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Void transports


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Assuming that a Mechanicus Adept, seconded to a Space Marine Legion, will maintain his own personal transport, what craft would that be? Are there established craft, and if not, what kind of appearance should I give his?


Even Space Marine Legions and the later Chapters don't exclusively use Thunderhawks and other dedicated gunships for all their transport needs. Bulk cargo haulers and landers, lighters of various types for inter-fleet transport of crew and materials. Certainly any visiting dignitaries or agents of other Imperial offices would likely maintain their own transport if they had the resources to do so and that would be maintained and launched from a secondary hangar somewhere.


As for what that would be I'd suggest the Arvus Lighter or Aquila Lander would be prime choices even for a Mechanicus Adept as they are among the most common and ubiquitous void-capable transports in the Imperium. Up-armed and up-armored and sporting more advanced systems than the normal if it's in service to the Mechanicus certainly, but still recognizable as a common transport craft.

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The aquila is no longer available from forgeworld as far as I know, while the arvus is still available.


In an artwork used in shield of baal 1, gathering storm 3 and I think it was February's white dwarf, there's an imperial city with small spacecraft flying down its streets and some are vaguely skull-like.


So an option would be to scratchbuild a skullship if you don't want an arvus.

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