. Since the Eternity Base Incident, the Chapter has slowly been rebuilding its strength over the last few centuries in order to fully commit its strength to the Imperium. Despite the heavy blow to the Chapter, the Sons of the Void have continued to lend their strength to the threats of the imperium wherever they see fit, and have largely remained in the Veiled Region vying to destroy their greatest enemies. Until recently (early M41) the Chapter has gone largely unnoticed. The Sons of the Void have participated in some of the most notable campaigns in recent history.

Notable Campaigns:

The Nova Crusade- (957.M37- 048.M38): The Sons of the Void’s perpetual crusade against the Necron’s residing in the Veiled Region of the Segmentum Pacificus.

Eternity Base Incident- (323.M38): The destruction of the Sons of the Void’s Asteroid-Fortress saw the Sons strength and manpower greatly reduced. Since then, the Chapter has focused on rebuilding itself.

Sabbot Worlds Crusade: Operation NewFound (756-764.M41)

Ambold Eleven (756.M41)- Along with the Iron Snakes Space Marine Chapters, the Sons of the Void en route to Sverren, answered the frantic signals of Colonel Begulin of the Sarpoy Regiment , voluntarily diverted and made a drop-pod assault on the targeted cities to relieve the desperate and beleaguered Imperial Guard forces.

Operation Hell Storm (765.M41)- The Sons 2nd and 3rd Battle Companies supported the White Scars and Silver Guard’s advance on the Emancipatory, ultimately taking the Oligarchy Gate, losing 24 battle brothers in the process.

*note: There were 6 Astartes Chapters that supported the Sabbat Worlds Crusades. Imperial records failed to include their contribution due to an error, "1st Company of the Silver Guards" of the Sons of the Void- so named to honor their efforts against Men of Iron (which may or may not be related to the Necrons, as the Sabbat Crusade began centuries before the Necrons revealed themselves at Sanctuary 101)- was mistaken for elements of the Silver Guard Chapter.


Chapter Recruitment- Since the Chapter is fleet based, it gets the majority of its initiates from the planets and systems they come across. The Chapter just like all Space Marine Chapters only select initiates that prove their mettle in the Chapter’s trials. It is said the Chapter test their initiates “in the abyss of the void” taking those initiates that are ready for battle, and including them on a boarding action. Those that survive, and prove worthy to the Sons, are then inducted into the Chapters Scout Company, and eventually become “Void-Brothers”. Like most fleet based chapters the Sons put neophytes from the same planet/system into different squads and companies to break up any allegiances they previously had, having them build ties with the chapter rather than their home world.  The Sons also take special interest in those that possess the abilities of the psyker, no one knows for sure to what end the chapter goes with these neophytes. Imperial Scholars speculate the Chapter favors psychically gifted initiates for the purpose of enhanced Chapter coordination during ground and void battles.

Chapter Combat Doctrine- The Sons believe by studying one's enemy, one can predict their movements before launching any attacks, rather than charging in like an uncontrolled berserker or using spontaneous lightning assaults. This has caused friction with other, more headstrong Chapters. Those who prefer a clear-cut approach to battle have branded the Sons as cowards for their overly-methodical approach to waging warfare. But this is an unfair assessment, for once the Sons take to the field, they fight with righteous fury and zeal with the name of the Emperor on their tongues. Imperial Scholars as well as Cousin Chapters have noted the Sons utilize extensive numbers of Assault Marines.

Once decided upon, the Chapter never deviates from the agreed upon plan of strategy, from its initial planning stages to its final execution, executing it with ruthless efficiency. The thoroughness of their planning and thoroughness is such that every eventuality is planned for, thanks to their Librarians' powerful divinations. The Eternity Base Incident forced the Chapter Council to fully integrating Librarians into its companies. They believed the knowledge and power would best be utilized throughout the Chapter. The Council believed they would be better suited to the task of being integrated into companies so as to never be caught off guard again. Chapter Master Lozal as well as the Librarians in the Chapter are greatly respected by their fellow Void Brothers, as the respect is dually returned.

Chapter Organization – The Sons basic company organization adheres with the directives of the Codex. The Sons maintain ten standard companies. Each of these companies maintains the status, combat specializations, and training protocols as dictated per the Codex. This is in spite of the fact that the Chapter is fleet-based, so companies may be forced to separate due to extended assignments aboard vessels directed to separate portions of the Imperium. The most sweeping change within the Sons company leadership is that all company commanders take a member of the Librarium on as a trusted advisor, who aids in preparation for all battles. In some instances, these Librarians even go on to assume the title of company commander in the event of battlefield losses. As of yet 2nd and 4th battle companies are led by a Codiciers from the Librarium.

Company command structure is as follows: Captain (Void Commander), Librarian (Void-Seer), Chaplain (Void-Speaker) Sergeant (Void Leader), Battle-Brother (Void Brother)

Chapter Beliefs- The Chapter puts special emphasis on self-reliance, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and praise to the God-Emperor. These values come from the Chapter being relatively alone in their endeavors, and the Chapters rites. When the Chapter is campaigning, it’s usually for long intervals, anywhere from 1-2 decades at a time without ever seeing or interacting with other Chapters. They are often met with suspension when they do come across other chapters. The Sons are as loyal as any chapter, they put their utmost trust and faith in the Emperor. It is believed by Chapters that have served alongside the Sons that they look forward to death. It would correlate with why the Chapter’s power armor is mostly black. It is said that the Space Marines of this Chapter are merely waiting until it is their time to “Be in the void alongside the Emperor.” Hence why they do not fear death, and if they are not refitting or training new recruits, they are campaigning the Emperors realm looking to bring death to his enemies. The Chapter believes they are in eternal service to the Emperor, it being a great honor to die in his service for the gene-seed will be passed on to another battle brother to continue serving for as long as the Chapter exists. They also believe every man, woman and child has earned their place in the Emperors domain, they see that everyone must serve him in one way or another. Whether that be a miner on an imperial world churning out resources for the Imperium or serving a Space Marine Chapter as a serf. The Sons hold their support staff in high esteem, saying that without the support from their servants, the Chapter would not operate effectively. This outlook reinforces why scholars believe the Sons of the Void are descendants of the Salamanders Chapter.

*note: Imperial Scholars speculate the Chapter follow the Imperial Cult due to their Chapter beliefs. The Chapter has not confirmed nor denied this.

Chapter Fleet-  2 Battle Barges, 8 Strike Cruisers, 12 Escorts

Void Reaper (Battle Barge)

Eternal Vengeance (Battle Barge)

Chapter Appearance-

Physical Appearance: The Sons have long been suspected of being a Successor Chapter of the Salamanders due to their similar, larger-than-normal physiques and tendency to develop ebony skin due to a mutation in the DNA of the Chapter's Melanochrome gene-seed organ, a flaw that is only known to affect the gene-seed of the Salamanders. An additional factor of where the Chapter received their gene-seed is because the Chapter is constantly crusading and is regularly exposed to the void’s radiation (Warp Travel, Solar Nebula, etc.)

Chapter Colors- The Sons of the Void primarily wear black Power Armor. The inset of the right shoulder guard is black in color. The white colored squad specialty symbol on the right shoulder guard designate operational specialty -- Tactical, Devastator, Assault or Veteran. A white Roman numeral is stenciled on the right knee of the power armor denoting company marking. Interestingly, there are no squad markings.

Chapter Badge- The Sons of the Void’s Chapter badge is a white vertical hourglass enmeshed with a horizontal infinity symbol on a field of black.



Forgive me if my narrative is sub-par. I'm trying to keep it simple as well as sensible.

Let me know what you guys think, if there is something that needs expanded on, feel free to give me some constructive criticism.

Instead of claiming the Sons of the Void were the "unlisted Chapter" that participated in the Sabbat Crusade, just say Imperial records failed to include their contribution due to an error, e.g., the "Company of the Silver Guards" of the Sons of the Void- so named to honor their efforts against Men of Iron (which may or may not be related to the Necrons, as the Sabbat Crusade began centuries before the Necrons revealed themselves at Sanctuary 101)- was mistaken for elements of the Silver Guard Chapter. That should minimize conflicts with canon.


Good job, overall.

Just read your improved version and it looks great. Love how it ties in with its founding quite neatly as well as reason to why it now remains a fleet based chapter.


As they are fleet based, would they be expects in close quarter fighting, what vehicles (if any) do they focus on. With their focus on Assault Marines, do they have a larger reserve company of them or something else? 


And is there anything more about the necrons, do they have a particular hatred towards them now or taking part in a crusade against them?


All in all it looks great! 


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