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Emperor's children - the Mascara RoW


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I've been working on this list for quite a long time now, and this is how i see it fit to the meta of my zone:




-Legion Champion (130pts)

Artificer Armour, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs, Phoenix Spear, Sonic Shrieker)

goes in the tac blob in spartan


-Legion Praevian (390pts)

Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Phoenix Spear, Sonic Shrieker

*Vorax Class Battle-automata Maniple

3× Vorax Class Battle-automata with shriekers and frag grenades

these are my terminator killers, putting some pressure on the enemy line right at the beginning of the game, with Scout and the +1" movemente T1


-Legion Praetor (170pts)

Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shrieker

goes in the tac blob in spartan


Elites (685pts)


-Apothecarion Detachment (130pts)

*Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Power Sword

*Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Power Sword

one in the tac blob in spartan, the other outflanking with the shooty blob, trying to take objectives coming late in the game if needed


-Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (555pts)

*Cortus Dreadnought

Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Twin-Linked Lascannon

*Cortus Dreadnought

Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Twin-Linked Lascannon

*Cortus Dreadnought

Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Twin-Linked Lascannon

they outflank T2 and try to shoot in enemy's tanks weak sides, and then support hard CCs


Troops (550pts)


-Legion Tactical Squad (250pts)

19x Legion Tactical Space Marines with Chainswords/Combat Blades, Legion Tactical Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Phoenix Spear

in the spartan, my big unit for CC


-Legion Tactical Squad (300pts)

19x Legion Tactical Space Marines

Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters, Legion Vexilla, Legion Tactical Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Bolter, Phoenix Spear

outflanking, trying to take some objectives in late game phase


Fast Attack (470pts)


-Legion Land Speeder Squadron (110pts)

*Legion Land Speeder

Graviton Gun

*Legion Land Speeder

Graviton Gun


-Legion Land Speeder Squadron (110pts)

*Legion Land Speeder

Graviton Gun

*Legion Land Speeder

Graviton Gun

these 4 land speeders support the flanks of the army shooting to hard vehicles


-Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (250pts)

Ground-tracking Auguries, 3x Kraken Penetrator Heavy missile

my spartan killer, coming from the flank T2


Heavy Support (605pts)


-Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (230pts)

Accelerator Autocannon, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Lascannon Sponsons

shooty, fast and good looking... The perfect EC tank


-Legion Spartan Assault Tank (375pts)

Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Quad Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter



Legiones Astartes

III: Emperor's Children, Traitor


Rite of War

The Maru Skara




What do you think about it?

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Looks like a decent list. My only suggestion would be to put a volkite charger on the praevian, if he shoots and hits an enemy unit, his unit gains preferred enemy vs that unit, the volkite charger gives you 2 shots to get preferred enemy before the unit charges in.

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I think that for 10 points, giving preferred enemy to 24 rotor cannon shots is totally worth it. If you math hammer it, gaining preferred enemy will mean you'll average just over 7 wounds, without the preferred enemy, its just over 5 wounds, vs T4 targets.


The list is good, I'm just offering my opinion to improve it.

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Yeah, sure, thank you very much! I'll think about it.

Discussing with my group, we've decided that the apothecary cannot outflank with the tacticals... So i'm thinking about making the 2 LS units into only 1 of 4, and making them outflank if necessary and then sobstituting the tacticals with bolter and ccw with assault marines, to try to get near the enemy T1 with 13" move and 2D6+1" charge. What do you fink about it? (I5 Assault marines with power swords are awesome)

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What was the reasoning behind not being able to Outflank the Apothecary if you don't mind me asking?


It makes sense to me, Elites gain Outflank and Outflank is a conferred rule...but if that isnt going to fly with your gaming group then maybe Assault Marines will be of more use. Or go down to base Tactical squads in Rhinos for some survival and to capture objectives while the rest of the army engages.

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The ironic thing is attaching a Vigilator is the exact same as attaching an Apothecary.


Moving on, I dont know about your Spartan full of Tacticals. The tank seems super easy to kill now days with Lightnings, Vulturax etc. I think a few Assault Maine squads with shields will go well with the list, boosted initiative on the charge and some power swords could be fun. Losing the Spartan could allow for another Sicaran of either flavour as well.

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I know... And that's a shame. (And than... 20 outflanking tactical marines... Wow, so OP... :/ )

About the tacticals on spartan vs assault squad... Here the meta is full weapons against infantry, while the anti tank is not that powerful (and assault is a great deal here, but being and EC i feel confident in that part), and having T2 outflanking dreds makes the spartan a not high-priority target.

So i prefer having those marines and my general well protected in the spartan and to use a good deployment, and the T1 +1" movement bonus to get a cover save for the spartan, and then T2 my real tank killers come on the board and i'll aim to slow down my enemy and then choose my target for CC for my Vorax and tacticals.

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