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Thanks guys! :smile.:


Eldrick Shadowbane: I just used the standard method you can see on Warhammer TV for their how to paint Blood Angels but rather than skip to the highlighting I built it up a bit first adding a 50/50 mix of Mephiston Red and Evil Suns Red which was applied as a glaze on the raised surfaces. I then built up the highlights adding a small amount of Fire Dragon Bright to the Evil Suns Red.

The flesh was Bugmans Glow, then a wash of Reikland Flesh Shade which I then went over with a 50/50 mix of Bugmans and Cadian Flesh tone. I'll probably add some fine highlights using Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh.


Gezabutla & Charlo: Cheers guys. :smile.:


Well...looks like I made the right choice going Heresy with these guys after today's announcement! :biggrin.:


Still working on the Captain for now but having seen the new rules for combi weapons I am completely 100% behind adding a veteran/sternguard squad to the force now. 50/50 Flamer and Melta sounds like it might be fun...

I've also got a heavy weapons squad I'm working on with ten missile launchers for 30k and I can add five tacs to each and have two devastator teams for 40k.

In all I think I am looking at 62 guys to start off with, two HQ, three tac squads, one sternguard and potentially two Devastor combat squads. Just ordered a bunch of bare heads for the Sternguard and itching to get to work on those.









Cheers guys! :smile.:


Just a very quick update and a couple of badly lit pictures...


There was a time I was renown amongst my friends locally for knocking out armies in a week but the biggest part I've always dreaded is the base coating. Once I get past that stage I'm fine but getting over that hump is a pain, so with just 3 more to go I have the first 20 base coated in one sitting...just 3 more...I can do it... 




Then just a quick shot of the Knight I want to support these guys. I've loved Titans ever since the days of Adeptus Titanicus but have never fielded one in a game. When the plastic 40k Knights came out I had to have one.

This guy has been a HUGE chore to get to this stage purely because I am not a fan of the stretched wading pose of the legs so I pretty much cut them up and reposed them how I envisioned a Knight to be striding forwards cannons blazing.

I've also added a Contemptor dreadnought to the powerfist purely because I think it's cool. It's probably not going to be the best option for gaming using a fist I know, but the rule allowing you to throw the enemy vehicles in 7th had my inner child stamping his feet and pointing while screaming "I want that one!!!!"

I like idea he has just trashed one of the pinnacle pieces of Astartes technology, containing one their mightiest heroes and has just reached down, scooped up it's broken form and is now about to proceed to use him to beat his mates to death. This will be in Heresy Death Guard colours simply so I can use it for chaos...sorry I mean...Heretic Astartes or Imperial forces. 

I'm doing the armour plates separately but will add those later once I've worked out the colours.






Lovely work Doghouse. :)
Those blobs of iron clad Astartes are a sight to behold. I really enjoy how far you've gone with perfecting the astartes in keeping with the scale.
I'm personally looking forward to the "nu-marines" for some quick mkIV conversions.

I like how quicklly this went from a "Shadow Wars: Armageddon" kill-teamish warband ... into "Oooh look an entire 20-man squad of beautifully modelled/painted Blood Angels, plus a Knight" :P

Great stuff all round, though - a real pleasure to take a look at every time it updates :D 

Markus_: Thanks mate, I think the Primaris guys will offer a lot of potential for those that want to try their hand at truescaling. Anything that opens access to areas of the hobby that people would like to have a bash at are great in my book.


Ryltar Thamior: Thanks :biggrin.: Yeah I will be going back to the SW:A stuff at some point but with 8th so close now I figured I'd crack on with a proper army as I really want to get back into proper gaming again this year.


Vairocanum: Thanks mate. :smile.: To be honest I think it's taken about six months to get all the parts for 60-80 models for the army I'm planning. I've spread the cost out quite a bit so these guys barely cost more than a tactical squad but I have been a hawk on Ebay watching for the release of boxes games by GW and snagging what I can where I can. The last two Heresy games have been amazing, it's let me pick up tactical squads for as little as £15.


deathspectersgt7: Same here mate! :biggrin.: I bought one of these guys and later bought a second because I love the idea of Knight Households but it just sat in the still wrapped box for months.


malika66: I'm not sure to be honest I think I'd need to take a look at the models in person because I have a gut feeling they will be smaller than my guys. I can see potential for various true Mk 7 and Mk4 conversions though.

Right now I am more interested in seeing the vehicles for the Primaris guys.


Sister Alessia: Thanks :smile.: Yeah the bigger scale is something I've always enjoyed making purely because it really drives home the sense of these guys being armour behemoths.


Bit of an update (I will get properly lit pictures to show once the unit is done...honest...)


Ploughing on with the first twenty guys now and pretty much flicking between them to get them all done. I've got parts arriving tomorrow or Saturday that will let me put together another ten tacticals and a Sternguard squad all armed with combi-weapons. In the meantime to break up the monotony of base coating I've started on a quick Chaplain model just thrown together with what I have to hand. Going by the new force charts it looks like I will need a second HQ so this guy should fill that slot nicely.

Chaplains of the Heresy era are more akin to veterans enforcers as opposed to the religious zealot warriors of the 41st millennium so I figured bionics would be a good way to show this guy has paid his dues in service of the Imperium of Man. 







Thanks mate :smile.: Very cool to hear that it has inspired you. :thumbsup:


Just a quick update


Started working on the Sternguard/Veteran Tactical squad. I'm going with a mix of melta and flamer combi weapons for these guys.




It also turns out that Cawl isn't the only one working on ancient projects. Dug this old boy out and may rework him to fit into the Legion, not sold on the idea just yet as it might be easier to start from scratch.



Thanks mate :smile.: Very cool to hear that it has inspired you. :thumbsup:


Just a quick update


Started working on the Sternguard/Veteran Tactical squad. I'm going with a mix of melta and flamer combi weapons for these guys.




It also turns out that Cawl isn't the only one working on ancient projects. Dug this old boy out and may rework him to fit into the Legion, not sold on the idea just yet as it might be easier to start from scratch.



My god...... how many people do I have to sacrifice to the chaos gods to have your level of skill?

Thanks mate. :biggrin.:


Ok so a quick update


So just quickly to show you how committed I am to this army (probably in more way than one...) here is the box of torso fronts waiting patiently to be made into marines. This is in addition to what I have made so far so maybe another 20 or 30?





Here is the progress on the Sternguard/Vets and the second tactical squad.




Then we have the skull helmed Warden. I'm still furiously researching the history of the Blood Angels of the Great Crusade era but it looks like they had a role known as Warden which is fundamentally a Pre-Heresy Chaplain charged with enforcing the ruling of the Council of Nikea.

It sounds like these were selected from veterans, so this guy will be a seriously grizzled Terran veteran that fought in the latter stages of the Unification Wars. Still very early days but he is coming along nicely at the moment, I'm trying to work in as many Terran influences as possible like the wreath on his head rather than the traditional halo. Unfortunately I seem to have misplaced my sculpting tools and only have the chisel shaper to hand so it has been like painting a miniature with a home decorating brush. :biggrin.:

I'm leaving a bolt pistol on his leg because I like the idea of him being a former Moritat. This guy isn't so much a religious figure as we know Chaplains to be now but more a hard core enforcer, think Judge Dredd in battle plate. :biggrin.:

He started off as just something to fill the second HQ slot but I'm really enjoying making this guy now, I'll probably do him in black like the Wardens of the time but with a lot of gold emboss work to show his status as a Terran veteran.











Then last but not least a quick shot of a couple of the Sternguard/Vets. I will include a few bare heads in this unit purely to give it a bit of character, these should be the most individual looking guys in my mind



Edited by Doghouse

Thanks mate. :)


Yeah I think I can squeeze out a few more units hopefully, more of an opportunity to save cash on the models cropped up so I snapped up as many as possible on Ebay as I could. I want a uniform mass produced feel to the army which is in my mind how the Great Crusade would have been, once Mk IV crept in, the maintenance issues of the newer suits on the farthest reaches of the Crusade itself and finally the production and supply problems of the Heresy itself I think this would have begun to change.

By the end of the Heresy if any of these guys had survived I expect they would probably look very different with bits of other suits mixed in with adhoc battle field repairs taking place. This is an army how I see it at the very beginning of the Heresy for a lot of Legions, parade ground uniform in nature with entire units of a single mark of armour.


Ideally I'd like to get a full one hundred guys but we'll have to see how it goes.

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