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NTaW's Blood Angels


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Well hello there! If you're like me and you've been playing this game for years upon years (or even just a few weeks, let's be real here) you likely have a pile of plastic just pining for some paint to hit it. In my case that equates out to between 6-8,000 points in Blood Angels that have been collected and idly painted over the last two thirds of my life. Over the last few years I've focused on (focused, ha! more like looked at and procrastinated in) building and getting my models out of 2nd-3rd edition and into the current run of plastic. Out with the old and in with the new through a whole whack of trades and sales. I guess I should say that my army isn't wholly unpainted. A large portion of it is (under previous standards) finished with a mix of the last few iterations of Citadel colours that I have now decided to entirely repaint everything under a unified scheme. It's painful and has made me resent painting my models for a while but here we are on the eve of a new (and promising) edition amidst a (finally) advancing story line with interesting books coming out (Mephiston and Dante, Devastation of Baal announced) and I am FINALLY finding the motivation to get my brush moving again. I could have started with the grunts but I felt the need to start with the head of the Chapter; mostly because he absolutely brutalized my buddy's Genestealer Cult army last weekend and simply deserved a paint job after that showing but also because I've not painted gold in 20 years and still can't quite bring myself to tackle red again. It's an old model that's been in a box for way too long of its life and stripped which has softened a few details, but I think I pulled most of them back out good enough for the table top. Plus if all the old sculpts keep getting replaced with fancy plastic versions I (we all) will have something splendid to replace him with making him the perfect tester for a scheme.


The gold came along pretty quickly as i did almost all of it with about an 8mm wide brush up until the final silver highlights that I took "old two-hair" to.




Picking out the details with a bit time consuming but the variety was kinda nice after painting my Necrons for so long.




I sill need to rework the axe a bit and paint his axe arm shoulder pad, but here's where I'm at now.








I only just found out that his other pad was red with a white skull on it and his name is on the parchment (see cover of Dante), so that will happen whenever I pick up a brush next among painting the 10 Sanguinary Guard that complete my Golden Host Formation. Went out and bought a new brush (maybe "new two-hair"?) for my detail work so I'm pretty stoked to try those lightning bolts again, not to mention the lettering for DANTE on the shoulder. Wish me luck! :lol:


I'll keep posting up my progress, hopefully I can find some time over the next month to actually get some squads done. Thanks for reading! :thumbsup:

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Thanks guys! The weather's finally starting to stabilize outside and I'll be able to (quickly) get out on the balcony to spray down the still-grey SG so hopefully I'll have some WIP pics by the end of the week. The Golden Host has done me quite well in every game I've used it in and I've just started reading Dante so it just seemed fitting. 


...see also: I'm still procrastinating on the sea of red that I have yet to paint :lol:


Special shout-out goes to a random copy of a BA painting guide I don't ever remember putting on my computer which has helped me figure out a lot of what the GW team does to get their models so pretty. I would have never known the various cloth accessories were yellow washed brown then highlighted up to Pallid Wych Flesh and have had....well, let's call it "trouble" :lol:...in the past trying to get that look. Onward and upward!

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A small update, as this week was a busy one. The slightly-more-Golden-but-not-very-shiny Host:





I especially love the SG with the banner, you seemed to have used the exact same parts in the same position as I did!


Great minds think alike, eh?


Thanks for the kind words everyone, hopefully these guys will be a little shinier by the end of the day.

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They're looking really cool mate. Are you gonna go black or white on the wings?


I'm planning on doing them white, though truly I'm not really looking forward to that part. They've all been washed and re-dark goldened, and three have had the second of three golds applied. Once I manage to get all of them to the last gold before silver edges I'll likely start doing them model-to-model, so we'll see how much of a gong show those wings will be soon enough I'm sure :lol:

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  • 6 months later...
Thanks, though to be sure that it just the base layer. It will be a warm white in the end. That's rakarth flesh, will be hitting it with agrax then going back in with pallid wych flesh and doing top bits of edge highlighting with pure white. Hopefully I can get this guy done over the next couple days so I can get the next 5 I need for my initial 2k list and move on. Turns out after building a bunch of terrain I have even less patience for painting the same colour for more than a few minutes it seems :lol:
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Yeah, I struggle to do paint jobs on units in batches as well. I'll now do the main overall color on an entire unit from base to highlights, then finish one model all the way in the unit so I have a "guide" to inspire me. I mean, I know the recipes and techniques I'll use, so its more of a motivational guide than a process one. 

But however you get the process done, some progress is better than no progress. And your guard look real good! I like the all white wing. I thought it would lose something doing that when I looked at my guard, but yours look great.

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I managed to find the time to get my first SG model to a point where it could be based, little things like the chest scroll being empty at the moment still need to be done. I've kinda fell into a rhythm with the wings, but really and truly I think I hit each feather probably 6 or 7 times with my brush from black to white. Glad I only have 10 on these guys :lol: Guess I'll have to decide when I get to my Sternguard and Vets if I want them to have white or black iconography. Decided to go with purple for the power weapons/plasma since blue is the prominent colour of my Necron army.





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It was suggested to me that I should go for a warmer purple colour since that purple is quite cool compared to the gold and brown/white I've been using. On hearing that I liked the idea but don't know how to execute it....maybe mix a little bit of red in with my washes as I do the initial black wash over purple and/or as I do the purple wash over the highlights before redoing the white? I'm pigeonholed into using Citadel paints because I have ~100 or so of their colours across several iterations of the brand and am sick of buying moar paints to meet my needs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished building for now, lots more to go but I'm in a good place to get some infantry painted up now. This is the tray I've got to work through aside from my SG and jump pack DC. Left hand side is 12 foot DC and right hand side is a freshly and consistently (praise be to the Emperor) reddened pair of Sternguard squads as well as a Sanguinary Novitiate and Company Champion (ignore the Scouts and Razorback turrets for the time being).




I bought to wrong damn texture paint at the store and since I'm not going to be able to return to that location potentially until January I've sucked it up and tested a base. Without getting into what I had initially planned at all, this is Armaggeddon Dust washed with Seraphim Sepia then drybrushed with classic Bleached Bone (gotta use it somewhere). Considering painting the rim with XV-88 (again just to use the paint) but have traditionally done black. Anyone have any thoughts on this option?



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Looks like a nice sand desert base for sure. Not sure if it's worth buying the texture paint over the classic baseing with common sand tho. :D


Also I prefer rims in black. Gives a nice contrast to the rest of the model and base. ;)

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