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3000 pts of Iron Hands, The Head of the Gorgon


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Rite of War: Head of the Gorgon



Iron Father Autek Mor- 225 pts 

Spearhead-Centurion Casterman Orth- 80 pts

Legion Praevian- 135 pts

                Cataphracti Armor

                Cyber Familiar

                Power axe



Legion Tactical: 190 pts

15 x tacticals

                Artificer armor

                Melta bombs

Legion Tactical: 190 pts

15 x tacticals

                Artificer armor

                Melta bombs


Legion Tactical Support Squad: 195 pts

5 x Tacticals

                Melta guns



Legion Tactical Support Squad: 460 pts (190 pts for tacticals, 270 for proteus)

6 x Tacticals

                Plasma guns

                Combi-plasma (sgt)

                Land Raider Proteus (Exploratory Auger Web, twin-linked las sponson)



Apothecary Detachment: 90 pts

                2 Apothecary


Heavy Support


Predator squadron: 320 pts

3 x predator

                Predator cannon

                Heavy Bolter sponsons

                Squadron command tank

Vindicator squadron: 360

3x vindiactor



Castellax- 280 (As elite) 

                2x castellax

                Darkfire Cannons

                Enhanced Targeting array


Vorax- 255 (as elite)

                3x vorax

                3x irad cleanser

                Bio corrosive ammunition


Arlatax- 220 (as elite)

                Paragon of Metal

                Power Scourge




Autek Mor is with the plasma support tacticals in the land raider proteus with casterman orth. He will grant preferred enemy to his plasma tacticals and to the Legion Praevian. 


The legion praevian is going to be outflanking with the Vorax. He will be targetted by autek mor's preferred enemy (infantry), granting it to the vorax. This unit will either scout forward or outflank depending on the army. 


Both the dakka preds and the vindicators will be outflanking. 


The apothecarries will be with both of the tactical blobs who will be sitting in my deployment and enjoying being unmovable, stubborn, bricks. 



There are a few ways this army can be tweeked, for example, paragon of metal on the arlatax can be removed to give the vindicators squadron commander. I also have a few slots to play with, currently I am using all 4 elite slots but I can shift one of the bot units to heavy support due to cortex controller and use the elite for something else. 

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A few pointers:


-The praevian takes the automata  as part of his HQ slot and is par of the unit, so you don't put them in your elites. He doesn't join them ever.


-He can give the unit he is with prefered enemy by tagging a unit with his bolter. I would use the WL trait on someone else.


-Autek Mor cannot joint the plasma support squad, the exploratory sensor web reduces transport capacity.


-Melta support squads will be very disappointing with the current prevalence of armoured ceramite, unless your group is very heavy on dreads and rhinos.


-Augury scanners are great on apothecaries


-try and tweak to upgrade the dakka pred sponsons to lascannons for some more robust anti armour.


-dozer blades are a must on aggressive tank play, and you should think about using pintle multi-melta to enhance your firepower.

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I believe autek mor can still join the support squad as the proteus + auger has a transport capacity of 8. 


You are correct on the praevian, he grants them PE depending on what he shoots at, which I forgot. 



I think that replacing the meltas with volkite would probably work out ok. Better PE target anyway. The question is whether chargers + outflanking rhino or calivers and camp in the back. 



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I'd drop the melta squad to give the preds plasma executioners, then give the vidicators laser destroyers with command tank.


That's just my personal preference though. The destroyers with tank hunter are brutal, and the plasma covers the anti infantry the demolisher cannons would have covered.

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