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Charlo's Ad Mec - [Tournament Reports & Thoughts]


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One of the Skullz ones I think!


...Dropped £25 for him on eBay :sweat: but he looks awesome so I don't mind!


The Kataphron kit is so good for little wires and mechadendrites, as you don't even really need to use half of them on the Kataphron themselves!


While it's a Radium pistol and not a stub carbine... Eh, close enough, they look super similar.

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Turns out aiming to paint an entire Ad Mech army in a day was not a sensible undertaking... So I'm just fielding the Skitarii alongside some BA this weekend. Would have loved it to be the Robots and Cawl but just not enough time.


So instead; 3 squads of Vanguard, each with triple specials of the same kind. Going to make the plasma squad Alpha my Warlord for funsies.


Oh and here's a pic of the workbench, not including the 20 Skitarii as well. I got most of a Kastelan in base colours and wash - the classic imperial robot scheme turned out great!



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I will eventually!


Sadly just not for today... Which now being post game 1 wish I had. My list is terribly unoptimised. The Skitarii were mostly cannon fodder and my rolling for the Rad Guns was abysmal :O


VS an Iron Warriors Grand Company they had just insane firepower that maybe bots could have helped with, but Skitarii just got blasted away easily...

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  • 2 months later...


First ever game of 8th played as well as my first ever with full Ad Mech.

Happy to report a... VICTORY FOR THE OMNISSIAH.

Used the list I posted earlier:

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Taking a Battalion with the following for 97 Power and a total for 6 command points.

Dominus - Stubber & Volkite
10 Vanguard - 3x Plasma, Taser, Phosphor Pistol, Omnispex
10 Vanguard - 3x Arc, Data Tether
10 Vanguard - 3x Aquebus, Data Tether
3 Breacher - Torsion Cannons
3 Destroyers - 2x Grav & Phosphor, 1x Plasma & Flamer
2 x2 Kastellan - 3x Phosphor
2 Datasmith
Aegis Line - Quadgun

Here is deployment:



I gotta say... An Ad Mech force looks AWESOME on the table, even mostly unpainted :tongue.:

We played Only War

You can't see his Helldrake on the far right and his terminators and lord at the back are in reserve. The Iron circle was a Daemon Prince with wings.

Otherwise on top of that he had:

3 blobs of Marines, one with Melta, one with plasma, one with an autocannon and a flamer.
Hellbrute with Melta and flamer
Dakka Forge fiend
Contemptor with Kheres and Heavy Flamer.

He took first turn too, but all that happened was a couple wounds on left hand robot, 1 destroyer and a single skitarii vanguard in the Arc squad.

For Canticle I chose the morale one. My (very lengthy) shooting phase saw me decimate a squad of marines and kill the Helldrake. Wound here and there in the contemptor. I also made sure to switch to double dakka protocol for the next turn...

So his terminators arrived and the Daemon prince gets very close to the breachers now. He casts a warptime on them all but guaranteeing the charge on my aquebus vanguard. His shooting culls a few vanguard from the sniper squad and then it's charge time. Terminators slam into the snipers, contemptor into the arc rifles and the prince into my breachers. Breachers are massacred and the snipers are locked in combat as are my Arc Skitarii.

In 7th, not ideal... In 8th however... FALL BACK!

For Canticle I choose reroll 1s to help out the Kastellan on the far left. Skitarii retreat leaving the contemptor and terminators vulnerable to some serious dakka. My combined shooting chips a couple wounds from the prince, murders the contemptor and most of the terminators. Plasma Skitarii charge the terminators, killing one and wounding the final. The Dominus decided to have some fun and go for the weakened prince (after scoring s mortal wound with his volkite, CHOOM), but is cut down without much of a fight. Oops.

Rest of his army is bearing down on me now, with the lord arriving to bolster the large melta marine squad now in position to charge my plasma vanguard engaged with his terminator. I lose a Kastellan to the Hellbrute's Multimelta and then the other to it's big fist which explodes and does a wound. Forgefiend kills 2 of my Grav Destroyers. Marine squad charges my vanguard, killing a few but they strike the terminator, failing to kill him. Prince smites Cawl for 3 and then charges in and wounds with 4 2D attacks but I luckily pass 3 out of 4 4+ saves! Cawl then unleashes 9 tentacle hits and a couple of axe ones that take the prince down to 1 wound!

So my turn 3, plasma vanguard fall back out of combat, exposing the large marine squad that I then completely cull with Phosphor (36 shots rerolling to hit daaamn). The data Smith's pop a couple wounds from the Brute but then Cawl lays down a decisive blow, his hive of mechadendrites laying the Daemon prince low!

We then called it as I had 2 objectives and slay the warlord for D3.

Overall very fun game and 8th is just smooth! We both totally forgot about strategems though, aha!

Without Cawl my army would have been awful though. His rerolls helped me massively.

I also definitely need some close combat unit's for counter charges (fist & flame robots), ranger's for range and some Onagers for raw power.

...maybe some dragoons too for speed.

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Yeah... My FLGC was absolutely packed! We could only get a 4x4 and had to rest it on top of chairs then there were no 4x4 mats left as they had all been used for infinity :P


100PL on a small table is a wonderful mess to say the least.


One thought on the battle though: if I didn't have Cawl I would have been slaughtered I think. His buff is just too useful.

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Yeah... My FLGC was absolutely packed! We could only get a 4x4 and had to rest it on top of chairs then there were no 4x4 mats left as they had all been used for infinity :tongue.:


100PL on a small table is a wonderful mess to say the least.


One thought on the battle though: if I didn't have Cawl I would have been slaughtered I think. His buff is just too useful.

Yeah now that you mention it and i look at the table pic...it does look cramped :sweat:

but you do get beer at your local club...:wub:   what kind of Venue is it ?... or was it BYO beer :happy.:


Cheers, Mithril

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Yeah... My FLGC was absolutely packed! We could only get a 4x4 and had to rest it on top of chairs then there were no 4x4 mats left as they had all been used for infinity :tongue.:


100PL on a small table is a wonderful mess to say the least.


One thought on the battle though: if I didn't have Cawl I would have been slaughtered I think. His buff is just too useful.

Yeah now that you mention it and i look at the table pic...it does look cramped :sweat:

but you do get beer at your local club...:wub:   what kind of Venue is it ?... or was it BYO beer :happy.:


Cheers, Mithril


Was cramped but fun, the terrain being all LoS and not really offering "cover" made it an interesting game, and I'm glad I took that Aegis Line!


The club takes place 2 days week at a pub/ venue in Hackney London - the wood in the top right of the photo is actually the base of the bar ;) they've started offering some nice "street food" style meals too. The pint was actually my opponents, I tend not to drink while I'm down (watching the waistline...!)

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  • 4 months later...

Beeeeeen a little while!

30k Talons were my main focus for the past couple months but with a successful campaign complete (even if painting isn't...) for them and not a whole lot of faith in the upcoming BA codex I'm turning my sights back to the Omnissiah!

....plus I just got an irresponsible amount of 30k Robots.

Painting up my Kastellan Quartet.

Can't decide between mega dirt Nuln or poppy reikland for the yellow:


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Aye I think I'm drawn to the Reikland too.


I'll get some nuln on the metal and joint areas of that one and see how it goes!


Not sure how i'll make the one covered in Nuln more palatable... Maybe a heavy drybrush of the base colour again with reikland over it to even out?

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Cheers Moderatii!


As I've said around the forum before, it's based on an old image from RT-era, not a perfect reproduction but those stripes just aren't happening :teehee:




For the faceplate I'm thinking a glossy black with some green symbols in.


Serious idea: A grid, heart monitor or wave/ graph

Fun idea: give each robot a different text emoji, like: xD D: :3 owo etc

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Managed to get them all to the same state(ish) tonight as well as the datasmiths a bit further too.


The heart monitor + nuln gloss seemed to work a treat!


Few bits more to do; more metal colours, some "chipping" on the blue/ yellow to make it less flat. Otherwise though I'm loving the whole "painting with washes who needs hilights eh?" style on my Ad Mech :biggrin.:




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