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Helsreach Video

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Helsreach 10 is gonna be crazy. Different, but crazy. But whatever, I'm gonna shoot from the hip on this one and just make it however I please. There's like 20 more episodes to go (ish), so if you guys hate it, no harm no foul. 40K belongs to everybody. I am more than happy to balance my own twisted vision with what other people want to see. The story of Helsreach just needs to be told!


@ RichardBoylan - The work you've done is monumental. As someone who works in VFX, I applaud you at the highest level. This is just a staggering amount of work, from animation, modeling, editing... there's so many decisions one must make as a creator while still living within the world ADB painted for us. Cheers to you, and do you have a Pateron page? I'm sure there's fellow Brethren who'd show support for your efforts. 

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I can't help but feel the fighting in this one is...odd.  Kinda awkward and slow, with some of the Orks lining up one at a time and standing still to wait for their turn to get killed.  And I gotta agree with Wolfhart on the audio, too.


Nitpickery aside, carry on in the Emperor's name :D

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I can't help but feel the fighting in this one is...odd. Kinda awkward and slow, with some of the Orks lining up one at a time and standing still to wait for their turn to get killed. And I gotta agree with Wolfhart on the audio, too.


Nitpickery aside, carry on in the Emperor's name :D

My thoughts too, otherwise it was epic.

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I can't help but feel the fighting in this one is...odd. Kinda awkward and slow, with some of the Orks lining up one at a time and standing still to wait for their turn to get killed. And I gotta agree with Wolfhart on the audio, too.


Nitpickery aside, carry on in the Emperor's name :biggrin.:

My thoughts too, otherwise it was epic.



I cannot begin to describe how hard it is to animate a scene like this effectively without spending hundreds, yes HUNDREDS, of hours refining character rigging, keyframe animation, lighting, camera angles and adjusting minute movements that accurately convey the weight and inertia of an object such as an Orc charging at a Space Marine. Visual effects companies have legions of animators who work months tirelessly (with the assistance of fancy motion capture from trained actors) to get a couple hundred frames perfect. Don't even get me started on sound design, those dudes are voodoo witch doctors, the magic they pull off is crazy.


To do this amount of work by yourself makes Richard my personal Emperors Champion. Nitpick all you want, he's my hero. 

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I feel the combined movie is nice, but the episodic style adds drama and tension due to the unique way he ends the episodes (dramatic music and cut to black screen). Each episode seems to build to a climax and then end dramatically. As a movie, It seems to lose the tension built between each shorter episode. Maybe its just me, but I like it better in separate episodes.

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For a while, I've been mulling over what Chapter I want to be my main focus as I dive into the hobby...


I was already thinking it for the last week or so, but this?  This seals it.  Black Templars all the way.

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