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Custodes 1k Allied Detachment


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Hey all,


I'm just really liking the boys in gold, and particularly the look of the Sagittarumn squad. So how would a little 1k allied detachment like this look to complement either my loyalist EC or my SW?


1,010 points
Legio Custodes Shield Captain: Paragon spear; Melta bombs; Praesidium shield; Digital lasers 245
4 Legio Custodes Sentinel Guards: Magisterium vexilla; Teleportation transponders 260
Coronus Grav-carrier: Armoured ceramite 155
5 Legio Custodes Sagittarum Guards: Teleportation transponders 350
The shield custodes with the captain go in the Coronus and move forward to murder stuff disembarking from the Coronus in turn 1 or 2, the Sagittarum deep strike in and start shooting.
Do you think that's the best combination or should I walk the Sagittarum to avoid deep strike reserve issues? Which unit you'd rather have in the coronus?
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Looks good, but why take Teleport Transponders on the Sentinels if they're in the Coronus? I would drop them and take a Solarite power gauntlet instead.


I would Deep Strike the Sagittarum for sure. Get those Adrastus bolt calivers in close and then shoot whatever you need. You could also take an Adrathic destructor and Magisterium vexilla on them for something different.

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So after thinking about it how does this two options look?



Talons of the Emperor


Constantin Valdor 275


4 Legio Custodes Sentinel Guards: 2 × Solarite power gauntlet; Magisterium vexilla 275

Coronus Grav-carrier 135


5 Legio Custodes Sagittarum Guards: Teleportation Transponders 325


1,010 points






Talons of the Emperor


Constantin Valdor 275


4 Legio Custodes Sentinel Guards: 2 × Solarite power gauntlet; Magisterium vexilla 275

Coronus Grav-carrier 135


3 Legio Custodes Custodian Agamatus: Legio Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbike (3 × Twin-linked Corvae las-pulser) 300


985 points


Someone in another forum suggested taking Valdor since the difference is 30 points and that gives him Eternal Warrior, better WS, another W and a better weapon, loosing only the praesidium shield. And makes the transponders for free, so that's only 5 points difference actually.


In the first list, transponders and coronus can be changed from squad to squad depending on game needs, but overall I feel like the 2nd list just does everything better than the first.


3 jetbikes seem a much better unit than 5 sagittarum, no? But damn those sagittarum look good.

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