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Helsreach Video

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gah!, saw the 42 second teaser last night, didn't see the part 7 at the time.  Can't belive I have to wait another 5hrs to watch this. Stoopid work PC pile of :censored:  . They got it rigged so you can hardly hear a thing even right next to the speaker. Works fine for work related stuff though.. sods!  Going to go wave my chainsword in a disgruntled fashion at the I.T team. 


Think when I get home I'll settle in, make a brew and watch from the start and finish with this one. Might even shed some manly tears.

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So damn inspiring and well done.


Got chills as well while watching. And that doesn't happen often. It's still one (if not the) best speech to inspire your brother in arms.


Really need to get my copy of Helsreach back from a pal and reread it again!

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Black Templars in a nutshell? Go watch this videos.


And then read Helsreach...and Guy Haley's stuff (btw. I haven't read them but I heard a lot of good comments, are they worth it?)



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I feel I should mention, Black Legion is coming out in mere days.  The Templars, lone defenders of a complacent Imperium versus the return of those traitorous souls consigned to hell, Sigismund's final glorious stand against the Arch Traitor Abaddon.


And by AD-B, naturally.  *squee*

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