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List ideas and moving forward

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So I'm trying to figure out what to do to further my Guard army, here's a list of what I have, and a possible list to build towards:




40 Guardsmen

2 Command Squads

6 HWT (3 lascannon, 1 mortar, 2 unbuilt. I also have TONS of extra heavy weapons so I could build more squads with different loads)

6 Bullgryns

4 Chimera


1 Deathstrike

1 Basilisk

1 Russ Punisher (magnetized for any flavor)

1 Russ Executioner

1 Russ Eradicator

1 vanilla Russ

1 Lord Commisar

1 Enginseer

1 hellhound

3 Armored Sentinels with Missile Launchers

1 Valkyrie

3 Baneblades (Hellhammer, 2X Banehammer/sword)

1 Taurox Prime

10 Tempestus Scions


1 Knight



I was leaning towards a list like this:


Cadian Battlegroup;



Pask - Punisher

Eradicator bodyguard

Executioner bodyguard


Emperor's Fist Core:

Tank Commander - Vanquisher, Kabe's Herald

vanilla russ

vanilla russ

vanilla russ

1X Enginseers


Emperor's Blade Core:

Company Command - Commander with Iron Left, 4x Meltagun, chimera

Vets - 3x meltagun - chimera

Vets - 3x meltagun - chimera

Vets - 3x Sniper Rifles - chimera

Hellhound (maybe a banehound?)


There are a few tweaks to get the points right in that list. But it seems solid, even if it doesn't use a lot of my models I currently own. It does sport 6 Russes, 3 Chimeras, A Hellhound but only 37 bodies. Plenty of Anti-tank, and and all the Vets are obsec. I feel like this could work, but may have weaknesses against very fast moving assault heavy armies. I have enough tanks that DS armies won't kill everything quickly, but it may be tough. Lots of camo netting on the russes, and probably reco gear.


What are your thoughts, I only worry that with 8th possibly coming up, and a slim chance at a new codex, I may want to save my money for now and just buy some stuff for my Thousand Sons, or my Space Marines.

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I think it looks like a solid plan, though I'd only ever take squadrons of two Russ tanks - more is a huge fire magnet and expensive! There's nothing wrong with sitting on what you have as you wait for a new codex, especially when you have plenty to play with already :)

I'm a little confused by the Armoured Fist core. There should be a Tank Commander (plus 1-2 Leman Russ 'bodyguards'), three Leman Russ squadrons, and 1-3 Enginseers in order to make the formation legal. My Cadian Battle Group Looks something like this:

Battlegroup Command

Knight Commander Pask, Punisher, Heavy Bolters

Leman Russ Exterminator, Heavy Botlers


Emperor's Fist

Tank Commander, Vanquisher, Lascannon, Multi Meltas

Leman Russ Vanquisher, Lascannon

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Eradicator




Emperor's Wrath Artillery

CCS, Chimera

3x Wyvern

2x Basilisk


Yeah, I misread my written notes. The EF squad should have been 1 LR Tank Commander and 3 single Russes.


Thank you everyone for your comments. I'll just play with what I have instead of buying more tanks for now. Here's hoping we get a new book or that at least 8th is friendlier to tanks.

The Tank Commander still requires a 'buddy', so with a Battle Command of Pask and the Armoured Fist, you're still looking at seven Russ tanks minimum. Fifteen would be the maximum. This is why not being able to Take Pask in the core formation is such a bummer. Then again, when the word core comes into it, Pask does't really fit either.

Ah, I didn't see the MUST on the Tank commander. Killing me to flip back and forth between the book. I suppose I could swap one tank out of Pask squadron down there. I still like the idea of having 7+ Russes on the field. Visually it would be neat. Probably lose pretty badly, but I may try it anyhow.


I might buy 3 more Russes just to try it out. Thanks for your help SC.

Any time. It's certainly a taxing combination of formations. A lot of criticism of the Mont'Ka book was based on how expensive it is to run effectively, in that the combination I run just fits into 2,000pts without significant upgrades of any kind. The Imperial Armour books allow for the older Armoured Companies where bodyguard tanks aren't required for the Tank Commander at all, but you end up paying even more points for the same units.


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