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the Fallen and their resources...?


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So would using the dark angels code work?

Fallen are basically DA Veterans. Same stat line and nearly the same wargear choices. Yes you could use the DA codex to field a full army of 'Fallen' but I think the rules in GS III are spot on and let you field a small detachment. And AUTO-CANNONS!

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I would suggest using the Chaos Codex, since they can be taken with Chaos, maybe take the Black Legion rules, so you can have chosen/Termies as troops, but to keep with the Fallen theme, take no marks, gifts or other purely Chaos stuff. That way you get access to Dreads, Termies, Librarians (sorcerers), Heavy Weapon squads and assault squads. Oh yeah and Tanks!!!!
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True story.   The sample pics of fallen in the gathering storm 3 book.. are not all legal.  most specifically, the guy with the plasma cannon, but anyone not listed as a champion who has a power weapon/lightning claw and a plasma pistol is not a legal combo either. 

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Indeed, I can't imagine that too many vehicles etc. were sucked into the Warp with all the Fallen.  Maybe I'm wrong.  But honestly I agree that the idea goes against the concept of Fallen and how they operate.  Hard to stay below the radar when you are flying a Thunderhawk with First Legion heraldry.

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It does give me the hilarious mental image of a black vindicator rolling forward and firing demolisher shells while the drive screams, "I'M SUBTLE AND ELUSIVE!"


Transports could be a little easier to come by maybe? Make it look ramshackle like it wasn't theirs to begin with, like half of Cypher's armor?

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Indeed, I can't imagine that too many vehicles etc. were sucked into the Warp with all the Fallen.  Maybe I'm wrong.  But honestly I agree that the idea goes against the concept of Fallen and how they operate.  Hard to stay below the radar when you are flying a Thunderhawk with First Legion heraldry.


Aren't Rhinos common as sand, though? Ditto for some small spaceship, maybe not thunderhawk, but I'd expect mercenary band of fallen to have some small starship to travel around and several vehicles. Would be cool if you could take say that Cult Goliath truck as dedicated transport for the Fallen squad...

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Rhino's common as sand? Do you see Rhinos in Astra Militarum? Do you see Rhinos in Adeptus Arbirtres? Do you read  a lot about PDF having Rhinos? 

If all of the above were true to you then yes, they would be common as sand.

But there are actually pieces of fluff of battles fought to recover Rhino chassis, so I guess they aren't that common and the few there are, are precious to Marine Chapters.

So basically either Rhinos are also transferred through space and time with their Fallen crew, or the Fallen have to actually kill a marine squad (or a Sisters of Battle squad) to get their hands on one. Or they can go to a used Chaos Rhino dealership and buy a second hand 10000 yeard old, Chaos Rhino from a Chaos lord that only drove the Rhino on Sundays to a Chaos Cult and random human sacrifice.

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Rhino's common as sand? Do you see Rhinos in Astra Militarum? Do you see Rhinos in Adeptus Arbirtres? Do you read a lot about PDF having Rhinos?

If all of the above were true to you then yes, they would be common as sand.

But there are actually pieces of fluff of battles fought to recover Rhino chassis, so I guess they aren't that common and the few there are, are precious to Marine Chapters.

So basically either Rhinos are also transferred through space and time with their Fallen crew, or the Fallen have to actually kill a marine squad (or a Sisters of Battle squad) to get their hands on one. Or they can go to a used Chaos Rhino dealership and buy a second hand 10000 yeard old, Chaos Rhino from a Chaos lord that only drove the Rhino on Sundays to a Chaos Cult and random human sacrifice.

You might want to dial that snark down a bit and tell me what do you think this is then:



Because well, yes, arbites, sisters of battle, and inquisitorial forces, all use rhinos, despite outweighing marines by many orders of magnitude in numbers. So do IG and PDF forces from worlds that produce rhinos, hell, you can even field one such force on tabletop in the form of Tyrant's legion from FW Badab War books.

In fact, can you please provide citation for your assertion rhinos are somehow so valuable when Badab fluff plainly states civilian factories on Babab One produced enough to not only outfit 4000 strong Astral Claws easily, not only hand them out in large numbers to Tyrant's legion elite units, but enough to also hand out razorback and rhino fleets to allied chapters like candy. Hell, they are so common in his armies that two Badab scenarios feature rhinos packed with explosives and poison gas being driven by servitors into attacking loyalist ranks as kamikaze vehicles! Seeing Badab was, before Huron's takeover, real fringe backwater, truly an example of priceless, hard to obtain relic, eh? whistling.gif

Also, I might point out that mercenary bands of regular humans in Tyrant's legion (fluffed as squads of pirates from Maeltrom) have access to vehicles, so yeah, it's totally inconceivable for mercenary astartes to have one, not to mention that I have no idea why you cherry-picked rhino from my post when I said that giving them access to civilian goliaths, you know, the vehicle that even underground bands acting in secret can procure, would be cool. Or a chimera, something military that is even more common than rhino. Anything at all would be nice, sadly current GW rule writing team hates taking risks and always picks easiest, laziest route...

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Okay lets not get into a flame war.


I imagine a small band of Fallen could easily acquire ordinary wargear as needed. Obviously they would have a hard time getting a Land Raider or other strictly Astartes relics. I seriously doubt there are more than one or two fallen dreads just due to logistics of keeping your mechanics in running order, when by yourself and contantly on the run.

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From the leaked GS3 datasheet:

Whether seized during piratical raids, or prised from the hands of Adeptus Astartes they have slain, the Fallen typically maintain substantial caches of weapons and armour.

Given this, I would say any vehicles and armaments that the Fallen have would indeed be very "similar" to those used by both loyalist and/or chaos space marines. msn-wink.gif
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Substantial caches of armor? I'm not sure I'm buying the new fluff. Individual fallen occasionally gathering together for a common purpose and then vanishing into the night is one thing but it is much harder to hide an advancing armored column. Dark Angels and friends would descend upon them like vultures on an antelope carcass.


EDIT: Which isn't to discourage you from using what you want in your arms. That's printed in a book, so I guess the new official fluff is that Fallen are an established military force that maintain armor. Longboard grognards like Lucifer and myself are probably going to reject that still in favor of older fluff.


If I were to make a Fallen themed army and wanted tanks, I would make them stolen for sure, at best hastily repainted into Fallen colors. While in my apparently outdated headcanon they don't have tanks I can conceive of them doing a daring midair hijacking if a thunderhawk full of vehicles that they would proceed to use for whatever objective they had in mind before abandoning them and vanishing.

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